![]() "If our houses aren't houses of love, then they can't be churches of God." - Pastor Jim Cymbala What more really needs to be said, this #communitySaturday. Seriously? I'm tempted to leave that as it is. And why not? The early church didn't have lights and sound and buildings. Scripture doesn't even name specific individuals as the church was birthed. (Acts 11:19-21) No personalities, no ego, no special effects. No extra words to write, by me or anyone else. Just Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit. For all that God is, it begins and ends with His love. Thanks for joining me this #communitySaturday. I'm watching the kids play at McDonald's Play Place, as we await power to be restored at our residence and I just looked up to see the first flurries of the season are falling. Let us pray, as people realize again, that times are changing, that for whatever problems they face, may they hear and know that Christ is the answer. As people are searching for solutions, since the problems are well known, may their hearts be prepared to receive the truth, as it is Jesus. May the church and the people of God be people who are known for our love. For it is how we are told the world will recognize those who live in Christ. May it not be by our socio-economic status, our political leanings, the brand we wear or drive or watch; not by our denomination or our stance on social and cultural issues that dominate conversations in the public square. May we exalt Christ alone, that the Holy Spirit may engage in affairs of man. One message. One voice. One purpose. God is love. Jesus alone saves. - PNC
I had the incredible opportunity to sit in on an event for pastors yesterday, where over 600 pastors and church leaders came together to be refreshed and receive serious amounts of knowledge from a healthy, respected, stable church leader or pastor. (And by healthy, I'm talking about spiritual, emotion and mental perspective)
As I shared on social media last night, the wisdom this Senior Pastor imparted wasn't gold... but Platinum! I walked away with such a wealth of insight and profound perspectives on the church as preachers of the gospel, it's purpose as an organization and on prayer. I'm not sure there's a way for me to avoid not using some of it, as a catalyst for the next few days worth of posts. Time flies so fast, that perhaps it was a few months ago, now as opposed to a few weeks, but we prayed one #missionsFriday on the topic of "won by one". How much of the burden could be relieved in ministry by believers reaching out and sharing the gospel? This was essentially one of many points made by the Senior Pastor that shared in the first "session". The body of Christ should be reaching places of spiritual maturity where we are duplicating ourselves and not relying soley on the church, the pastors or the missionaries to do the work for us. It was a great reminder that the body of Christ, much like it can't get rid of other members, neither can it keep to itself. We must remain to true to Christ. We must remain true to preaching the gospel of Christ. We must remain focused on Christ as we lead others to do the same. On this #misssionsFriday, the world doesn't need more of the church, but more of Christ! Thus pray to that end, that ego and personality, belief and doctrine, teaching and practice would stand in the way of people hearing and receiving the truth of the gospel of Christ. May we be careful to not get so caught up in doing church that we neglect the reality that we are called to be the church. Pray God would help us to relieve the burden of ministry on pastors and misionaries by reaching out to those around us as witnesses of the grace and mercy of God and the forgiveness of sins through repentance. May the truth of Gods Word be illuminated and revealed to those who have no frame of reference or concept of who God is and what Christ' life means for us today. Duplicated. As we take personal initiative to expand the kingdom of God. As we are called to do. For the gospel is not about us, But Christ alone; and Him crucified. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() We all need it... some more than others (like those in denial of needing any in the first place!) Everyone has days were we don't need any help; then there are those days where it is blatantly obvious that you are in over your head and there is no denying the fact... "this" is beyond you. However, knowing we need some sort of assistance and actually stepping up to the plate and asking for it are worlds apart. This is a reality for many; hence conversations that include statements such as "I can't help you until you ask me". It's not cruel or unusual... it is a necessary realization that adds depth to the experience of having received help. Certainly, it shows our frailty, our humanity and our propensity for error and inadequacies. Conversely, it's an opportunity for understanding, for compassion, and often, an education. Affirmation and reaffirmation of the knowledge that others care and are "in the know" in areas we might lack provide comfort that we are not lost without hope. All the aforementioned was my vein of thinking as I read Ephesians 3 during my lunch break yesterday. Before arriving at the awesome of verse 20, (Now, unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that works in us...) we read Paul perspective on his purpose of ministry Considering himself "less than the least of the saints", he offers some incredible encouragement in the verse that precede verse 20. He prays for the church at Ephesus, that God "would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that you, being rooted and ground in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God." They were in need! Strengthened by His spirit. A fresh indwelling of Christ. A greater comprehension of the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge. All to overflowing with the fullness of God. What a great word... to be capped off with all glory to God, who is able to do exceeding abundantly above our questions and thoughts. On this #deaconThursday, would you join me in prayer for an event for pastors with the purpose to strengthen, encourage, equip and build up their inner man. Pray for these 600+ attendees, in like manner that Paul offered. May they be strengthened by God's Spirit. Pray a fresh indwelling and outpouring of Christ in their lives. May a great comprehension of the love of God through Christ resonate in their hearts and minds. For the struggles, frustrations, challenges and difficulties that are represented... may the grace and kindness of the body of Christ supersede whatever looms over their hearts and minds. May insight, revelation and perspective bring a sense of clarity and comfort. May the only sense of overwhelming that exists by days' end, be that of the love and knowledge of Christ and the fellowship