I wasn't sure what might bre in store for this post, until pastor stated a powerful reminder from Scripture. He had a taken a few moments before preaching to call forward for a prayer, a group of couples who were taking an impromptu missions trip And by impromptu, I mean, this wasn't something the church had planned and laid out and asked people to sign up if they were interested in going. No, this was simply a handful of couples, agreeing literally, to a mission. They leave next weekend and I'm hoping, I'll remember come #missionsFriday, to pray for them as they go.
But as pastors prayed, he mentioned what we somehow often push to the background in the ministry efforts of the church. Unless the Lord builds it, the people labor in vain. Whatever you do, wherever you go, whatever you plan to attempt for God, is essentially foolishness, if God has not, is not, does not go before you and prepare the way. It's true for all of us. As believers. As ministry leaders. As pastors. It really is that simple. All the best laid plans, all our best efforts and endeavors, whether we intend to do so or not, is potentially futile, if we do not continually call on God and seek His face, from on the outset and throughout the process as we step out in obedience to do and be what we feel He has called us to accomplish. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, that indeed, God would go before us and prepare the way and establish the plans He has for us. Pray that we walk in obedience to what He has called us to do and laid on our heart to achieve. May we place our trust in Him, especially when it scares us a bit to do so. Build it, God. For your glory, And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
So, I came across one of the associate pastors' posts on social media earlier today. He was at church with some of other leadership, holding a meeting for those interested in becoming members of our church. Over sixty people in attendance! How awesome is that?
Membership is such a cool concept. The skewed view, is that it is a form of exclusivity and "better-than" egos and attitudes. And sadly, that's an incorrect, and detrimental perspective... at least when it comes to religion. What it is, is an alignment. It's a partnering together, in which both parties are benefiting from the relationship. In order for that to be true, both parties need to be contributors in that relationship. It's a coming together for unity of purpose and commitment to the process. There is commonality of goals and a joining of skills and connections to pursue and accomplish them together. Can such things happen in an organization where membership is not a clearly defined distinction of the people involved? Sure. But it also gives opportunity for people to more easily disconnect from an organization. In a formal agreement, if any point something occurs that prompts my disagreement, there's an obligation to resolve whatever is happening. Otherwise, without an established agreement, one can simply say they disagree and leave. People may not know there's a problem. They don't have an opportunity to understand the problem. Address the problem. Correct the problem. The bypassing of that simply 4-step process, not only kills relationships, but ultimately, it will destroy a community. Continued disconnects that go unresolved for indefinite periods of time dissolve whatever the people or organization was coming together to accomplish in the first place. So, pray this #communitySaturday, that the church would be a place where people are unified in purpose, vision and mission. For an ever increasing commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ and the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. Pray that the church community would be a force for good, bringing benefit to the communities they serve as the express the love of God through the establishment of relationships. Pray the church would be strengthened, not allowing problems to go unnoticed and uncorrected. May the enemy not gain a foothold, where personal preference, attitude and ego dominate the church culture; but that Christ alone would be glorified. For the advancement of the Gospel And on the Earth As is the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC While America is going through some serious moral conflict of ideology within the nation (and has for decades now), it's imperative, that we (read: the church) don't forget, diminish or neglect the serious battles that the global church and missionaries are facing elsewhere.
It's easy to get caught up in our own lives, our own problems, whether they be legitimate or #firstworldproblems only, and the struggles and battles we face. We do it as individuals. We do it as families. As companies and at an organizational level. Even the church can isolate itself at times, from both the secular world and the rest of the Christian community. Perhaps it's necessary for a time and season. But certainly, not as a continual state of existence. While we face ideological battles when serious consequences, Christians and churches around the world are in battles over their very existence. Both at an organizational level and literally, for their life. It is indeed a crazy day and time in which we live and are witnessing. They need our support; but they need our prayer. It's easy to leave them out, and it shouldn't be that way. I know. I've done it. So, let's pray, this #missionsFriday. Pray for those whose lives are both on the line and in jeopardy. Pray that God would strengthen them and bless them for what they have sacrificed to date, for the advancement of the Gospel. Pray that God would soften the hearts of hearers, from the paupers to the palaces. Pray that God would give them favor and influence in the place of attack and oppression. May God bring healing to the lands in which they are, just as we pray would pray for the healing of our own nation. For as there is one Christ, So it, is there one body of Christ. Those who are His Faithfully serving the Gospel For the glory of God. - PNC There are some things you have control over. Others, obviously, not so much. And for the things that you do have control over, decisions must be made. Will you handle it? That's a good first question, because if you aren't, then it makes moving forward that much easier. Delegate it if you must.
