I wish I could take credit for the title. But I can't. It was a phrase used by a sermon that I was listening to; the story of Jesus driving out the money-changers. The back story is pretty incredible.
A couple of interesting points. He drove out the cattle. He didn't destroy them, but the handlers did have to rustle them up. The pigeons didn't fly off to the wild blue yonder; Christ instructed their owners to remove them from the temple. Christ wasn't destroying their business; but reminding them where it belonged. The exchangers initially conducted their business in the valley. And competition was fierce. And they understood those three special words that the marketplace still declares as their mantra today. Location. Location. Location. So they kept moving closer to the temple. For convenience. For better service. For increased market share. Then the competition moved closer. And the next guy even closer. And the late-comer, start-up; even closer. And eventually they were in the outer courts; the court of the Gentiles. Where non-Jews who believed in God could come and worship. But they couldn't. Because the marketplace was chaos. And perhaps not even worthy to be described as controlled chaos. Finally the temple. Someone let them in. Christ removed the clutter. But as usually happens, my mind wandered to the modern day church. More importantly, what's going on in the church, or worse, isn't going on because the courts have become cluttered? What's getting missed? Who is unable to enter? What ministry is being hindered? How is the kingdom of Heaven affected? On this #deaconThursday, pray that church leadership, especially those in day-to-day operations and advisory roles would have a sensitivity and a keen awareness to the doors and the courts of the church. Pray their mission and ministry would neither be hindered nor interrupted by distractions and matters that do not belong. May God grant them wisdom and discernment as they conduct the affairs of the church and oversee the decisions and direction that the church takes. As God is a lamp and a light in our personal lives, may He also illuminate way and path of the corporate body of Christ; that the church would move in the direction that honors God and pleases the Lord. Ministry; like life... So much easier and simpler De-cluttered. For the glory of God And the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC
I had another one of those moments. You've had them.
Moments and circumstances that cause stress, frustration and tad bit of worry. Suddenly the forefront of your mind is consumed, or at the very least preoccupied, with finding solutions and asking certain individuals for advice, counsel and any good ideas. Then I was reminded of the scene from It's A Wonderful Life. George Bailey's moment of epiphany, when truth in advertising gives him hope. "Ask Dad. He knows." And yet, regardless of age of life and maturity of faith; despite the relationship with Almighty God, of such intimacy as to call Him "Dad", and when we find ourselves in times of trouble and trial our first call is to our phone, rather than to Heaven. We utilize the satellites, but not our knees. And as I struggle to figure out comes next even along these lines of thought, all I have is this... What does our response display about our faith? To our family. To our friends. To our children. To our local community and the body of Christ at large? Who is your first call? On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for pastors, who even in their times of stress and difficulty may neglect to go to God, pray and seek His face first. May God grant forgiveness for such occurrences and may God strengthen their faith; that in all matters, great and small, His Word and counsel would be sought first. Pray God would grant wisdom and discernment as they move forward; may anxiety cease and the peace of God surpass all their understanding. May their unshakeable, unmovable faith be a testament to the sovereignty of God as they trust in His perfect timing. That His plans and purposes would be accomplished. Even when we don't see the why, how, when and where of the matter. For God is good. And His mercy which endures forever, Is also new every morning. Even on the days we don't call out to Him first. - PNC Isn't interesting how we can see situations and circumstances and without having the full story or a complete understanding of what and why something has transpired, we make decisions based on the "less than" and incomplete.
