"The future of the church depends on discerning leadership." - John McArthur
Listening to John expound on the concept of discernment and how churches of late have compromised between the direction of society and culture versus the truth and understanding of God's Word and one thing is clear... You can not serve two masters. You can't serve God and money. You can't serve God and society. In recent decades, society has made one thing very clear. They don't want God in the public square. In doing so, the floodgates have been opened for pretty much anything and everything to be aired and displayed in said square. Such decisions and activities have led many to ask; Is nothing sacred? Is there no shame? The methods of ministry may change, the message, however, should not. As such, it should be noticeable as well as disconcerting, when the distinction between the word of God and the communication of man is negligible to non-existent. Some churches may thrive and those that attend may find comfort, while others that attend leave unsettled; recognizing that the message of Christ has been compromised. It may be obvious, it may be subtle; but if anything that places emphasis on us as the believer to know the Word (again, I'm standing at the front of the line) How will the church be effective for God if we are diluting the power of His Word in our communicating the message of Christ and the Cross? Is it possible we've become more concerned about offending man rather than offending God? This is how the church gets distracted, derailed and ultimately, desensitized to the power and moving of the Holy Spirit's leading. And on that note, let's pray this #effectiveSunday, that indeed, nothing would distract, derail nor desensitize the church and the ministry of the body of Christ from the power and moving of the Holy Spirit. May we be ever aware of the hand of God upon our lives, the calling and directive that He has imparted to us and the leading of His Spirit as we walk in these present times. Pray for wisdom and discernment; that while the church maintains a spirit of unity, may we not rely in our own understanding and agreement while misunderstanding and being misaligned with God. Pray a spirit of distinction, for indeed God's people, though in the world, have been set apart, for His Divine calling and purposes. May we be about being who He created us to be. In fellowship with Him And engaged in impacting our world. Effective to the end, For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
Isn't interesting that people and society for that matter, always seem to express what they think they need when it comes to solving problems and perhaps even preventing them in the first place, yet they pick and choose whose solutions and ideas are acceptable.
We've talked about solutions and the problems that require them in recent weeks and even as it relates to impacting community. And I hope you've have noticed the care that I have attempted to walk in terms of not stepping into politics while calling for prayer. That said, society seems overtly concerned with fixing real problems with false solutions. Granted, they aren't entirely false. There are elements of truth in them and perhaps elements and conditions that will actually work. However, if we are not truthful regarding the condition of the problem, then it's impossible to be find a truly effective solution. Furthermore, it hinders the conversation of what can be done in terms of prevention. Equally hindering the overall conversation is the power of offense. People shut down when they are offended. They walk away. They dismiss the perspective and insight of the other party; rather than working to find solid, common ground and a premise that both sides can work from. If such an understanding isn't created and established, then we have a never-ending tug-o-war of words. Politically. Spiritually. And any other arena of life, for that matter. Communication is meaningless if it is full of feelings and half-truths, rather than facts and full truth. And that is the problem. The truth offends. Thus, in a society that places great emphasis on trying not to offend, we increase the odds of our avoiding the truth... both in speaking it and responding accordingly to it. So... on this #communitySaturday, let's pray the people of God would continue to be people that would speak the truth, and yes, in a spirit of love. May God help us to not remain silent, but to be bold. May the fear of people's being offended not prevent us from showing them God's and speaking His Word. In a world seeking answers to the most pressing issues of our life and times, may our lives reflect the love and character of Christ. For our faith doesn't absolve us from problems But focuses our attention to Him who can handle all our cares. That we cast them at His feet And worship at His throne of grace. For we all need to hear the truth That our sin has offended Him. May God heal our land as we turn in repentance. - PNC Every day seems to be another revelation that our battle is not with flesh and blood, but with powers and principalities of this dark age. The explanation for the dichotomy between good and evil eludes us; if for no other reason than our society's failure to acknowledge the reality of spiritual warfare.