Forgive me. I'm laughing. A moment of confession. I'm writing this a day late. Thursday has passed. It's Friday. But I had this somewhat planned out in my head, so writing it for yesterday. Since starting it a few moments ago, my youngest child joined me. And now, as I'm typing, the words are being read aloud behind me. As if there was an echo in my brain, as I attempt to think of the next sentence. Meanwhile, the oldest has also joined us, wanting to read what I'm typing. Which the youngest as not called writing, as I don't have a pen in my hand. So it's "texting". Except I'm not on a phone, so technically, typing. Why tell you all this? Oh, the irony. I'm trying to work out the thought process of how to handle disruptions and God, in His incredible sense of humor, is having fun with me for posting this a day late. The youngest has caught up to my typing and as I contemplate the next thought, I hear... "by, Peter Conlin?" as if I were done. This is really hard! No, I'm not done. But this disruption is keeping me from getting back on track, so that I can be done. What a dilemma. So, will I handle this? Yes, I'm smiling. That's my responding to it. For some things, that's all you can do. Just react, preferably with a smile. Some things, even if you do have control over them, require consideration, as to whether you spend the time and effort to deal with them. Just like every dollar spent or invested in this or on that, is one less dollar spent on that or in this, so too are the decisions we make regarding everything we encounter on a given day; whether it was on the schedule or disruptive to it. And as much as plans have both a positive and negative aspect to them, so also, do the disruptions of life. Timing, perspective, relationship, importance and many other factors all demand our consideration and influence our response. Handle with care. Pray, this #deaconThursday, that God would help church leaders to properly respond and handle the disruptions that occur. Both in their personl lives and in ministry, may the nature of disruption not ruin or detour their faith or their witness. Pray for clarity as they navigate difficult circumstances and conversations; that the fog and haze of the matter would be lifted. Pray that any sense of defeat and discouragement would be short-lived and removed; that they would walk in confidence and victory. May there be spirit of peace, that does not allow fear to take over and bring confusion and anxiety. Pray also, that we would recognize when the disruption is from God, attempting for whatever reason to capture our attention and perhaps, our heart as well. Thanks for entertaining my disruption On my thoughts regarding disruptions. Only God in His timing, is perfect. - PNC Change is interesting. It seems like the more we know that it is coming; that it's expected or at least planned, we seem to do better in our reactions and response. It might not always be change for the better, but the advance warning seems to at least soften the blow. However, I've noticed that over time (read: age), change seems less inviting.
Stability and familiarity lead to a level of comfort that is hard to willing disrupt. Likewise, when disrupted, it makes it harder to cope. Kids and young people struggle as well, depending on the circumstance. But by and large, they adapt much quicker... and with more enthusiasm. And I'm just wondering... It seems, even in our walks of faith, for all of us, that with time and life experience, having witnessed all the incredible things God has accomplished, that we can be or seem more resistant to change than we should. Even when God's hand is in it, something inside us says, yeah, I'm not so sure. We know all believers go through this conversation. Yet somehow, we think pastors don't. Or at least not as much as we. And perhaps that's true. Perhaps, though, just perhaps, they struggle with change more. Remember this, greater resistance is often met with greater determination. Be careful which position you take, as it will vary for every issue of life. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that pastors would recognize when God is work, making changes. Pray that pastors would not give in to the tempation to resist or hesitate to the working hand of God. May there be a continual spirit of obedience as they lead; setting an example that being adaptive to God's plan is a good thing, regardless of one's life experience and faith journey. May that experience not stand in the way of what's next in their ministry, but serve to enhance the journey as God leads them. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ For future generations. - PNC We've all "fallen" behind. And it's an interesting dynamic. Because the truth of the matter, is that the farther you go without course correction, the worse the situation becomes. The mess gets messier. The irritation becomes more irritating. What would have taken a matter of minutes, now takes a matter of hours, and what was a few hours, now takes days and weeks. Nothing is gained falling behind. (this just in)