We catch a partial glimpse or hear just a nugget and without knowing the context, we place it in a context that we assume is correct or reasonable. Not only is this a dangerous pattern of living, but it's amazing how quickly we can sell ourselves that we are correct. How do I know this is true? Because of how resistant one can be when they hear the words, "Hear me out." It's like we have to be convinced that we are not as knowledgeable on the matter as we thought. And of course, hearing that you are wrong is rarely pleasant, let alone desirable. But what must consider... how much are we missing by refusing to listen? What could change? What could improve? Relationships? Opportunity? Generations? Eternity? The possibilities are near endless. But only for those with ears ready to listen. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, that pastors would continue to live and operate ministry with ears ready to listen. May heads and hearts not stand in confidence without understanding. Pray for wisdom and discernment as pastors work through difficult and challenging circumstances. May grace and patience prevail and communication lines be open and clear. Pray that egos, agendas and motives not get in the way of coming to places of understanding and creating solution. Most importantly, pray that pastors would continue to hear God through His Word and the voice and prompting of the Holy Spirit. For we have the ability to solve problems. Yet for whatever reason, we become one. May God work the miraculous As we remain, walk and listen. For the work to which God has called us. - PNC No matter the size of the church, every pastor needs respite care. Yet, they, just like so many others don't have the time to take time off. Even more true, is what we'll all stated, "I can't afford to take time off."
Both of those scenarios, either being true or feeling true, do not diminish the reality and severity of the matter, in that we can find ourselves doing damage somewhere along the way by not making and taking the time to retreat & reprieve and allow the body, mind, soul and spirit to find rest. In essence, you reach a point where you can't afford not take the time. We often times may not even know or see that we are on the verge of doing harm by running ourselves thin. This is why it is so important, especially for ministers, to have people in their lives who are close enough to speak life and recognize that a time of refreshing is needed, lest a pastor runs himself and others into the ground because no friend is around to take their place. But as we discussed yesterday, with regards to the overall effectiveness of the church, this is just one more area, and a very important one, I might add, where intentionality is paramount. If you don't take time to give rest to the body and soul, eventually your body will force you into taking a rest from life, at which point, who knows how much you'll miss. Thus, this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those in desperate need of a break. May they find the time, even in pockets, to take care of themselves. Pray that God would give them wisdom in the management of their time, resources and responsibilities. May God give them strength throughout the day and rest when they lay their head. Pray the stress would dissipate as they find balance and perspective; intentional when the press in as well as when they step back. May they be refreshed as much and more As they refresh those they minister too. That God would equip and empower them for more As they serve faithfully with what and where they are. For the glory of God. - PNC I read an article last night that outlined the advantages of having smaller churches of 100 rather than a mega-church of 5000. You can do the math. And while it raised some interesting and certainly valid points, many of which we have prayed over daily these past two and half years, I read it with the continual reminder of a phrase often heard around our church.
The larger we get, the smaller we need to get. An intentional approach. Increased responsibilities come, but if pastors and staff aren't prepared to grow with them... Financial issues and problems exist across the board. Larger churches may prevent more people from stepping into ministry, thinking they aren't qualified for such tasks or responsibilities. It's easy to get focused on the quantity of people and status rather than the quality of the ministry and the health of the church. Yet for all these and more, if we focus on intentional ministry... ... allowing more people to minister, as if they were taking on smaller groups rather than being overwhelmed. ... more contribution and participation from the entire church, as if whatever they were doing depended on everyone doing something to come alongside and help. ... focus on growing people and depth of faith, rather than growing congregations and influence of the church. Being effective and efficient is like being a well-oiled machine. The equipment working together; quality parts doing quality work at the time and place that they are called upon to perform. And yet the church falls apart, when high-quality people minister in less than quality ways at the wrong time and place. So, no matter the size of the church in which you are apart, pray this #effectiveSunday that God would help us be intentional in all that we say and do. Pray that churches would be about quality ministry and developing mature faith. Pray that God would give wisdom; and call forth those He would desire to use for greater ministry to those in both the church and the community to help carry the load, reach the lost and impact those in need. Intentional. In our hearts, minds, attitudes and words. In all we do, for the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Who hasn't had a terrible day, week, series of weeks... a seemingly unending barrage of difficult and challenging times that trouble the heart, baffle the mind, unsettle the soul and sandbag your faith.