of like-minded ministers of the Gospel. May ministries be propelled to the next level, as a result of what church leadership and staff receive today. Now, unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Unto Him be glory in the church by Jesus Christ throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. - PNC ![]() I had an unexpected light-bulb moment yesterday afternoon. Once again, as everyone has been watching reactions and responses to the new political realities and possibilities, people are reminding us... Kids are watching. While that reminder continues to circulate, others are asking, how did we arrive at this reality? And the answer lies in the day-to-day interactions between adults and young people. Teachable moments. Clearly, in the past few decades we have taught some of the right things in the wrong way, as well as, we have simply taught the wrong things period. The possibility that we have taught the wrong things well is a little too disturbing, although perhaps, a fairly accurate assessment. The recognition of this fact increases the importance for what we teach the next generation of kids that are watching. As educators, professors, teacher, pastors, people of prominence, of influence, with a platform and a voice to be heard, the messages we send have a lasting impact. The impact varies, but one never knows exactly what will carry for the years to come. The insignificance is remembered for life; the important is learned many times over before its' weight finally sets in... and with it, regret for not having made the application of the important a priority, sooner. So much to pray over... for these are tumultuous times. Adults are confused. Young people are frustrated. Kids are scared. While the answer is found only in Jesus Christ, communicating that truth through the noise of society's distractions, as legitimate as those issues may be, will require the power of the Holy Spirit. Thus, pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that God would help us navigate these difficult days. Pray that pastors, teachers and parents would the clarity of insight and the truth of God's Word to answer and address the concerns of today's youth. May God help us to clear out the noise and to reach the truth, relevancy and application of lessons learned from the issues and struggles of the past. Pray that God would help those in positions to bring about positive change; pray for those who will be affected by the changes. Pray for life and healthy over the interactions between the adults and our young people... for clarity of calling, of purpose, of resources, of communication and understanding. May God be lifted up, As we honor Him in both word and deed. To communicate Christ is the only answer To a culture desperate for the truth. Wisdom, understanding, forgiveness, compassion. - PNC ![]() Well, if you are watching the news at all of late, (I'm still keeping mine very limited) you'll recognize we are once again bombarded with the importance of who leadership surround themselves with as well as who they "tap" to serve with them, in positions of prominence. Whether they be department heads, directors, managers, VP's, this is always a difficult and interesting process. People place different priorities on words and deeds of the past, belief systems from "back then" versus "here and now" and whether associations from "days gone by" are still in play and relevant today. In the midst of all of this, are the conversations that continue to take place at the present time. Goals, dreams, aspirations, fears and hopes. What are the desired accomplishments and outcomes? What is feasible and reasonable? What is impossible and can be dismissed now? The element of this conversation that always strikes me, isn't so much the conclusion that the decision-maker comes to, resulting in "passing" on a candidate, but the candidates' own recognition that they are not the person for the opportunity in question. Perhaps they don't feel they are the right fit, the right experience or qualifications or some other "right" factor that simply isn't there. Perhaps it's just not an aspiration; their contentedness and quality of life are such, they they feel they would be doing a disservice to their family, community and self to be doing anything other than what they are doing and where as well as for whom. We've prayed over leadership teams and their advisors, after their formation, but what transpires before they become teams? Today, let us pray over the formation itself. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for wisdom, on behalf of the decision-makers and the candidates. As conversations take place, information comes to light and conclusions are made, pray the choices of who should be placed where and when would be made clear. Pray for discernment as leadership looks, not for the best or the brightest, but for God's will... for the person or persons He has ordained to step into those opportunities for ministry and leadership and service to the church and the kingdom of God at-large. May candidates as well, remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit, knowing when and where the open door awaits that they should walk through and when the should state, this is not of God; not for me, not now. Clarity of purpose Throughout the vetting process. To know who God would have where and when. To be used by God for His glory. Sovereignly placed, to be effective for the cause of Christ. - PNC ![]() I got caught off guard while I wasn't paying attention yesterday morning during the worship portion of the service. Actually, I was paying attention... I just didn't expect a light-bulb moment at the time the Holy Spirit flicked the switch within me. I wrote yesterday's prayer before leaving for church in the morning, so the concept of my daughter's excitement being in a new store for the first time was fresh on my mind. As the band began to transition from singing "Oceans" to whatever they played next (I'm now drawing a blank), the worship pastor prayed, that indeed, we would step out on the water... not in fear, but in faith. Then he proceeded to pray, that we would step into the unknown with Christ, as an adventure... essentially, that we would be excited about the prospect of what might be in store, rather than hesitant because of our fear. Enter the switch-flipping moment. How often do we approach life with excitement, as a kid entering into a store they've never been in before, yet God calls us to go somewhere unknown and the apprehension and fear rise to the occasion. Seriously, God? You want me to do what? You want me to go where? Speak to whom? Tell them what? Do you know who they are? What they'll do to me? How they'll respond? Yeah... I'm not so sure this was a good idea. And God simply responds. Do you not know who I am? Do you not know where I am? Do you think for a moment, that I would lead you, then leave you? Should we step out without God's leading and prompting, then it's a different story and we could be in for some troubled waters. Fortunately, God specializes in troubled waters. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for senior pastors facing troubled waters. Whether they find themselves there as the result of having stepped out without God or they stepped into the unknown and the excitement has waned... may God be their strength and their guide through difficult times. May their commitment to seek the face of God and hold fast to the faith they profess remain strong. Pray God guide their steps and grant them wisdom as they navigate the storm. Pray for comfort and peace, in knowing they are not alone; may people come along side, to encourage and spur them on; that all is not lost nor has hope run off. May the power of the Holy Spirit lead them in confidence and boldness through the uncharted waters of faith into the perfect plans and purposes of Almighty God. Deeper than our feet could ever wander, And our faith will be made stronger, In the presence of our Savior. We rest in your embrace, oh God. To be used for Your Glory and Honor. - PNC ![]() Well, I'm kind of bummed. While people are going off the walls in response to the fear of fall-out from America's President-Elect, one of my favorite fan groups on social media is being shut down Sunday night. And many are furious, frustrated and equally bummed. One administrator for the group. She's managed it for 6 years, by herself. And during this emotionally charged week of politics, people couldn't follow two-simple guidelines. I understand where people would find it challenging, since the page was about what many consider the greatest political television drama ever and one of the "rules" was no comments about real-world politics or politicians, but still... two-guidelines. As if there wasn't enough material this week, to provide insight into how the church engages community and now this, "sadness". You know who else had two-simple guidelines? Jesus Christ. Boiling down the Ten Commandments to two, incredibly simple concepts. Love God... with all heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. There isn't a problem here... it's how Christ would have us to live. Thus, the challenge is the interaction with those who don't love God, because they don't know God. They don't know how to properly love their neighbor, because they, perhaps, don't know how to properly love themselves. Furthermore, they don't know their worth, as they are valued and loved by God. They may know they have worth or believe they are worthy and good, but short of being reconciled to God through salvation in Jesus Christ, what exists to support that worth and goodness? I hope that doesn't sound... I'm not even sure; I do know my Bible says that only God is good, so one must conclude that either man thinks he is god, based on his goodness without God or we recognize that in light of God, we fail to even come close to making a comparison. "All have fallen short of His glory" comes to mind. So, yes, I'm sad about the fan page closing. Yes, I'm sad about how people have responded to the election. But most importantly, I'm sad about how people respond to God, and to Christians who genuinely desire to see people come to Christ; but insist on wanting nothing to do with Him because they perceive Christians as less like Christ than their understanding would lead them to believe. Indeed, the church has some work ahead. And only by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would heal our land. The conversations are hard and filled with emotion and tension, fear, wrong-perceptions and misunderstandings. Pray the church would seek His face and trust in Him. May God help us to speak the truth in love, even when it's difficult to receive and to hear. Pray God would bring understanding and revelation to peoples hearts and minds. May many come to a place of recognition that are value and worth are found in right-relationship with all-sovereign God. Pray the church would be able to step outside themselves and love like Christ, not as the world thinks they understand Christ, but as we follow Christ and have experienced His love in our own lives. Pray God move and intervene on the hearts and lives of us all; for those whose faith needs to be fortified, for those whose faith in God needs to be established. Truly, the church can not do this by earthly power. We need the Hand of God. A sovereign move of His Spirit To accomplish the miraculous that many know we need. For His Glory For the cause of Jesus Christ. ![]() What an incredible week. And then yesterday. Which is exactly where we are going to leave it. For whatever reason as the afternoon rolled through and the frustration of the morning crawled away at a snail's pace, I found myself thinking about decisions. We all make them. Good. Bad. Indifferent. Benign. Some of great importance. Others of equally great insignificance. Of course, then there's concept I picked up from a former co-worker (and this is my paraphrase)... a million times and you won't think twice, a thousand times will make you think again, a hundred times the call will be too close, but it only takes once and you'll rethink it all. We don't always get it right. I, more than I care to admit to myself, let alone anyone else, rarely (or so it seems) get it right. I have my days where I don't like my decisions. I have more where I don't like others. I have many more that people don't like mine, either! Regardless of you share floor-space with under one roof, at the end of the day, the person who must be confident in your decisions, experience their success and consequences of the same, is you. It doesn't help that the second-guessing factor in the equation can drive you to insanity if you are not careful. Unfortunately, time-travel isn't possible, so me must proceed moving forward and prayerfully consider where re-routing my be in order in our lives. Hopefully it leads us back to God and a deeper faith in the knowledge of who He is and what He has in store for us to accomplish... even when we fail in epic proportions at a staggering expense. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries across the globe... in their lives where they are struggling with current, past or pending decisions. May God lead, guide and direct them to what they are to say, where to go, with whom they are to interact and how they are to respond. Pray a spirit of encouragement; that they would be strengthened and lifted up as they continue to place Him first, and seek Him as their lives unfold afresh each morning. Regardless of their locale, and the people they reach out, pray a grace and an understanding over their conversations. As they interact and her peoples stories and experiences, may their be a revelation that takes place... that God's decision to send His Son Jesus Christ was outrageous and extravagant, to the point that no matter how outrageous our decisions seem, God still desires that all would be drawn unto Him. For God is able to use all things for good For those who love God For those called according to His purpose. Despite our faults; in spite of our failures. I am unable to thwart the Hand of God. As are you, for that matter. - PNC ![]() First of all... A huge thank you to those joining me in prayer, daily, as we pray for pastors, church leaders, missionaries; not to mention the impact the church is called to make upon their community as we work to share the gospel of Christ and grow in the grace and knowledge of God. I hope and pray that these posts are providing insight and more importantly, prompting you to pray for and encourage your pastors and leaders daily. It has been my desire, as I've stated on a number of occasions, that I don't want these posts to be repetitive... at least not on a daily or weekly frequency. That said, I know the past few weeks and months, we've prayed a number of times for deacons and advisors and their ability to speak wisdom as they inform, debate and offer perspective to their respective decision makers. These past couple of days have been pretty incredible, politically speaking and I trust you haven't been thrown by my mixing politics and prayer this week... I've simply been trying to follow what I felt the Holy Spirit was prompting me to share. Thus, certainly the concern for deacons and admins to advise well arose again as I reflected on the new President-Elect (regardless of who it would have been), but the twist came, not in the advice, but in the stability of their lives. There's a scene from my favorite television show, where a reporter is giving some "sage dating advice" to the President's personal aide, a young man in his 20's who is dating the President's youngest daughter. The two had had a fight and the reporter, in making his point offers this closing remark... "if it were me, just for now, I'd make sure I was the one guy who was hassle-free." Leaders, whether in politics or the pulpit, have enough on their plate when it comes to responsibilities, focus, direction and whatever decisions cross their desk, necessary to keep church, country or organization moving forward. And we all have lives in which we are dealing with "stuff". But when our stuff begins to take the place of such dominance that it interferes with our work, the efforts of the organization or the ministries of the church, then we have become a hassle, rather than offered ourselves to service, hassle-free. Such trouble, however long it lasts, usually ends with negative-impact results. So, pray with me this #deaconThursday, that not only advisors advise well, but that they would render their lives and their service "hassle-free." May God strengthen and cover in grace those in church operations, that whatever they encounter outside the four walls, they would not be detoured or distracted as they continue to their service to the church (or the country, for that matter). Pray a level of stability about their lives, their homes, their finances, their emotions and their mind; may God guard their heart and spirit... not distraught or afraid; but confident. May the boldly proceed in the calling and purpose God has established them in and laid before them to walk through this life. Hassle-free, In service to God & Country. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Depending on what time you went to bed last night, if you were able to do so at all (and depending on how much sleep you got) today will be a very interesting day.
I'm attempting to recall, outside of the last presidential election, a time where there has been such a dog-fight over ideological grounds. Nor, have we ever had two candidates that were so appalling and outrageous for our consideration to lead the nation that has been the envy of the world for an incredibly long time. While times have changed and many in society and culture would rather forget the heritage of America and our Judeo-Christian foundation, one thing is sure... this morning, the church world wakes up to a very different America. I read an analogy the other day that mentioned the immorality of certain Old Testament leaders. There were those who wanted nothing to do with both the things of God as well as the people of God. Then there were those, who while they wanted nothing to do with the things of God, at least recognized the people of God; and while they weren't "with" them or agreed with them, were willing to defend them and stand up for them. Today, now more than ever, this is the new America. The church is in for a ride, with either someone leading the charge against them or to some degree, someone leading some sort of defense on their behalf. Granted, we place not our trust in man, but in God; however, the challenges of daily life could be on the rise and the church needs to be prepared. I know I've written in weeks and months past, particularly on Wednesdays, regarding the need for strong foundations of faith in our youth. Today, if they aren't already in the building process, the urgency to build foundations has arrived. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm not a doomsday-sayer. I'm not the smartest kid in the class; but I'm not naïve either. My hope and trust remains in the Lord God Almighty. I can pinpoint a large part of the reason for that, to one oft-repeated encourage by those closest to me during my childhood. "Never lose your sensitivity for the things of God." That alone, strengthened the foundation that my family, teachers and pastors instilled in me at a young age. It has NOT made me perfect by any stretch of the imagination. It has however, sustained my life when there seemed little on which to hang my hat. In this day and age, I can't stress the importance of our youth needing the purpose, direction, love and forgiveness that can only come through Jesus Christ. More importantly, we need youth and children's pastors who are just as grounded, just as stead-fast, just as stable in all arenas of life... that they may set an example, of placing their trust in God and proving themselves trust-worthy, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Join with me, in prayer... for our nation, for our youth, for the church. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that whatever is in store for the people of God and the church as an organization, may we stand firm in our faith and hold fast to the courage of our convictions. May we display the love of Christ and be ready to fulfill the call of God on our lives and what He would have us to accomplish. Pray we would do well, to train our children in the things of God, not that they would only know the works of God, but the character of God. Pray for a strengthening and a quickening for current and up and coming pastors who will lead our kids and our youth, both now and beyond, into adulthood. May the Word of God guide every step, every decision, every conversation. May God be lifted up, before all men. May the church advance, through prayer. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, But principalities and rulers of this dark age. God come quickly to our aid, we pray. - PNC ![]() It's election day, in the United States. And I'm speechless. We place high expectations of people in public service, leadership and authority figures. We know they aren't perfect, but we expect them to present themselves perfect. And while Christians know and understand those in office may not be Christian (and certainly, this election doesn't seem to present candidates as Christian) and yet we base our ability to vote for them as though they were. Thus, "everybody" on social media is in a quandary. I'm at a loss at Christians voting for who many to be a criminal. And they'd be at a loss for those voting for the outrageous. It's creating incredibly complex issues of distraught.. mentally and spiritual; and equally incredibly conversations on social media. Both sides have elements seeking to understand each other and yet, both insist supporters are naive, uninformed, out of touch and straight-out missing and misinterpreting faith and morality. The struggle is real. The frustration is high. The anxiety is unbelievable. So, to read 1 Timothy 2: 1-2 first thing morning, was beyond comforting. "I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." It's easy to pray for the most visible leaders and authority figures. Presidents. Chairman. Owners. Bosses. Whoever is preaching on Sunday morning. But what about the other levels? Vice-Presidents? Management and Supervisors Associates, in lead positions of various departments. Decision-makers at every level of influence. Pray for them all; that we may lead a quiet, peaceable life. In all godliness and honesty. This election day; candidates may not be honest, they may not be godly; but be weary of those who will do any and every thing they can to prevent you from living in godliness and honesty for you and your household. And pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, in which America votes for the next few years worth of authority figures over this land. Pray for leaders and decisions makers of every kind, at every level... whether in charge of a department, organization, agency or country; may God grant to them wisdom and discernment. Pray for those needing the miraculous, in their heart and mind; that God would quicken them to live in godliness and in honesty. May God's will be carried out this day; may God heal this land as the people of God pray. And for whatever the outcome and the aftermath that follows, may God be with us, protect us, lead us and empower us. To live for His glory. Regardless of what we face in this world. Greater is He who is in us Than he who is in the world. - PNC ![]() Last Friday, the verse of the day, courtesy of the YouVersion Bible app, was Galatians 1:10. Paul, in his letter, asks the question, am I trying to please God or man? In fact, he goes so far, as to state it as "am I trying to win the approval of man..." He then goes on to state the profound... for if I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. Much like it is impossible to serve both God and mammon (money, that is) so to, is one unable to please God while making every effort to keep man happy. This morning, as the service came to a close, pastor's father-in-law, an incredible man of God prayed over our nation and Tuesday's election. During his prayer, he referenced an article he had read recently, that stated roughly 70% of Christians believe their are "other" ways to get to heaven (wonder which television celebrity they got that from). He proceeded to state, that such a statistic is the fault of the church, as he continued to pray. Meanwhile, I stood frozen in time. I've read that recently. At least the basis for such statements. Back to Galatians, and the verses that precede "winning approval". Look up verses 6-9. Read it in your Bible. Reflect on it. Even after I offer it here... I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! It's not that Christianity is perfect, nor Christians for that matter. I'll give you that. However, in the early days after Christ's ascension, His followers were called "little Christs". They simply continued to follow in what they had learned from Jesus Himself. Thus, without Christ, there is no Christianity. Thus if Christianity teaches a gospel other than life in the grace of Christ, then truly, it contradicts Christ's own words... I AM THE WAY... So the data is a more than a few years old (although I'm sure there's more recent data somewhere), but a quick search brings up a survey from PEW Research. Indeed, 65-70% said there are other ways to eternal life. They even went so far as to break down responses of how many non-Christian religions were named where eternal life is possible, outside of Christ! It begs the question, then... what are churches preaching? Of course, I partly blame culture and society for this problem as well. In this age of tolerance, and acceptance and "correctness" the world continues to bang on the church door telling them to behave more like "the church" while they insist on continuing to behave like the world and telling the church they have no place to speak. The battle is only about to get more real, potentially all the more, in the next 48 hours. Thus, pray this #seniorPastorMonday, for a couple of things. For those pastors committed to preaching the Gospel of Christ, may their resolve to remain in the Word and preach the Word be strengthened and fortified, even in the face of uncharted political and social challenges. For those pastors and ministries that have strayed and perhaps already perverted the gospel of Christ, may God to a work in their hearts, minds and attitudes and bring them back to a proper understanding of the Gospel, of Christianity and the responsibilities that come with church leadership. Pray an increased level of discernment, on behalf of both the pulpit and the pew... that pastors would remain true to the Truth and that those who hear, would have ears to hear and apply the Truth. While the pressure to compromise may be great in the days ahead, pray the power of the Holy Spirit would quicken the people of God to stand strong in the power of His might; not in our own strength and understanding. May all be drawn unto Him His Truth made known to all generations, His Word, unable to return void For His promises are Yea, and Amen to them that believe. For His glory and honor, we pray. The advancement of the gospel of Christ. - PNC ![]() Yesterday while out with the family, my mix tape that contains White Heart's album Powerhouse was