If anything is in fact, learned from the process, it's the point that there is great power in staying focused, staying on point and doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done. For the task list items, that's simply a matter of diligence and stewardship. For the unseen issues, it's a matter of wisdom and discernment. If anything, I feel I have more experience in lagging behind than leading the field. I think the work involved in the former is more stressful and frustrating at more times than the latter. Not that leadership isn't hard work. It is why many don't lead from the onset. But for those who aren't at the top or out in front on the leadership scale, there are many who follow, who struggle just to keep up with the pace. Pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that God would help those who pastors who are struggling to stay on pace and maintain the correct course. Pray that God would give them the wisdom and discernment to know what they need to be doing from day to day and faithfully execute their responsibilities and duties, both personally and as it pertains to the ministry. May the recognize that there are always opportunities to lead and may the be aware of when those opportunities may present themselves. Pray that they would not fall behind to the point that frustration and discouragement would be stronger than the desire and motivation to catch up and get things done. For the work of the Lord is never complete, As much as His work in us is also, ongoing. For the glory of God. - PNC I got to thinking about generations again, probably a combination of what happened earlier tonight and something pastor said during service. Whatever it was, one thing is clear. Every generation makes an impact on the next.
Some impacts are profoundly powerful; an inspiration to do, to go and to be better, farther and more accomplished than has previously been done. Other impacts are also, quite powerful... and profoundly devastating. They serve as opportunity to do, go and be something entirely different from what the generation was. The first kind is always intentional. The second kind, almost always quite unintentional. Thus, it begs the question, for nearly every conversation, every action, every teaching moment and shared experience... what the desired outcome. Because if we recognize our words and deeds don't bring about the desired outcome, then we should probably change course. And if they do bring about the desired outcome, then we are reminded to continue to do the right thing and handle matters the right way. Every impression may not seem lasting when it is made, but that doesn't mean that it does not last. Even the ones you don't plan or think will. They do. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, that as leaders of the body of Christ, that pastors would never lose the perspective that impacts are always being made. Pray that their conversations would be intentional, and their actions, honorable. Pray for a grace about their lives, that when mistakes are made, they will not only be short-lived, but lessons quickly-learned. May they not only lose the hope of their faith, but also bring a hope of faith to those around them; excited not only for what God has accomplished, but what He is in the process of accomplishing. For as long as humanity lives God's redeeming grace stands. For the kingdom of God. - PNC Yes, I'm writing this later in the day...again. It's okay. You'd figure it out soon enough, when I opened this post with how I found myself chuckling in my spirit during this morning's service. Yesterday we talked on here about letting love conquer. And at church, today was the second in a series dealing with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The emphasis was in particular, on the gifts of faith, healing and miraculous power. In closing, pastor asked the question, "how do we "activate" the gifts.
It was then that he pointed out what we find about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 12, we read about what they are. In chapter 14, we read about how they function in within the body of Christ and the life of the believer. In the middle... if they are used without love, it's meaningless. For all the things the church does, in order to be effective and efficient in ministry, not just on Sunday, but every other day of the week and yet, if it's not done in love, and if we don't pray over our efforts with an attitude and understanding of love, then it all is for naught. Not only is that disconcerting, it's downright sad. With that impact being made, let's pray this #effectiveSunday, that indeed, everything we say and do for the advancement of the Gospel and the kingdom of God would be done in love. Pray that the more we know and understand God's love, that we would walk and act in continuation as we go about our days. Pray that the gifts of the Spirit that we are to eagerly desire, would be put to great use, because of the love of God that flows from our being and through our lives to others around us. May we be known, as we are to be known, by having love for one another. For while our hands can accomplish much, They do so much more when multiplied by the Hand of God And the power of the Holy Spirit at work within us. For the glory of God. - PNC This song, as written and performed by Mylon LeFevre & Broken Heart from their Big World album, played earlier today. It's seems by the hour we are reminded of just how much hate and evil exists in the world. Whether it be through one's actual actions or one's words, it is clear that society's twisting of "love" and "hate" combined with "truth" has brought us to a point that many don't know what to do.