Yet, one doesn't have to look very far to witness and read the hostility that exists against Christianity. Many deny the reality the perspectives and desires that are being stated against Christians; but around the world, the challenges are great, the struggles are real and the stories are chilling. The news headline that I heard earlier today had me shaking my head in disbelief. There's really no easy answer, either. For the believer, we know how the story ends. We know who wins. We understand what we will endure. But just because we stand on the promises of God does not mean that the daily struggle to remain standing against the blowing winds of fear cease. Indeed, the threats of evil are both disheartening and unsettling. And while we can only hope and pray that we would stand the test of faith where we facing such hostile ideals on a daily basis, we can certainly pray and continually present before the throne room of God, the lives of those whose daily reality is the battle against the evil that is prominent and pervasive in their attempts to snuff them out... both figuratively and literally. For even Christ warned us... the world hated Me. Don't be surprised, that they will hate you too. Pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries and church leadership around the globe that are facing pure evil. Pray that God would hold them steadfast in His hand. Pray that God would give them wisdom, daily, in the handling and navigating of circumstances and situations that are truly hostile, complex and down-right unconscionable. May God guard their hearts and minds and may the angels of heaven come quickly to their aid. Pray they would not be detoured, nor faint or weary from the battle. May God help them overcome. For His plans are good, His purposes perfectly timed, And His will sovereign. Though we don't understand, We trust... for He is a good God. And we overcome, by the blood of the Lamb And the word of our testimony. - PNC The sermon that aired yesterday from Grace To You ministries was pretty powerful, as usual. In the message, John McArthur retells the story of a university that was interested in him taking the helm. In discussing the future, the school shared with him how they wanted to integrate and synchronize Scripture with the wisdom of man.
Anyone see what John saw? Indeed. John shares his response, that on this matter he was a separatist. There is not nor can there be an integration between the truth of God and the understanding of man. The signs are obvious... at least the words are. My ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts, declares the Lord. What authority does the Word of God hold if it is polluted with the words of man? What good is a foundation built on relativity? Is that not the same as building on shifting sand? Humanity is overrun with opinions which are quickly discounted and dismissed so we all search for truth. Meanwhile, no one of late seems to be able to handle the truth, and so we dilute it. But it's in the dilution that it loses both it's power and it's effectiveness. As a result, we wonder why the issues and struggles of our life and times remain the same! Do we not notice the broken pattern of our culture and society? We believe in God, but deny His existence. We want answers, but deny any absolutes. We believe we are good, but rate evil on the sliding scale of comparison with our neighbor. This is the day of decline. McArthur says the day the church fails to be antithetical, is the day it dies. Our lives are in contrast and contradiction against the purity and sovereignty of God. There will be conflict and disagreement between the carnal and spiritual. This is the working out of our salvation. Man cannot be changed by human effort, understanding or wisdom. It must be transformed and renewed by the Word of God and the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. What need for the church exists in this world, if the church elevates the perspective of man in coordination with the declaration of God? Welcome to spiritual warfare. Not only can there be "only one", but there is only One! The gravity of eternity lies in the finality of God's Word. If that were not so because of the influence of our finite understanding, then eternity is compromised and the church is useless. So... on that heavy note; let's pray this #deaconThurday, that church leadership would stand and remain firmly planted in the Word of God. May they keep the doctrine of Scripture clean and pure. Pray that as church leadership makes decisions regarding ministry, may the keep the perspective that humanity is to be made like Christ, rather than Christ to "fit" in with the culture. Pray the focus of ministry would remain grounded in the finality of eternity. May the decisions of the church be made as a result of prayer and the sovereign direction of God's Hand, rather than the conventional wisdom of people's flawed and finite perspective. May we hear from Heaven To know what He has in store. That we would call on His name alone, Rather than our own opinion and intuition. Useful for the Kingdom. Uncompromised on the Earth. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Isn't it amazing, and humbling, quite frankly; as to the moments, circumstances and situations that God will place you that remind just how much room their remains for growth and maturity in your life, whether it be spiritual or otherwise.