playing. There's a prayer post somewhere in the last 500+ days that I've written titled, Lovers & Dreamers, inspired by White Heart's song by the same name. What struck me, though was the question posed before the chorus of the song kicks in. "But how wise is a wise-man, if all he ever does is sit in his chair?" The lyrics proceed by stating that you have the option of taking your seat in the stands, but in the next verse, pleads that one wouldn't choose that option. As pastor has stated many times, it's great to come to church, and receive the message and worship together; to learn and grow through ministry and to watch your kids learn the things of God... all such things are great. But eventually, part of being "a part of the chair" means being involved. Not only in receiving ministry, but in contributing to ministry. If being effective and efficient continually and constantly relies on the same people... It figures, I'm writing this as the final touches are taking place in our family for church, and kids keeping asking for the same, one person in asking for help to finish getting ready. The same occurs in church... the same people constantly being asked, occassionally wondering... "is there nobody else who can do what you are asking me to do?" Pray, this #effectiveSunday, for those in ministry, whether leading or helping, who are frustrated and tired by "always" being the one(s) to do the work. Pray they would be strengthened and encouraged by God, even this hour. Pray that there would those who would come forward, to offer some much needed help and reprieve for those who've faithfully served. May God accomplish the miraculous this day, as the Word of God goes forth... as we have prayed this week, may hearts received; minds understand; the body healed and relationships restored. May there be an increase in the harvest of the kingdom of God Because of an influx in the number of God's harvesters. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I come to some interesting insights and/or conclusions yesterday, as I took a couple of spiritual 2x4's to the back-side. God has amazing ways of capturing our attention and the directly and intentional asking, "did you catch that? any questions?. Just to makes sure you didn't miss anything... So uncanny were the conversations that unfolded, I truly had to chuckle as I considered my attitude and responses and reflected on the words, I know I've posted at least once in the past three days... What father, who loves his child, fails to correct them when he recognizes something is amiss? Likewise, God doesn't fail in seizing the opportunity to place us in times and positions where we must posture ourselves to reflect on what God is saying, versus what we are hearing. It often comes through the voice of a close friend.. or two. Maybe three. And for confirmation, there's always the opportunity for a fresh perspective from Scripture. The long and short of it comes down to this, though. How can we effectively and consistently engage in healthy conversation and discourse with community outside the four walls of the church, when we struggle to experience such moments with community inside the four walls of the church? A poignant question for sure, but valid nonetheless. God help us, should the day ever come where society and culture rationalizes and justifies their approach and position to any number of scenarios through the observation of body of Christ in the absence of health and functionionality as God would have planned for us. Join with me, in prayer, this #communitySaturday. 1ndeed, may God help His people to interact and build healthy relationships and frienships with each other, inside the four walls of the church, as much as the outside. May we seek to glorify God in all that we do; realizing that nearly anything might be a stumbling block that would ruin out witness for Christ. Pray God would help us, in our conversations and passing moments, to display the love of Christ to a lost and dying world... whether they've waited days or years to hear about to hear of the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. For the glory of God. For the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() With the importance of the Word of God in our lives still fresh on my mind, yesterday, I was reminded of the words of Timothy, in his second later. In the 16th verse of the 3rd chapter, he offers this truth. "All Scripture is God-breathed (or is given by inspiration of God) and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." How awesome is this? Profitable for doctrine. Or teaching, as some translations state. Whatever is preached out Sunday and guides church leadership Monday-Saturday should align with the word of God. For reproof... our criticism and rebuke; likewise, aligned with Scripture. For correction... the difference between what is right and what is wrong and what should transpire to bring us out of one and into the other. Instruction in righteousness... how we should live in accordance with what God has laid out. It's not out of ego, but a result of His character. Every relationship in the existence has laid a ground-work of expectations for the people that come together in that relationship; personal, business, friend, marriage, and the like. How dare we convince ourselves, that God would have expectations after having come into right relationship with Him through salvation in Jesus Christ? We will never be perfect, thanks to the constant battle between right and wrong now within us, thanks to our having partaken of that which God instructed us not too... ... that said, the result of the impact of the word of God is that we be thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Every decision, every challenge, every opportunity, every encounter... through the truth and revelation of God's Word made available to us through our study and application; we have all that we need to full the plans and the purposes He has prepared in advance for us to accomplish! Our supply room is not stocked, nor the house furnished; but THOROUGHLY furnished! We are not running out anytime soon. Not to mention the fact; God is able to supply all that we have need, before we even ask; and to ends greater than we can ask or imagine. Thus, there is no shortage of help from God; for church leaders and decisions makers, deacons, staff and those belonging to the body of Christ... that He is not ready, willing and able to come quickly to the aid of those who seek Him... for He rewards those who diligently do so. Pray, this #deaconThursday... that indeed, even church leadership would receive fresh insight and revelation from God and His Word regarding the decisions they face and the direction they must choose. Whether on doctrinal issues, for reproof or correction or instruction in righteousness; may we discern rightly, what the Spirit is speaking to the church; through the Word of the Lord and those who lead us. Pray leadership would never arrival at the place where they think they know everything or have witnessed it all; for Scripture is a never-ending supply of truth and application. For what parent leaves their child to their own devices... So too does God extend His love to us Through His Holy Word. That we might have the mind of Christ As we live in a manner that brings glory to God. - PNC ![]() As much as I love classic Christian Rock music, I've never been a huge fan of Amy Grant. Talented though she is, she was never my preferred choice of music to listen to regularly. That said, I had hear song, inspired from Psalm 119 stuck in my head for a good portion of the day. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet." There aren't enough words to describe the awesomeness of God's Word. And yet, I know, in my own life, I don't read nearly enough as I should or would prefer. And kids grow up fast. It's amazing how quickly you realize that your time with them as a parent is short. As I read the other day, someone posted a meme on social media... anyone can live for the devil; it takes work to live for God. I know that's not popular and those who've yet to accept Christ don't acknowledge their life as "living for the devil"; but Christianity is a binary state. We are hot or cold. We are on or off. Walking down the middle is not enjoyable; nor does it serve much purpose. As we are examples to those around us, we must ask ourselves, what are kids and youth picking up on? Personal habits and disciplines vary greatly, as do the responses of onlookers. Consider the alcoholic or drug-using parent. One kid says, they look like they are having a riot; and decides to pursue that path at every cost. The other, looks and says they look like they are out of their mind; and they determine to avoid that path at any cost. Time and time again, Scripture is replete with the reminders that Amy sings. God never leaves; never forsakes. We do not have to live in fear; for Christ is always near. His love for us, unchanging and unending. As parent loves their child too much to let them traverse in the wrong direction for any length of time or distance, so to, Father God desires us to stay path that leads to life, everlasting. Otherwise, if left to our own devices, we would be lost and in trouble. Which we are; hence the purpose and plan for Christ's life, death and resurrection. So, albeit, late in the day... pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, that pastors and parents would set Godly examples; that start with personal discipline that focuses our attention God and living life accordingly. Pray a strength as we seek the face of God; for His Will and His Ways. May we never forgot, God has a plan and purpose of destiny for every life; unwilling to lose them to a Christ-less eternity; desirous to experience abundant, ever-lasting life. Pray the truth of God's Word would bring revelation, bring alteration to our expectations. Indeed, may the Word of God lead and guide us into all truth, all the days of our lives. In service to the kingdom of God Making an impact hear on our earth. For the glory of God Advancing the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC As we're closing out the praise and worship set yesterday morning, the pastor's wife was praying over those who had stepped forward to the altar as people agreed in prayer for those needing healing and a move of God, in their lives. In her prayer, she mentioned the lady, who begged of Jesus, with the faith and belief that even the dogs get the crumbs, from the Masters' table.
I'm not sure why that stood out just then, but it did. All too often, we expect incredible thing from God. Huge responses. Powerful moves of the Spirit. Overwhelming miracles in our midst. That's great. We should. It's possible. Yet, by comparison, in the vastness and depths of Heaven, such descriptions are accurate, even in our asking with faith for the crumbs of heaven. Not too mention, the crumbs are often the best part. What's left behind of your favoirite brownies or cake; what's left of the pudding in the big, glass bowl. Wonderful moments. This was all turned around, as Pastor preached and called the church, to a Daniel fast (no meats or sweets). An interesting turn of events, as Jesus taught that some miracles only happen through prayer and fasting. The crumbs of heaven are incredible. Getting the full meal, may require more from us. Thus, pray, this #seniorPastorMonday; that pastors would have the discernment in their lives and prayers with God. May they know what they have need of; how to prayer and when God is calling them deeper. Pray for a strength and a perseverance, as they seek the face of God and knock on Heaven's door. May their be a renewed passion for the things of God in their lives and ministry; that they may lead the church to do the same; and witness the miraculous. Whether there be crumbs Or a feast... All that God has for us; Even our daily bread... It is sufficient to meet our needs. For His glory. - PNC ![]() Well, I'm on cloud #9 this morning! Actually, since yesterday afternoon. I've been writing on a borrowed mini-laptop for the past number of weeks, and, today when I finally had a few minutes to catch up on how readership and website traffic went this past month, the numbers were down. A combination of feeling limited on being able to publish the website as I'm accustomed to and getting the word out, through social media. Of course, my schedule of late hasn't helped much either. That said... the part to fix my laptop arrived in the mail and Dad was gracious enough to let me interrupt his afternoon, in getting the new fan installed. On the upside, I got to see the end of our state's college rivals football game, which our families' preferred team won! Plus, I brought the grandkids with me, which always puts a smile on their faces. Upon getting back home, I can't believe how much easier this machine is running! One simple, part... brand-new, factory replacement. $20, thanks to free shipping on eBay. How appropriate then, to be reflecting on the increased effectiveness and efficiency on the eve of the day we pray over those elements for the church. Originally, it was suggested perhaps my machine had picked up a virus or some such, potentially disastrous mess. Thankfully, it was "just" this. Consider, though, some areas in your church, where a simple fix changes the performance of the work and mission of the local body of Christ in your community. So often, we think it might cost big money to pull off an event or conduct an outreach or get out the message, when in reality, that may not be the case. It may take a second opinion or a 3rd set of eyes to look into things, but it very well could make the difference. Estimates are just that... creatives solutions are available for those