We get caught off guard when a plan encounters delays, conversations escalate and you find yourself frustrated and out of your mind attempting to understand "what just happened?" What's funny about the human spirit? We are informed and aware! The Bible tells us to not be surprised when trials and trouble comes! We are then encouraged, in that our present sufferings pale in comparison to the glory that will be revealed in us. In fact, not only do they pale in comparison, "they are not worthy to be compared." I made the mistake the other day of venting my frustration to a co-worker. And it wasn't that I wasn't being real, or that the circumstance and my response wasn't normal or irrational... but as I thought about it hours later, it didn't display my faith and trust, that all would work out and that God was in control. My reaction was from a place of distraught human emotion, rather than a quiet, spiritual confidence in God. I heard a message the other day by Joni Eareckson Tada, and if you haven't heard her story, talk about one who is an expert on the topic of suffering. She was talking about how Christ endured His suffering... with obedience. And I had to ask myself... How is it that Christ remained obedient while enduring His suffering and yet we all to often stand in defiance at the first sight of suffering. And as we relate to our community, knowing that those without faith in God are watching how we respond to life as one having faith in God, how much more should be aware of the impact that our reaction makes on our story. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help us as we continue to walk lives of faith as we face great difficulty, challenge and suffering. May we ever be reminded that the future glory is greater. While life is real and the struggle is hard, may we respond from the strength of our faith rather than the weakness of emotion. Pray the power of the Holy Spirit would help us to walk in obedience in the midst of our suffering. May we live and display an attitude of grace, even when it's the last thing we desire to show. That we would display Christ first. For our life is not our own. We are His and our lives for His glory. Even in suffering. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "Your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth." -unknown
How simple. How true. How profound. As I was once reminded of this again this past week, in not so many words, it applies and should comfort to both people of faith and people far from God. Anyone, and all of us, in fact, struggle on any given day to remember and focus on the fact that our worth comes from God and not from man. We may be earthen vessels, but we are heaven's treasure. The problems created and the havoc wreaked when we focus too long on the negativity that is being cast our way and spoken to us are disconcerting and stressful, to say the least. So, do we look at others in our lives as God sees them? Do we look at ourselves the way God does? As the old hymn goes... Keep your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of this earth, will grow strangely dim. In the light of His glory and grace. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those, even in ministry and in missions, battling a sense of worth. From whatever source the struggle may come, may the keep their face on Christ and their heart set on the things of God. May the temporary problems of their plight not cause them to falter, stumble or fail, but that they would stand strong, reliant upon their Creator. Pray they would be empowered by the Holy Spirit to press on; that the frustration, emotion and chaos would not overwhelm them, but that they would overcome. By the blood of the Lamb And the word of their testimony. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC My brother and I have always been incredibly close, despite the more than a few years that separate the days of our birth. But after ending our phone call last night, that lasted over two hours (which I'm trying to recall the last time we were on the phone that long), I couldn't help but wonder the odds.
What are the odds, that on same day, I would hear a radio broadcast of a sermon and a phone conversation on the topic of measuring success was discussed, as it relates to our faith in God and the Christian life; and specifically, that the only outward measurement that matters is discipleship. I mention outward measurement, though, because on a personal level, my wise brother submitted this thought for my consideration, which I now pass on to you. "Success is based on one's submission to the Holy Spirit." How often and all too easily, do we get caught up in numbers. Personally, our emotions rise and fall based on numbers. Jobs held, dollars in savings, relationships or marriages gone bad, screw-ups of both the royally and the stupid nature. Likewise in ministry, attendance quantity and size of staff, bank accounts and event turn-outs. We have all these different parameters, and yet for the immediate and finite period of time in our lives, while they may be important and a worthwhile, ultimately they are worthless. For the good that comes from knowing them and learning from them, they can create stress and wreak havoc in both life and soul as they move us away from what really matters. What is God working in my life and what He is wanting to accomplish through it? If our perspective is off and our focus in wrong, then let the spiritual battle ensue. On this #deaconThursday, pray for church leadership, as well as the individual within the body of Christ; whose perspective and focus has perhaps be distracted and redirected to the temporal and carnal definitions and measurements of success. May their be a realignment to see with God's eyes and understandings, of our purpose and calling. Pray for faith unwavering and strength to endure; that the struggle would subside as submission to the Holy Spirit is revisited. May we be about what God cares about first and foremost, the lost souls of humanity and in whatever we do, doing so as unto the Lord. For His glory and by His grace. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Delays.