What they perceive as hatred isn't. What is true hatred doesn't bother them. They call for love, as long as it doesn't contain truth. And truth is passed off as opinion and justification to continue in the wrong. If God is Love, then love can't conquer when God is denied and rejected. Eventually, there has to be a spiritual breaking and transforming breakthrough. Without one's acknowledgement of their life in relation to God, truth will be ignored, love with be meaningless and hatred will be skewed. Do we need to let love conquer? Absolutely. But it's efforts will be hindered and restrained if we don't let God prevail. The two go hand in hand, for God and love is one and the same. Somehow we've arrived at a place where we think we can love without truth. And every form of hatred is wrong. And both are wrong. There is a time for love and time for hate. And truth must be present in all of it. Pray this #communitySaturday, that as we interact, that God would prevail... in both our words and our deeds. Pray that truth would be at the forefront of what we say and love would motivate what we do. Pray that hatred would be properly directed at evil and sin, rather than those who commit it. Pray that God would help us, during these troubled times, for many are in spiritual trouble. May lives be changed because they see in us that change that Christ has brought. For we all have sinned And all are broken. We all need Christ. For this day. For every day. For the glory of God May Love conquer all. - PNC So, I'm scrolling through social media, when I come across a story posted by a friend. My first reaction was where it was wrong to want to laugh out loud, for surely, it's quite a predicament. So much so, my next thought was wow... talk about your hens coming home to roost.
Life changes. Time changes. Our perspectives and opinions change. Depending on your beliefs hopefully they don't change. Although for the world-known person in the story, I can only pray their beliefs do change. Hence the pending, potential predicament. I just can't help but consider the grace of God, in light of this situation. The stories of people's lives before coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ... who they were, what they did, what they were involved in... the stories I've heard over the years are beyond belief!! (as a Petra song is playing in the background, but not the Beyond Belief album. Back To The Street, if you must know) Missions sounds like such a daunting work, but in reality it's not. It's simply sharing the transition of one's life before Christ to what happened once they understood His death was for them. For every life has a pivotal moment. A spiritual predicament, in which eternity is affected. A day of reckoning, in which a decision must be made when it is discovered the hens have come home to roost. What will this person do? I don't know, but it will be interesting to follow. But more importantly, the world is a mission field, both globally and locally. What will the people in your life do? How will those who are hearing the before and after stories of lives forever changed by Christ respond? Pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries who are striving and persevering to advance the Gospel. May they be strengthened and renewed as they tell their stories. More urgently, pray for those who are hearing them. Pray that their hearts and minds would be softened and opened to receive. May God do a transforming work, as He has done miraculously, more millions the world over. Pray that when the hens come home to roost and the day of reckoning comes when they are faced with a spiritual crisis, that they would not turn from God, but turn towards Him and away from the wickedness, that has perhaps been a part of their lives for years and decades. May they not be defined by their horrors, but the holiness that God has draped over them because of His saving grace and the cross of Jesus Christ. Lives for ever changed; Young and old, alike. For we are never alive, Until we are alive in Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC I caught part of a sermon from Chuck Swindoll on the radio, and he mentioned how at a previous church he pastorsed, he had to deal with the heinous acts of one of elders. He didn't go into great detail, obviously, but he talked about when it came it to the surface, that the church dealt with it. Publicly. And correctly. Matters such as what that church encountered can't mess around, when it comes time for resolution.