Monday night, the man who spoke to the men's ministry group dug deeper into the conversation of the current sermon series on prayer, by discussing specifically, what it means to be a man of prayer. Yeah. Nothing like a man who manages a website revolving around praying for those in ministry to be hit with a serious reality check of not praying with nearly as much quality and quantity as I should, while calling you to partner with me in this cause. Thanks for the one, two punch God... ... the second hit, in case you are wondering, arrived yesterday morning. My work day started 30 minutes later than normal, which created the opportunity to hear the entire half-hour broadcast of one of Charles Stanley's sermons. I don't remember all of it, but I remember this. Partial disobedience is still disobedient. Partial obedience is also... disobedient. Kids really do push the buttons of their parents, don't they? Doing one thing out of the two or three that were asked of them, is still missing the mark. It's still falling short rather than following through to completion. And in the midst, things get done in a manner entirely different from what was directed or commanded. It drives us nuts when kids are out of line. And yet, we discussed the other day on the subject of being "in alignment" with the plan, will and way of God. How He must be frustrated! It's one thing for me to write it. It's another thing, sadly, for me to live it. It's worse, that I simultaneously call you to the process. Once again, Scripture is replete with great men of God, who knew God, witnessed the miraculous, took incredible steps of faith and even greater steps of obedience. Yet they too, had moments where their obedience was neither immediate, nor complete. And somewhere along they way, they paid. Dearly. Sometimes, directly. Other times, indirectly. More often than not, partial obedience costs more than complete obedience. Simply because of the element of disobedience that remains in existence in the decision. A very, wrong decision. If you'll join me on this #youthPastorWednesday, I'm praying for God's help. As much as pastors and church leaders need it; as much as our kids need it, I recognize I need his help. That we may not only be about the plans and purposes that He has for our lives, but that we would act and step out in obedience. Not partially, but completely. Not hesitantly, but immediately. Pray for a grace for when the mark is missed. Pray a spirit of repentance and contriteness regarding the consequences of our disobedience towards God; in whatever form and how great a degree it may exist. Pray that God would help us to be people of greater prayer and greater faith; that we would be ever closer to Him and that in His presence, we would have a greater ability to hear what He would desire to say to the church, to His people and to us, individually. Imperfect though we are Refined by the fire of the Holy Spirit Rather than consumed by the fire of damnation. May we walk with God, ever closer. Closer than ever before. For His glory and honor alone. - PNC Yesterday, I posed the question, of what it takes that one considers the possibility of fulfilling the role and responsibility of pastor. And while we prayed specifically for senior pastors relying on God as they choose their leadership team, my mind continues to track on this subject... if you'll permit a follow-up post.
Not many a pastor has stepped in to an established church or congregation their first time out. Much like most people don't wake up and find themselves CEO or owner of the company. There is, and should be, a track record of service; in ministry and leadership and responsibility within the body of Christ. And while there are any number of places to start, I think one of the most crucial, is an attitude of willingness. All throughout Scripture, when God literally "called" to someone, there was then, just as there is now, two responses. Ignoring the call. Or responding with "here am I" It's a scary and vulnerable posture to take with God, I confess. It's why I think God doesn't give us the big picture and vision of His plans. If we could fathom the vision and undertaking of it all, we would never get near it. But He extends an invitation to those who are willing. Is there an ability factor? Yes, but that's often our requirement, more that God's. Is there a readiness factor? Yes, but again, who's really ready for God to change their life in ways we can't describe? Whatever you think God would desire to do in our lives, whether it be for the pastorate, any other role of ministry or any eternal impact in your community, it all hinges on our willingness. On this #associatePastorTuesday, let us obviously, continue to pray for existing pastors as they fulfill their roles and responsibilities. Pray that God would continue to work in and through their lives as they continue to seek His face and rely on Him through the challenges they face. But let us pray also, for those whom God is working out. For those not yet pastors, but God is preparing and calling. Pray for a spirit of willingness on their part, to answer in affirmation and openness. Pray that they would not be overwhelmed, nor succumb to fear over the prospect of what lies ahead, but trust in God that He has good things in store. May there be an obedient response, not only out of response to God's sovereign authority, but to His divine love and perfect will. Indeed, may God change the lives of those whose hearts are set on Him and ready for His plans to go out. Into the world. That all may hear and know The goodness and the grace Of Almighty God And the love of Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit. - PNC What a day, yesterday was. Church was powerful. The minutes leading up to walking out the door... yeah, let's not go there. The afternoon... for the most part, not that much better. By evening, I think we were just emotionally out.