Detours. Derailment. Disaster. They have a number of things in common, but I would submit that chief among them, is that they come with little, if any, advance warning. In addition, the explanation for their occurrence may take longer than we anticipate and hope. They vary in their degrees of disruption and frustration; some may be no big deal, while others feel like the end of the world. They happen regardless of person and schedule. In the most ordinary moments as well as the most extraordinary of times, delays and detours and worse can truly mess with our emotions, mindset and attitude. They skew our perspective and disrupt our thinking in ways that we aren't even aware. This is the power they hold and they capacity they have to mess with our spirits; whether it be repeatedly for a few seconds or minutes at time or consistently making larger impacts resulting in us being thrown of our game for days and weeks and longer. Meanwhile though, stands the perseverance of our faith and the remembrance of the sovereignty of God. And on that train of thought, it's important to remember that positive disruption exists. Delays, detours and more do serve important tasks and critical reminders; that not only is God in control but that He does use everything for His glory and purpose. Even if it does come at the expense of frustration, inconvenience and monetary loss. Such lessons are hard even for kids in life... and equally so, for adults in the faith. Well, on that note... shall we pray? Thanks for joining us for another #youthPastorWednesday and let's pray for pastors who are being thrown off by delays, detours and worse disruptions. May they not be dismayed, nor disheartened, but strengthened and encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray their faith would be fortified and their resolve unwavering, as they continue to place their hope and trust in the Hand of God and His Sovereignty. May that which was meant to derail and destroy their lives and ministries serve God's design purposes to advance the kingdom of God and testify to the grace and goodness of the power of the Cross of Christ. For He knows the plans He has, For a hope and to future. To prosper. Not just life, but life abundant. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Author Cameron Morrissey posted a cartoon on social media yesterday morning that I thought was brilliant. The cartoon depicts three business men sporting suits and ties sitting at a conference table. One speaks to the others "I used to lead by example, but it was too much work."
Mr. Morrissey goes on in his blog post to shed light on the 10 daily habits of great leaders, based on this premise. "Great leaders don't just show up in a crisis, they're there day in and day out..." The with routines and the mundane... well, they are routine. And mundane. While we don't look forward or desire crisis, there is a weird phenomena that comes with them, as if their is an opportunity to shine; to be the hero, the fixer and whatever accolades or opportunities that make come as a result. While some may be remembered for "being there" when things or life was on the line, whether literally or figuratively, more often than not, it's one's presence in the every day moments of life that consistent make an impact. And that impact is made by anyone who "leads", not simply by position of title or authority. Is it too much work? Well, it certainly feels like. But showing up everyday, with the possibility that a memorable, life-changing impact may exist at any moment... is absolutely worth it. Let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors perhaps tired of the routine and daily-nesss of leadership. Pray for those who feel as though they are not leading as they should or are as effective as they should or could lead. May God grant to them wisdom in the days to come. May they seek and find, tools, resources and people that would speak into their lives and encourage and even lead them, to greater depth and maturity of leadership and influence. Pray pastors would be every mindful that leadership begins and ends with service, regardless of what level of authority they may achieve along the way. For the first shall be last And the last shall be first. For the glory of God. In His Kingdom. - PNC I stood slightly in awe yesterday, as during praise and worship, the band played So Will I, from Hillsong. In the third chorus, the lyrics talk about how as God speaks, a hundred billion failures disappear.