We are all human, even the nicest, most admired and influential of leaders. Sadly, at some point, more churches than not have had matters that have been a troubling and delicate balancing act that they have had to deal with and bring instruction, correction, resolution and healing. But it begins by the things we keep in the closet of our lives. There's big difference between guarding the treasures and hiding the monsters. And every time one passes from this life, with monsters not dealt with, we leave a looming disaster. For just as you don't know who will walk through the "empty" house after you move, neither do you know who will discover what your life has left behind. Who knows what the repercussions will be, but at least if the monsters in your life are dealt with while you are still around, you have a presence and a voice in the outcome. If they are found after the fact, well... it's a devastating disaster waiting to happen. And it ruins the reputation of your life, as there is now, no way for anything good to follow it. The monster is now your legacy, rather than your guarded and prized treasures. Don't let what's wrong in your life go unchecked and unresolved. Lest the unknown be your defining moment, rather than that which you have striven to make known. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those in church leadership who perhaps have monsters in hiding. Pray for the power of confession to do it's work, that resolution and healing may occur. Pray for wisdom as churches and pastors deal with delicate and troubling situations, regardless of their nature. Pray for correction and instruction to have it's place. May such circumstances be saturated with grace and truth, love and forgiveness; even when punishment and justice are in order. Pray that the church would be healthy and holy, functioning as a whole body, serving a holy God. For His glory alone Called to be holy, as only He is For the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC It's really hard some days, to keep current events off of a site dedicated to ministry, church leadership and burnout. Yet, some days, it's purely unavoidable. Today is the day we pray over those who ministry to your children and youth. And while New York celebrates legislation that permits abortion up to the moment of birth essentially, hearts break. As does God's, obviously.
And have you noticed a pattern? Those who lecture and push for care and compassion on so many other issues and area's of life, some of them sensitive topics, some of them political hot-button problems, somehow are all okay with this. And it simply doesn't compute. The disconnect seems as though it would be hard to miss, and yet it eludes so many. Just stroll through social media. Or not. It's been said that good writers, write. Great writers steal from other writers. So let me quote Matt Walsh, who offers my exact sentiment on New York government's horrific move. "Please don't complain about deporting children if you support murdering them... You are standing on a mountain of dead kids while you sermonize about being compassionate to kids." - Matt Walsh Deportation, obviously a hot topic, in it's own right. The proper care and treatment of animals, sure. But let's put this in another perspective. In New York, lethal injection for criminals is illegal? Lethal injection for the unborn? By all means. This is just... well, not just, for certain. I wrote a while back, they we aren't raising kids, but we are raising adults. I didn't coin the phrase, and I'm sure more educated and well-known can expound in greater detail than myself. But it seems society is bent on pushing kids farther away from the people that we would hope they would become. Perhaps not by our words and maybe not by our actions. But somewhere down the road, the next generation will reflect up these current days and wonder... what in the world were those adults thinking? Sorry, kids. We weren't. And too many simply refused to do so. As the blind lead the blind, they traversed a road against better counsel and more importantly, ignored those, who while not perfect, tried to bring a perspective of common sense and a belief of Godly truth to the conversation. Nothing will ever be built by your hands, if you are killing that which is being divinely created by God's. On this heart-breaking #youthPastorWednesday, pray that we would not fail in training our children up in the way they should go, so that when they are old, they will not depart. Pray for a revelation in the leadership, of both within the church and the world, who have departed. May there be a return to God, that we may properly lead and raise our kids. Pray for today's youth. May God guard their hearts and minds and keep His hand of protection over them, as the days are indeed, growing ever more evil by the hour. That our cries would be heard from heaven, That God would come forgive us And heal our land. Son of David, have mercy on us. For your glory alone. - PNC As I was writing yesterday's post on protecting the truth, I kept thinking about the power of numbers, and specifically, supporters.
We've all been the lone wolf at times. We've all been the lone voice of reason. Even John the Baptist was the lone voice in the wilderness. But consider in your life, the power that comes from being surrounded by various levels of support. Family for when you are hurt by friends. Friends for when you are betrayed by family. Those who over comfort in times of great loss. People who laugh during moments of joy. Celebrations are sweeter when people are there to gather with and tragedy is a little less bitter when others mourn with you. So to, is the truth more easily declared when there is more than one person speaking it. As Christ stated that the poor would always be with you, I think the same can be said for the detractors and naysayers. There will also we an argument against the truth, dismissing the truth, ignoring it or suppressing it. Culture seems enamored with solidarity stances, yet someone speaks truth and people hesitate as to whether they should stand by it's side. It's a weird phenomenon that I'm not sure is more disconcerting or depressing. And those who demand evidence of truth seem to be experts on opinion. Another strange dynamic, but for another time. As a continuation, on this #associatePastorTuesday, pray that truth, while confident in standing alone, would not. Pray for unity with our church leadership, to stand for truth and in particular, God's truth. May there not be a shying away or diminishing perspective of it, but a confidence in its power to bring freedom and clarity to a culture and society that are lacking both. Pray that senior pastors would not stand alone, but that their entire pastoral team would be committed to what should be so simple and obvious. And while we on the topic of support systems, pray for those who hear and receive from the church and its' ministries. May the hear, recognize and reconcile truth as it should be applied to their lives. For there is freedom in truth And His Word is truth. May we know His Word To be used for His glory. - PNC It seems as if daily, there's another argument made for the need for the truth and for telling it. And for the past few days, I've found this phrase repeating.