All that to say, it remains a mystery how God works. What appeared to be a random meeting late in the afternoon and God orchestra's and displays His arranging of the puzzle pieces known as our life. A transaction that was to take only a few minutes took closer to 15. Why is that? In the course of conversation, it turns out he is an associate pastor. Not only did I not see that coming, I had nothing to go on that such information would exist, let alone come up as a topic of brief discussion in the course of a completely unrelated matter. I left floored in wonder. In the drive home, which had its' own round of frustration, I got to thinking of just what prompts people to go into ministry and in particular, the pastorate. Obviously, "the call" if you will, plays a great role. Certainly, ministry leaders and the church-at-large place a great emphasis on the matter. But what makes potential pastors think they can do the job? To fill the pulpit? To lead a community, both of believers and the physical surrounding area in faith, spiritual matters and all around life issues? Surely, there's a learning curve and an educational process like there is any other formal training. Likewise, there's a series of positions of increasing responsibility like any other field of work. Then again, the early church didn't have such advantages. It was pretty much the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the law and the prophets and the words of Christ. The church existed long before any "school of ministry". All of this is simply perspective and "food for thought", if you will, but it does bring us to a specific area of prayer. On this #seniorPastorMonday, let's pray for wisdom and guidance; that senior pastors would know who to choose in adding to their church leadership team. May God give them discernment in the decision process; that the Holy Spirit would reveal to them through prayer and Godly counsel who the person is, that God has set-apart for their church, ministry and community. Pray again, for a spirit of synergy. May God accomplish the miraculous through the power of agreement. For those that are waiting and perhaps have been waiting for a while to fill open positions, may God give them strength to endure and the patience to see through the process. For God has great plans in store in the final days. May He raise up great leaders and even greater partners To fulfill His calling. And carry out His plans and purposes. For the kingdom of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I woke up this morning thinking about prayer. Perhaps because pastor started a new sermon series last week on the subject (which we missed, meaning I'll have to listen to it this week). Or perhaps... I don't know. My train of thought just got derailed and destroyed.
We know the power of prayer. Perhaps some level of the importance of prayer. We've even been witness to the answering of prayer. What's amazing about it, though is what is accomplished. Systems work better when the are in sync and collaboration towards a common purpose. Processes work more efficiently when tasks are done in order and the various parts are in alignment and in place with where they were intended to be. There is a synergy, to borrow one of my pastor friends' favorite word. Without prayer, where would you be? Where would I be? The family? Our lives? The church and its' ministries? On the surface, in our minds, we know the answer. But, deep down in our heart of hearts with a solid foundation of faith, do we fully comprehend and fulfill our understanding that prayer works as we position ourselves in alignment with heaven. How cool is what? What a privilege. What a responsibility. What an honor. What a humbling experience. On this first #effectiveSunday, I have but one purpose... that as I pray and as the church prays, may we find ourselves aligned with the plans and purposes of Heaven. From His throne, may God hear our prayers, heal our land and move mightily among us. God, do a great work in us As we work to great exploits For the cause of Jesus Christ And the kingdom of heaven. - PNC The family and I went out to breakfast on this #communitySaturday. Not unusual, except this was a "new to us" community.
And the food was really good. Small and it was packed upon our arrival, but we waited. And it got me thinking... in particular about how businesses position themselves as "feeling like home". Having recently moved, this is a phenomenon that I'm sensitive to of late. What is interesting though, is that we step into the public square wanting to feel as though we are home. And I ask, why not experience community at home? Who doesn't love to gather with family and friends from the comfort of their own kitchen and couch? The early church did. And today's churches are increasingly building relationships within their church by the congregation meeting in homes as a way to build deeper connections among the people of God. It also gives opportunity to truly invite community to hang out and do life with the community of believers without walking into the doors of the sanctuary. So, one simple question... is your home a place for community to exist beyond the people you call family? It can be. It should be. It's what I hope our place will be. Pray this #communitySaturday that the church would greatly impact their community through their involvement in every day life. May open our hearts and our homes, to be the hands and feet of those in need, whether of great and obvious needs or simply building friendship by being friendly. Pray God would grant us favor with our neighbors, to reflect the character of Christ, never knowing what, when and how God might be working in their lives. May God use His church to change the world as they are open to living a real faith in a real God while experiencing real life. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I heard a power perspective, that I'd like to relay and check if this doesn't resonate.