A hundred billion failures. Pastor talked yesterday of the healing of the man who sat by the pool for 38 years. 38 years. And while he didn't have a hundred billion failures, he had the starting point of a long list of reasons and excuses as to why he was by the pool for such a long period of time. But that didn't then, nor does it for people today, hinder Christ from seeing past all of that and asking the basic question that he asked in Scripture. Do you want to be well? Those in ministry aren't any better than everyday people. Sometimes are plight and misery are worth hanging on to longer than we should. It buys sympathy. It buys time. It provides reason to procrastinate and prolong doing what we know we should, going where we know to go and living as we are called to live. I've done it. You've done. And perhaps pastor has as well. We can be defined by the mat that sit upon, rather than taking power over our mat and responding to what Christ has called us to. In spite of a hundred billion failures. Despite, perhaps, our hundred billion excuses. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that God would strength and encourage pastors through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the miraculous; that God would help them get past the failures and excuses that may exist in their lives and ministries. May they rise up as God speaks into their lives; that a new day would dawn in their faith, heart and mind. Pray they would find freedom and peace, as they are released from the past and the mat that has perhaps defined any arena of their life for far too long. May the truth of God outweigh any criticism from the mouth of the man or the enemy of the soul. Freedom. By the word of God. And the work of the Holy Spirit. To the life Christ has called us to lead When He gave up His for ours. For the glory of God. - PNC Daydreaming.
We've all done it. I'm sure we'd love to do it more often if we could. And the reason I'm certain both of those are true, is because we've all looked at the clock at some point in the day and realized, "Um, I/We had best get a move on!" Daydreaming is a refreshing break in the short term and may even bring about an inspirational and transformational change to a situation or circumstance. A break in one's day is understandable. A break in one's life is problematic. I don't know about you, but I've always wondered about people, who when asked how they are doing respond with "I'm living the dream!" Really? Although, I have one friend in particular, who when he says that, I think, "I feel like you're living mine". And parts of my life don't seem like a dream I'd dream... but that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't take it if it was offered to them. So, to that end, we discover that there needs to be a contentment within our lives while simultaneously possessing a drive towards the life of which we dream. A vision is like fishing. What good comes from casting it if one is unwilling to invest the time and effort to reel it in? Thanks for joining us for another #effectiveSunday and as we go forth, let's pray that today would be an effective and productive day, not only for our lives, but for the ministries that advance the kingdom of God. May we not get caught endlessly daydreaming, but casting meaningful and purposed vision. Pray that we would continue to seek first the kingdom of God and encourage others to do the same, followed by His plan and purpose that He has placed in our hearts. May envy and jealousy be far from us; that the spirit of comparison would not dominate our frame of mind. Pray that we would live and lead the life and faith to which God has called us; not someone else's dream, but His dream for our lives. That our lives would point to none other Than the person of Jesus Christ And the work of the Holy Spirit within us For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "Fruitfulness follows faithfulness." - Pastor Steven Furtick.
Taken from the opening verses of Psalm 1, these three profound, but simple words were posted as a meme last night on his church's social media page. Isn't it funny how we know this principle is true, and yet we continually find ourselves hoping that our breakthrough of fruitfulness is always a few days, weeks, months or years closer than what it is. Notice the statement doesn't come with a timeline, yet as we look at circumstances and situations in our lives, it's the first thing we add. Whether in our own lives or the scenario of someone else's... the comments are the same. This should have happened by now. That doesn't seems right. Something is amiss. You would have thought after all this time... And this is a hard battle to resolve. Scripture is replete with stories of people who remained faithful for decades before they witnessed results that people would call "fruitful". Yet we have difficulty with much shorter time-frames. Knowing what to do is a struggle. Even as I write this, I'm thinking of the lady who called in to the Dave Ramsey show yesterday regarding her families finances. She and her husband started a church plant 6 years ago and the church is still not in a position to support them financially by any means. Objectively speaking, it's easy to agree with Dave on this... you'd think after a year or two, enough would be happening to support them to some degree. Six years is a long time to be barely getting by as a church plant. But who knows how close they are to fruitfulness because of their faithfulness? Only God. And many more stories like this are too many to count. So, on this #missionsFriday, let's pray for missionaries who are facing similar challenges regarding ministry. Pray that God would continue to encourage and strengthen them as they remain faithful, even if the resulting fruit seems lacking. Pray for wisdom and insight, if something truly is amiss or needs to be changed. May God bring revelation as to how best proceed in the days and months to come. Pray for a fortification of their faith and resolve to continue to trust and rely upon God, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable circumstances. May they not quit, But press on towards the price Of the high calling. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC What an interesting week of news to start of the New Year?! And somehow yesterday afternoon, something started coming together, as I reflected on recent events, that have made national news, some political in nature, others in the sports world...