Truth Protectors. Know the truth. Yes. Declare the truth. Yes. Hold fast to truth. Absolutely. Protect it? Um... An interesting perspective, if you will on the concept of protection. We often think of protection as shelter, which it is. It's also boundaries and limits, as much as people like to argue they don't have their place. They do and they know it. But I would submit that protection also involves preparation. Protection is making sure my kid doesn't run out into the street. At the same time, protection is giving that same kid the skill and mindset necessary to safely navigate the street, whether through walking, riding or driving. I can't protect them by refusing any interaction with traffic. The kid needs to know how to navigate the situation. And substitute traffic for any other issue of life. Dating. Drugs. Career. Relationships. Politics. Ugh. The arena where so many leaders having seemingly forgotten about truth or they ignore it. I'm not taking sides, nor convincing you of anything. But here we are bombarded again with narrow narratives, rather than exposed truth. Perhaps because Colonel Jessep was right. Too many people can't handle it. Perhaps too many can't handle it because not enough people tell it. We've sheltered it, rather than used it wisely in the public square. And now, when seen in public, nobody knows how to respond to it; as if it is a lost and foreign concept. And here's a play on words that you can read into whatever you will; I trust you're mature enough to handle it. Isn't it strange, that we are seemingly more open to allow what is unknown into our lives, while rejecting what is known. I don't care what God has to say about my life and His plan for me, but I'll call a psychic hotline on late-night television. Um, what? I don't care what God says about my finances, but we need to buy a new car, cause Joe down the street got a sweet, new ride. Too much? Relationships experience a similar dynamic all the time. You get the idea. Consider this... if the church starts forgetting, ignoring or diminishing the power of truth; just how much trouble are we in? Is this a big deal in our churches? I don't know. It certainly seems like it is a growing problem, though. And you could probably tell me stories of how big and how long this has been the case. If the truth doesn't matter, then nothing else does either. So, pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, that those who sit at the heads of our local churches, would indeed, be truth protectors. May they boldly speak the truth and steadfastly hold on to it. Pray that they would know it for when it is obvious and may they seek it, when it is not so obvious. Pray that would neither be a wavering from it, nor a recklessness in their handling it. May they use it rightly and often. Pray too, for those who need to hear it, for they are many. Pray for revelation in their hearts and minds, that they would receive it and in doing so, may their lives be transformed by the power and hand of God. For the truth accomplishes so much more than deceit For those who are willing to forgo the temporal for the eternal. For the glory of God. - PNC So, I'm standing by the check-in desk to drop the kids off for their service this morning at church. Coffee on the desk, half-gone already. And I'm not sure what happened, if I picked it up and loosened my grip or what... but the next thing I knew I was watching it fall. For whatever reason, I kept replaying the scene a few times during the middle of praise and worship (sorry God) and wondering; why didn't you grab it mid-air before it landed? You didn't even make an attempt to save it. You just watched it plummet and empty itself
For years now, we've prayed every Sunday for a day of effectiveness and efficiency regarding the ministry efforts of the church and the advancement of the kingdom of God. Yet this morning, I pondered... Just how effective are the negative events, actions and words in our lives because of our inaction? We watch tragedy happen, sometimes in slow-motion, thinking we should intervene and yet, as if we are frozen in time, we don't respond. At all, let alone, before the coffee hits the floor. I know this. That was a great cup of coffee. And I was bummed to have lost what I was in the middle of enjoying. How much more important things are there in this life, that are much more tragic because of my inaction? What about you? What about eternity? Are we watching as if life is moving in slow-motion? My youngest celebrated another birthday today. I can assure, life is absolutely not moving slowly, let alone in cinematic slow-motion likeness. Pray this #effectiveSunday, that we would not be those who simply watch life pass us by, up and over. Pray that we would see opportunity to intervene and interact in ways and words that will change lives for the good of humanity and eternity. May we not get frustrated and discouraged by the temporal things such as spilled coffee. Pray we not be effective nor efficient at being lazy and unproductive, but engaged and encouraged to speak and to share life with the hurting and the dying. For as the Word of the Lord gives life So should the words of our brothers and sisters Strengthen and encourage said life. For the glory of God. - PNC We had a pretty powerful discussion this morning during our men's breakfast. And despite the weather, quite a turnout. Sadly, there are many topics, which over the years, the church has shied away from talking about and regrettably so, both the church and culture are paying a price for allowing truth to be twisted and perverted. And one of the most prevalent discussions that the church is losing, or seemingly so the more we don't deal it... pornography.