Evolution kills the family. The human race is the only species in which family exists through the existence of relationship. Relationship, by the way, is the foundation of our connection with God and His Kingdom. But consider what evolution teaches. The coming to life as the next phase of animal, rather than an intentional creation. It denies God and the concept that humanity exists for a purpose. Without God, their is no basis for morality. Whatever may become of me in the next life, there is no eternity after this life. So, with no eternity and no morality, what is to prevent me from fulfilling every whim and notion on any given day? And is that not what we are witnessing on a daily basis? No need for God No need for relationship. No eternal consequence for our earthly lifestyle. No fear of tomorrow, nor consideration of today; who might be affected by our decisions. What authority do you have over me, for you are no better not different than me. Leave me to live my life alone, how I see fit; for I have no purpose, neither was one contemplated as I came into existence. Is it any wonder then, the world has arrived at such troubled times as these? And yet, this is the mental and spiritual battle that faces the ministry of the Gospel. For while it was once elementary in our culture, it is now, once again revolutionary. Pray, this #missionsFriday that God would strengthen missionaries as they battle the front lines of a culture that is far from God. May God give them wisdom, as they encounter every train of thought that has elevated itself against the knowledge of Christ. Pray a spirit of grace and the ability to love; that they would exemplify the character of Christ as they present the truth of God's Word. May the truth stand victorious and the Light scatter the darkness May God hear our prayers Answer from heaven And heal our land. For the glory of God. And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Here we are. In days where fear drives us farther than our faith. Feelings outweigh facts. Logic and reason are traded for opinions and agendas. And lies are justified when the truth is too difficult, harsh or offensive.
So when the time comes to surround ourselves with trusted advisors and people of influence, how careful must we be in whom we seek out and present as possibilities for the role? Such were the thoughts that arose when I asked God what He might have for #deaconThursday. Of course, this perspective comes on the heels of two churches that over the weekend went through the process of selecting new deacons/board members, as openings existed. And, of course, many, many more churches did the same... if not this weekend, then recently or in the near future. Regardless, the reality remains. In the world of knowledge and understanding, experience and wisdom, God and His Word often come secondary or last to our own ideas, perspectives and minds eye. I'll be the first to admit... I fall into this all too often. Why? Let me count the ways... and the reasons. But time does not permit. If I, a nobody is distracted to the point of seeking God secondly, how much more, how much harder, how much more often, how greater will the battle be, to distract, derail and frustrate those who are chosen to come along side and aid the conducting of the ministries? Pray this #deaconThursday, that God would help those who like me, find themselves battling to seek God first. Maybe not often, maybe not over trivial things, but pray they would not break the habit and discipline of looking to God and His Word. May they not rely on their own understanding, especially in church matters and challenges. Pray the lines of communication to heaven would be open to direction as much as communication lines should be open with the team as they work towards solutions. May the miraculous happen As we set aside our thoughts and ways For His whose are higher than ours. For the glory of God In humble service. - PNC If the evil of the world, isn't increasing moment by moment in this world in which we live, then perhaps we are living on different planets.
That said, I've noticed a change. I'm certain that I am not the first to notice, nor do I think that it is a short list of people who have noticed. But the shift has certainly permeated society. We've moved from innocent until proven guilty to guilty until proven innocent. We've gone from granting the benefit of the doubt to a rushing of judgement. From quick to listen and slow to anger to the dismissal of listening and immediate anger. The media would have you believe that all is wrong with the world. There is no good, there is no greatness. Some can do no wrong, others can do no right. And in the midst of it, people are worried about what "message" we are sending to our young people. Well, Scripture tells us plainly, what message we should concern ourselves with! Whatsoever is pure, lovely, honest, just and true. If anything is praiseworthy, if anything is of good report, if there is any virtue! But we don't think on these things. We don't encourage these things... at least not at a rate that would curtail the barrage of bad news from today's culture. Everyone is looking for what will fix our country and community, our states and schools, in the marketplace and at the homestead. In all of these environments, where will we ever find a circumstance that fits the life that stand before us. Furthermore, where is the person who exemplifies this? Don't wait for someone else. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that young people and old alike, would be people that would focus on God and the good that He has surrounded use. May they not get caught up in the message of the day by media and peers. Pray they would be people who would seek the face of God and place their trust solely in Him. Pray God would help us a parents and pastors, teachers and coaches, friend, neighbors and mentors to encourage them. Pray for wisdom and direction; that they would live counter-culture to world and in alignment with God's Word. True, just and honest. Lovely and pure. Of virtue and good report. May we think on such on things. For the glory of God. - PNC For whatever reason, i recently recalled the days of my first "real" job out of college. It was a start-up company. A small, fun company. With sometimes, sporadic payment from clients, which meant that payday sometimes came late. Which got me thinking about yesterday's post regarding when a church closes its' doors.