Sometimes relationships break. To be more specific, profession, work-related relationships. A parting of ways between employer and employee. The dissolution of business partners. Whether it be a "timing" issue, or a matter of productivity and results or differences in ideology and beliefs as it pertains to the direction and goals of an organization, these can be difficult and delicate matters. Certain circumstances, such a break may be necessary, obvious and a clear and clean decision. Other matters are complicated and complex on numerous levels and the decision may not be to obvious nor clear. Plus, details can be weighed and balanced on what is truly necessary and what can be managed and corrected. Such calls are strenuous and stressful for both parties involved. The decision may seem to be an easier one if personality differences exist or there's simply an element where friendship and comradery is lacking or amiss. But where such a bond does happen to exist and yet a professional partying of ways is in order can be a process we wouldn't wish on anyone. Thus, on this #deaconThursday, pray for church leadership members, who are facing such decisions, even this day. Pray for a clarity of wisdom and direction as to how the matter and the specifics of their situation should be managed. Pray for discernment and understanding. May their be a grace over the conversation and communication that takes place during this time. Pray for truth to prevail and may God work the miraculous in whatever outcome takes place. May God grant strength and perseverance in the aftermath, to continue to move forward in the direction and plans that God has ordained for them to go. That even the parting of ways between people Would not lead to parting of faith between people and God. May He continue to work all things. For His glory and for His purpose. For He makes all things beautiful In His time. - PNC One truly has to laugh at times, at the parallel's between the earthly relationship of a parent and child and that of the spiritual relationship between the believer and God. There are so many instances and conversations that come to mind in which this conversation can go. But one topic stands above the rest.
While the details aren't important, there is a major change on the horizon in our household. As we get closer to it becoming a reality the kids are nearly non-stop excitement mode. When is the day? When does it happen? Tomorrow? This weekend? Two weeks? We're thinking. We're planning. We're praying. We're dreaming. And yet, daily life continues with it tasks and struggles and responsibilities. And it's a balancing act, to be sure, of what needs to be done and what needs to be done in advance. But the barrage of questions of excitement from the kiddos continue... ...until there is but one response: Kids, when it's time, you'll know!! And isn't that how it feels with God? Whether within the life of faith and church, whether in the pew or behind the pulpit, so many conversations with God involve the favorite questions of kids everywhere. When? Why? What? How? Where? Now??... now?... now? Yet all too often we don't care for God's response any more than the kids don't care for mine. "Not yet. Not here. Don't worry about it. You'll find out when we get there." On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for those struggling with the balance of current life against the exciting prospect of what lies ahead for the new year. Pray for a spirit of peace and calm; that would wait and rely on God rather than rush ahead without caution or consideration. Pray for an inner strength, that would not be overrun, nor overtaken by fear, anxiety or stress. May God help to find and live in the balance of daily duties as well as preparation for the coming days. Pray a continual aligning and realigning with the hand of God and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. That there would be a strengthened trust in God And a fortified resolve in His provision For we have all that we need today. As we look to Him Who holds tomorrow in His hands. God will. On Earth. As in Heaven. - PNC I had to laugh just a little bit last night as yesterday's post played out in real life, albeit on a very small scale. We talked about life changing in just a moment as such grand events occur, such as entering a new year and my kids, moments before getting ready for bed, went from laughing and carrying on like teens (which they are not) to the opening seconds of an emotion 180 spin akin to a 2-year old (which they are also, not!)