A discussion not for the faint of heart. Here's the scary stat on the matter. 70% of all google searches involve pornography. Talk about crisis issue! And in our three-person panel of pastors, one said something powerful. Many things tto be exact but here's the title shot. If you deal with dragon eggs when they are eggs, then you won't have to worry about them becoming dragons. Sin always operates in this modus. Let it go unchecked and it moves from an irritant to an issue. Let it remain a mess long enough and it will become a disaster. Let it continue to be an obstacle that you trip over until it becomes a mountain that you can no longer see your way past. In a like manner that we ignore the elephant in the room, this is perhaps the dragon we refuse to realize is attempting to burn our house down with fire! Pray this #communitySaturday, whether the issue be pornography or something else, may we not let such issues and battles go unchecked, especially to the point that they destroy lives. Pray that we would recognize problems and confront them with love, grace and truth. May we not fear the power of confession, even when the consequences and outcomes may be severe and life changing. Pray for wisdom in knowing how to handle the circumstances and conversations that bring deep and dark issues to the light that is presence of God that He might accomplish the miraculous. For confession is preferable to conviction To the glory of God our Father. In name of Jesus Christ our Lord. - PNC You never know what one simple act, what kind word, what statement of truth will be the difference maker. You never know what will be the moment of revelation; when there is a shift in the atmosphere or a clarity of understanding or a change of heart. No matter how often you connect with people, hear their story and situation or whatever... there is also "one more thing", that they hold closest to their heart.
And perhaps, just maybe, it's the very thing that is standing between them and God. It's standing in the way of establishing relationship with Him. It stands in the way of a greater and more powerful relationship than what currently exists. And it feels at times as though, both in formal ministry and every day life, as though you are throwing things at the wall just to see what sticks. Or as Donna, from The West Wing says, putting the milk out there and see if the cat licks it up. That said, impact is made through continual, repeated attempts. Practiced and disciplined habits. When it's lacking you notice. When not lacking, well, the evidence is equally noticeable. On this #missionsFriday, a simple reminder as we pray, that those both in missions and ministry, would not tire or grow weary in well doing. May there always be an answer for the hope that is within us and may we be prepared to give it. Pray for a continual openness to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, to be directed in our conversations and deeds, even with those whom we "know" the best. May God accomplish great things through the lives of those who are faithful in the little things. For God is God overall and nothing goes unnoticed from His presence. May we live with an equal sense of purpose and intent. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC As we often pray for our leaders, in all kinds of arenas of life, we understand that have vision to cast and agendas to achieve. And by and large, that's good. They have goals and often approach them with a clarity and purpose and pursuit towards improvement. Or at least that's what we hope.