The boss always makes certain sacrifices. It's a bummer, and quite a frustrating one when the staff and associates suffer as a result. And while my heart breaks for the place and position of the pastor in yesterday's post, I'm also concerned about those who served in ministry with him. What's next for them? If they are employed elsewhere while pastoring, then perhaps, to some degree, they will be "okay". At least I terms of livelihood. And if they aren't? And while on the topic of livelihood; there's also mental, spiritual and emotional struggle. As much as I felt life "hung in the balance" whenever payday showed up late, I can't fathom the struggle of church leadership that is affected when a church closes the doors. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for those that are indeed, affected by churches that are severely struggling.... perhaps on the verge of closing or have done so already. May God give them strength in the aftermath and wisdom moving forward. Pray God would meet their needs; not only financially, but emotionally, mentally and physically. Pray for healing and restoration through this process. May God open the next door for those who are wondering and waiting about the rest of us. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ By the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. - PNC I heard the story of a church this weekend that recently closed their doors. It was a church plant, and through a series of events, the pastor felt, surely through much prayer, that this wasn't the time to "force" making it work.
The pastor who was relaying this news, asked of those in the room, how many understood that how difficult a thing it is to continue when so many events transpire, that circumstances simply wear and whittle you down to nothing. Of course, the room understood. Who wouldn't? Of course, the pastor told his friend he was welcome to come back to the home church. At this, the tired pastor replied, thanks but no. And the reason? I'll always be Pastor (name). You can hear the pain in the explanation. While he would love to be surrounded by friends and support, they will still and perhaps always identify him with the title and office of pastor. But right now... it's too much. Hurt and pain. Memory and emotion. Of struggle and frustration and on the surface, failure. Wisely, he's not going into isolation. He simply wants to step in to a church where nobody knows his name and God can refresh and renew his heart, mind and spirit. And perhaps one day, God will have prepared and readied him for another go at the pulpit. For now, he will simply be known for who he is, not what he is. And on this #seniorPastorMonday, how many more are exactly where he is? Too many I fear. Pray God would do a mighty and miraculous work in their entire being. Pray a time of rejuvenation and refreshing. May they not get lost in isolation, but may God transform them as they perhaps live in obscurity. May they know they are loved. Pray the Holy Spirit would guard them from depression and the like; that feelings of failure and disappointment neither detour nor delay them. May they return stronger than ever. For what the enemy meant to destroy God meant to rebuild and live again. For His glory. And in His timing. - PNC 1000.
I'm humbled that God has answered my prayer thus far. Furthermore, I'm grateful for your joining me on this matter, of raising awareness of ministry burnout and holding pastors and church leadership before the Lord in prayer. I remember back in May of 2015 when God started giving me a hard time about this website. It has been online for a few years, but I was not diligent in working on it. And I remember specifically, the Holy Spirit dealing with mind, when the realization hit... "You have a page titled "Daily Prayers" and you aren't posting to that page, daily?" Yeah... that seemed problematic to me as well. So... "Lord, I'm going to need your help. Because if I do this on my own, it will become repetitious in about 7-10 days." And here we are... 1000 days after the official revamp of www.bringme70.com that went into effect 6/1/15. I haven't looked at the traffic reports for the website in a very long time, maybe almost a year. I used to look daily. I'd be excited and encouraged one day, and bummed out the next. I'm still curious and one of these days will satisfy that curiosity. But whether one of you joins me in praying for pastors or 70 or 70000, there won't be power in agreement if I stop. Trust me... It's not like I haven't wanted to. 60 hr weeks and family, plus some kind of life. There are days I don't have time. But effectiveness is found in faithfulness. Thanks for joining with me and while I appreciate your prayers that God would help me continue this effort, on this #effectiveSunday let us continue to pray for pastors and church leaders and crew who continue to serve in ministry. For all the days, they would rather give it up, because there is only 1 instead of 100 or 1000, may the continue to be faithful. And in there service to the kingdom of God, may He grant to them incredible effectiveness. For the cause of Jesus Christ We rejoice in the work of the Lord By the gracious and almighty hand of God. - PNC It's been a long and full #communitySaturday and I offer my apologies, but life planned a full day and time ran away. That said, social media brought to the forefront, the reminder given to us in the book of John. Verse 5 of chapter 1, describes the relationship between light and