Well, that happened fast. Then, while watching an episode of Fuller House on Netflix, there's a scene where nearly every cast member steps into the room, ready to share their bed news. And just like that, everyone was having an "oh-no" moment. Real life returned again this morning, as a friend posted on social media, the past two days of their life... further inundated with bad news and a rough start to the new year. Friends posted that at least all the bad things were happening at the beginning, but as we're barely one day in to the new year, it's hard not to consider... no, we're not getting all the bad out at the beginning. It's highly likely and probable that there will be many more in the 364 remaining days of 2018. But, perhaps as a part 2 continuation of yesterday's thoughts, it's one thing when we can control our attitudes and responses to the circumstances and situations that happen to us directly; but it's somewhat hard when we watching it happen to others and we are faced with how to encourage and help them respond, whether they be our child of a few years or a friend of many years. We all have "stuff" going on in our lives and the moments that serve to remind us that others have their struggles as well and need us, give us opportunity to set ourselves aside and share life with those around us. It's hard to do at times, even for those in ministry. Having to do it more often because of their position doesn't make the process any easier. Thus, on this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for pastors, as they continue to serve others and play aside their own challenges and difficulties to help others. May God grant them strength and insight as they help others through their struggles. Pray they would be refreshed as they refresh others. May God move in their hearts and lives as they take time to invest in helping meet the needs and concerns of others. Pray they would not grow weary in well-doing, but that the Holy Spirit would be their sustenance throughout this entire year and whatever may come there way. That we would live to serve. God. And Others. In humility and honesty, In spirit and truth. For we are never alone. Thanks be unto God. - PNC Happy New Year!!
I'm not sure that there are many who are not among those balancing the joys of 2017 along with the insurmountable challenges as 2018 begins and those circumstance carry over. And while a new day and a new year certainly usher in a sense of excitement and enthusiasm to one's life, circumstances and realizations can quickly induce a sense of concern and worry which quickly puts a damper on one's spirits. Personal matters, relational struggles and ministry problems...such moments and more can turn a glorious New Year's Day into just another manic Monday. And yet social media posts have been flooded with the verse from Isaiah 43. Behold, I am doing a new thing... While I hadn't planned on inserting that verse in this post, I can attest that the sentiment certainly resonates. The battles and struggles may carry over and that's okay, for God is still in control, still leading the way and still protecting by His strong right hand. Whatever the challenges, whatever the resolutions, whatever is being carried over or starting afresh, the first and best step that can be taken is a renewed trust in God's will and His ways. Though we are tested daily regardless of the calendar, He can be trusted daily, regardless of circumstance. On this New Year's #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those struggling with the ongoing challenges that have entered into 2018. May God give them insight to handle them, strength to endure and provision rise to above. Pray for those facing defeat and desperation, rather than excitement and enthusiasm. May their be a spiritual shift in their perspective and outlook; transformed by the God's Word and their mind renewed by His truth. May 2018 indeed by a year of new beginnings. That God would continue the miraculous In the lives of those dedicated and devoted to His call. A testament to His glory and faithfulness. Even when the prospect of both today and tomorrow is dim. May we see life through eyes of His grace and glory - PNC There's an old saying that like most, is quite simple and yet, as I passed while scrolling through my social media feed that I was browsing last night, I was struck by it's profound insight... perhaps distracted by thoughts of the New Year.
The life instruction reads as follows: "To heal a wound, you have to stop touching it." I'm sure, like you, many things have transpired in 2017 that have done damage and pain, whether it be physical, emotional, psychological, financial, relational or spiritual. And while we promise, hope and pray that things will go and be better in 2018, it's hard not to mess with and be reminded by the issues that have resulted from the instances and moments that we would rather forget than relive. Yet, by not leaving the wound alone to heal, we sabotage our effectiveness and progress in the area and arenas of life that are strong and whole. We keep trying to move forward while focusing on a matter that just might work itself out if we stopped messing with it. And I understand, there's a balance at work. In the literal sense, there's a check-up and a care-taking to the process and that's fine. But more often than not, the healing takes longer than it should because we continue to interfere with the process. So, on this #effectiveSunday, as we prepare to step into 2018, let's pray, that this would be a day that we leave the wounds of life alone. Pray the efforts of ministry and church life would not be hindered nor detoured by that which has gone wrong, but empowered by that which has gone right. Pray for a spirit of rejuvenation and revitalization as we enter this new year, stronger and more whole than ever before. Pray for a renewed resolve in our pursuit of the kingdom and righteousness of God. May that which was meant to destroy us be used to propel us into the abundant life that Christ came to present and fulfill for the redemption of humanity. For a new day has dawned And a new year awaits on the next horizon. This is the day the Lord has made Let us rejoice and be glad in it. With every part of our being Both that which is whole and broken. We are His and for His glory. - PNC Community does really take on all forms. The family and I ventured out on a little road trip for the evening and enjoyed it so much, I thought, why haven't we done this sooner?! Then, this morning, on one of the group pages that I'm in on social media, somebody, posted how grateful they were to be a part of the group and experience the online conversation. Around the same time, I discovered the "Electric Holidays" radio station on Pandora and again... how come I didn't find this sooner in my life?!