Of course, depending on where you look, you'll quickly notice there are many who have agendas that are questionable, to say the least and dangerous, if we're be brutally honest. But it got me thinking about followers. The reasons people consider themselves "followers" are many, but do we view them as having an agenda with the same meaning and intent as the standard we hold for leadership? I think the short answer is yes! Otherwise, there is no meaning for the term "hidden agenda". Likewise, advisors and those who are on the "inside" assisting leadership have their reasons and agendas as well. And when there is diametric opposition between any of the three, then the breakdown begins. Tensions become apparent, problems start to arise and the conflict becomes complex. And the longer it goes unnnoticed, ignored and excused, the more difficult the process of course-correction becomes. The alignment is easy and inexpensive when caught early. Delayed and prolonged, it's a whole other level of work and cost involved to make things right. Pray this #deaconThursday, that this would not be the existence of church leadership. Pray that those involved, especially at the leadership level or position of influence, would be a group who is in agreement and unity. Pray for those whose agenda and purpose is detrimental and damaging to the ministry and the advancement of the Gospel. May God do a work in their hearts and minds that would prompt a spiritual shift. In these challenging days, may the church be a people who seek God and love others. Pray there would be a genuine connection, whereby we would link the hurting among us to the God who loves and heals us. For the only following that matters, Is that of the leading hand of God. For His glory alone. Eternal. Unlike humanity's, which is fleeting. - PNC Truth and consequences. Cause and effect. Action and equal, but opposite reaction. Am I the only one amazed at just how quickly, as adults, we seem to forget sometimes that every thing we do, not only makes an impact, but also prompts a response.
The response may be verbal. It might be internal. The response could be immediate. It could just as easily be delayed. Yet in our finite minds, if there is not an immediate repercussion, then somehow we fall for the trick there might not be a repercussion down the road. We learned it as kids. We teach it to our kids. We remind our friends. We criticize our leaders. Then we live our personal lives as if the truth of this matter applies to everyone else but us. And how very wrong we are. Words make impressions. Ideas of consequences. And when truth is cast aside, chaos ensues. We can do no greater disservice to ourselves, than to believe a lie and then compound it, by sharing it with our youth. As a great pastor once said, every generation needs its' own revelation of God. We can set the foundation and begin the build, but we must prepare them to live a life that will seek the face of God and accomplish His purpose for their lives. Even when we miss the mark in leading them along the way. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that today's youth would hear the truth, seek the truth and know the truth for themselves. Pray for a revelation for today's generation. In a time of great chaos and confusion, pray that God would bring clarity, both through His Word and through prayer and preaching. May God guard hearts and minds from the lies of the enemy; that we would not be tempted to believe, follow and live based on half-truths and false premises. May we live and serve faithfully in the calling and gifts God has granted to us, whether as parents, pastors, leaders or friends. For all of us are better Because of one of us Just as all are redeemed Because of One. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC An early lead, is better than a late start. Especially, when, regardless of when you start, you are committed to see the process through to the finish. However, both positions have the deterrents. Getting a later start on something can cause just as much frustration as it does excitement. With every advancing step, you're tempted to kick yourself for not starting earlier.
Yet the earlier the start, the longer the road to traverse. For experiences and encounters, while providing great fulfillment, also offers competing opportunities for frustration. So you find yourself more motivated to advance or more quickly experiencing the fatigue and exhaustion that leads to burnout. It's an especially interesting dynamic when it unfolds in leadership roles. It's hard to figure out which person you admire more at times. The one who has overcome a lifetime, whether almost literally or seemingly figuratively, of battles and setbacks yet persevere. Or the one who had a well-established foundation and started off on the right foot. It doesn't diminish the fact that they haven't had challenges and disappointments; it's merely a fact, that they have a long-time to make a powerful and lasting impact. Of course, as I type this, none of us know how long we have. Perhaps a year. Perhaps 60 or 90 more. Why am I writing this as it relates to associate pastors? Because the people who fill these roles run the timeline of age and experience. Young people who have a solid foundation and early start for a long-lasting ministry abound. Conversely, an innumerable amount of older believers, some of whom have come to faith following years of a difficult life and step into church leadership ready to help others, whether they be younger or older than themselves. The potential and prospect for incredible ministry is great for both of them. But so is the reality of burnout. So pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, that God would strengthen both the younger and the older, who are help to lead the coming days of the church. May God grant to them, wisdom and discernment in the conversations and circumstances in which they engage and experience. Pray they would stay motivated and determined in their purpose, callling and responsibilities. Pray that neither past challenges nor the ones in the coming days discourage them to the point they would feel the desire to step away. May their faith remain strong; their resolve firmly planted in the hand of God. A lasting impact for eternity. Regardless of where they start Regardless of when they start. So long as they finish. Well. Strong. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019