willing to look for them. Of course, it's comforting to know that if it's important to us, then it's important to God. For what Father looks at his kid struggling and frustrated and says, "Sorry, what you're going through doesn't bother or concern me. You're on your own." Pray with me, this #effectiveSunday, that first and foremost, people in and outside the church would be reminded that God cares for every struggle, frustration and difficulty that we endure. Whether through the fault of someone else, our own or for the simple opportunity for God to be glorified. May the church have a renewed sense to commit our plans to the Lord. May we seek His face for challenges we encounter; that He would grant to us solutions, creatively and provide the means to implement them. Pray God would empower the body of Christ, through the moving of the Holy Spirit to accomplish great exploits for the kingdom of God; in dimensions and depths yet experienced by the modern day church. We need God now, more than ever before. For we are not overwhelmed; But encouraged in all things. For God is with us; and for us... That we might walk in the Destiny He has ordained for us in advance. - PNC It goes with out saying, that life is full of situations and circumstances. It is full of experiences and is, an experience unto itself. Filled with joy and sadness, smiles and tears, overwhelming peace and unbearable grief; this roller-coaster effect can cause serious states of confusion, frustration and indirection
Knowing what to do, or at least, what to do next becomes elusive. For a brief couple of moments yesterday, I reflected on the concept of the rhema Word... the revealed Word of God, The revealed Word of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit is an incredible gift... as if Scripture in itself amazing already. God still speaks today... we simply have so much that clouds and stands in the way, that it is difficult to hear, spiritually, what He has for us. Thus, I considered this in light of missions. For those missionaries having difficulty in communicating; in getting the message of Christ through to those people groups they are attempting to reach... perhaps the revealed Word of God needs to be displayed; present and active in their efforts so that breakthrough might occur and many would come to Christ. Would you join me in praying to that end? On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would indeed reveal Himself, to those who've yet to receive Christ. Pray a breakthrough in their midst; confusion would cease and distractions would fade. May the eyes-scales be removed, as people come to understand who Christ is; what He accomplished for their lives and what it means to live and walk in right-standing with God... not because of our rights or right-doing, but because of who Christ is and what He settled on the Cross. May today be a banner day, for the Kingdom of God. A Rhema Word; as God meets us where we are. May we leave and live forever changed. For His glory And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Yesterday afternoon, through to early this morning, I had a few different ideas for today's post. Oddly enough, nothing settled in my spirit, until I logged in and got ready to type... as if being prepared to start typing was the first step in actually doing so.
Here's your Thursday green stamp bonus: You can't start moving forward until you first arrive at the starting point. Looking at my a blank canvas, my mind recalled one of the scenes from my favorite political drama. The set-up to this conversation is awesome, but we come to the point where the chief of staff is attempting to hire a lawyer for the counsel's offce, who is a member of the political party opposite of the administration. In the final attempts to convince the lawyer, the chief of staff final says, "the President likes smart people who disagree with him." The next episode, that same lawyer is asked by her boss, the head counsel, why she is there. In response, she's asks if it is so difficult to believe that someone would set aside their political blinders and say "what can I do?" Comically, the head counsel says in a drawn-out, dramatic fashion, "Yessss". I laughing just playing that scene in my head. I know... you've got other things to do and other blogs to read. You have to go work soon... and so do I for that matter; so what's the point. It's easy to surround yourself with like-minded people. Close friends, advisors, counselors... people who will have your backs (a line the head counsel uses on the new lawyer, by the way, in his attempts to understand why she would join the team). The challenge comes in bringing on board, the critics; those with a different perspective, experience and outlook.. people whose first reaction and first response will be different on many levels and for many reasons. But good comes from such conversations. I'm drawing a blank on the administration or the general who drew up plans and strategies to win the war; yet his first "hey, what do you think about this" was to his critics; those who sharply disagreed with him on nearly everything. They would point out weaknesses, causing a "back to the drawing board" moment. Such conversations led to better strategies and winning battle plans. It's great to have advisors who are on board; who catch and support the vision cast by pastors, for ministry and opportunities, both inside the church and outside the four walls of the church. Equally necessary, I submit, are having people around you who can be useful to point out weaknesses and areas of concern that need reevaluation and reconsideration, in order that improvements and advancements can be made. It's a difficult balance, granted; but perhaps more needed than we care to admit. So, pray with me, this #deaconThursday, that church leadership would be a great conversation. Pray for grand vision and casting, for goals and dreams for ministry that would achieve incredible results for the kingdom of God. Pray God grant wisdom and discern; that pastors and advisors would move forward with unity and singularity of purpose. May their be a level of grace and understanding as they walk through disagreements and work through differences; that while everything may not be resolved to everyone's desired outcomes or liking's, ministry efforts would not be hindered or halted. Pray for a covering of clarity over these boards and administrations; that confusion would not run wild; that personal agendas would not stand in the way; nor personalities dominate the conversation. In all matters, may their be an understanding of service and submission and to respond appropriately as the ministry advances. May God be glorified As we acknowledge Him in all our ways Commit all our plans unto Him Trusting that He will continue to lead and guide us in all Truth. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019