Last night's road trip reminded me again, of the accomplishments of a small group of people coming together for a single cause, mission or goal. And yet, whatever the purpose and pleasure of the group, it does not happen if people themselves do NOT come together. And yet, we come together for such great times as Christmas, and again this weekend for New Years. It's easy to engage for the big moments, the big events, the grand holidays. But where and what are we doing the rest of the time. Every other lazy Saturday. The typical Monday morning at work. The Sunday service that isn't holiday-related or themed. I only ask because 2018 starts in 36 hrs and change. Are we ready to live differently? Are we ready to engage differently? With intentionality and purpose? With clarity and vision? What 2018 has in store for you certainly depends on what God desires to accomplish in your life. It also largely depends on your focus, your attitude and your response as God guides your steps. On the #communitySaturday before New Year's Eve, pray that we start, this weekend, to engage and live out community with a fresh attitude. May we engage with meaning and purpose, speak with clarity and truth and experience love, grace and forgiveness. Pray that we be a community that reflects Christ and is growing ever closer and deeper in our walk with God. May God work the miraculous in and through lives that are renewed in their resolve to be used for His purposes by by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. May 2018 be a year for breakthrough. Strongholds are broken Relationships are restored. Community is revived. And life in Christ is lived to the fullest. For the glory of God. - PNC Well, Christmas has past, the New Year is practically here and the reality of both are quickly setting in, depending on whether you've look at your bank accounts recently.
Ministry is a glorious blessing... and at times, a spiritually frustrating curse, for monies often seem to get diverted and directed to other things. They get put towards things other than going towards a ministry and even ministry funds end up being needed somewhere else, other than one had hoped or planned to be able to go and do. Such was an experience I had yesterday. An investment that needed to made regarding a decision that had been put off for far too long. December is already an expensive month in my life without the expense of Christmas, and this year has been even more expensive due to other decisions that are in the works and required funding. So while I sat in the chair considering this decision and the financial impact, I truly wasn't happy about having to make the choice. For in that moment, I was grateful to have the funds available, but at the same time, I kept thinking about how it affected many other decisions in the days and weeks to come. Somebody's $4 per day specialty coffee habit is somebody else' $120 cell phone bill at month's end. Thus, as we enter the New Year, it's an exciting, prospective time. It can also quickly become a time of anxiety and worry; both for how things will work out personally here on Earth, but more importantly, how life will be affected spiritually for all eternity. Ministry may not be all about the money, but that doesn't mean that it's not affected by the lack or abundance of it either. While yesterday's investment may meet a real, physical need, a greater spiritual one still remains. On this #missionsFriday, pray God would move miraculously on the behalf of missionaries and ministries that are struggling financially one year closes and a new one prepares to open. May God super-naturally provide through His people and even the unexpected sources and scenarios. Pray we witness a new season of generosity and blessing to those around us and the investment that is made into the kingdom of God. Pray for a spirit of peace and calm for those who are stressing and anxiety. May they place their trust in God once again, to open the windows of Heaven as He has done so many times in days gone past. For He owns it all. May He help us to do well With what has been entrusted to our care. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019