darkness.3 The light shines, which is its' job, as you well know. The darkness however, struggles. Not to be changed, challenged, illuminated or impacted. The darkness can't comprehend. It doesn't understand. It's been said that knowledge is power, but in reality, it's applied knowledge that is power. Furthermore, it's applied knowledge that leads to wisdom. But one has to get there. And while the people of God may be the light of the world, all too often we try to do more than what God has asked and called us to be. A shining light. If we aren't shining, anything else we do and whatever the reasons for doing so, really don't matter much. We may think they do, but ultimately, it's secondary and this, perhaps not the best or most effective thing we can do for the kingdom. So, on this #communitySaturday, pray that we would indeed be the light of the world. Pray that we would be effective in our efforts to shine. May we not get wrapped up in other agendas or causes hoping our shining will influence or affect some other result. Pray that we would allow the Holy Spirit to do its' job as we live faithfully to that which we've been called. May life not overwhelm, distract and disrupt us to the point that our light flutters or worse, fails, in directing people to the person of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God For the advancement of the kingdom of heaven. - PNC **editor note: apologies for the map. Can't get rid of it from my phone, as I'm typing this. okAs I'm getting ready to write this, I find myself thinking about the times that God "called" people out. Not only to do and accomplish His will, but the whole process of physically transitioning one's self from the place that they have known to the place where they have little to no clue. What a challenge!
Moving three minutes down the street takes effort. Moving 30 minutes feels like more work than your day job. Then there's moving 30 hours! Or three thousand miles. While hesitant at times about the unknown and unanswered, they stepped out in faith, albeit not always with the greatest sense of confidence. But they knew and trusted in God. And so the cost and logistical struggle of where God was taking them from to where He wanted to place them was one that failed to hinder them. If fact, the one for whom the cost was too great was because of his perspective Holding on to his stuff kept him from an incredibly amazing walk with God. You almost can't help but wonder what he might have accomplished for the kingdom of God had he heeded Christ' call. I understand the dilemma. We all have stuff. We like our stuff. And some of it is good stuff! But if it stands in the way of what God desires to do in and through your life... talk about a loss. Is there anything that is worth taking such a risk? Pray this #missionsFriday for missionaries. May the cares and things of this world neither hinder, nor prevent God hand and purpose upon their lives. Pray for the miraculous, as they seek the face of God and step out in the plans and directions that God has ordained for them. Pray they would not be tempted or enticed away from the eternal for the appeal of the temporal. May the same be true for us As we grow and mature in our faith. Drawing ever closer to the presence of God For His glory alone. - PNC Clarity of vision.
Confidence of faith. It's becoming increasingly apparent that facts no longer hold the advantage over feelings. Passion overpowers logic. The power to dismiss overshadows the power to understand. If the discourse isn't civil, then what is the point? The values and principles we once held close and dear have been cast aside. Mutual respect was a given. Common courtesy was the norm. Faith was a foundation. Understanding was a priority. Truth was critical. Such qualities are rare in our daily interactions. Until life shakes us to the quick; to our very core. Then, when we want life to matter, we can't find the character traits in the lives of those around us that reassured us that life did matter; let alone just our life. Then we look to our leaders and wonder why they don't have a plan that will bring about the desired results. It's a complicated mess that started when we simply began to veer off course. Correction that is not made quickly when it is easy takes forever when when we realize just how much harder it has gotten, while we blindly thought we'd be okay. Clearly, things are not okay. On this #deaconThursday, pray for the leadership. Pray for clarity of vision and confidence of faith. May they be people of understanding, not driven by fear and outrage, but with purpose and principle. Pray love would be the undercurrent of the conversation; that understanding would mark the discourse and resolution would bring healing. Pray the power of God would direct the steps in the attempts to get back on course. Pray a return to the things of God and the priority of seeking the face of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ His purpose. His priorities. Our lives for His glory. - PNC Protect the kids!
This is the scream of a nation for the past few days. Conversely, your prayers aren't enough. There is evil in the world and it's abundant. And it resides in the heart. So, while we can make every concerted effort to fix, solve and rid ourselves of tragedies and troubles of world, it really is a futile exercise. Are there fixes, improvements and a "betterment" of circumstances? Absolutely. Should we not search them out and implement them whenever possible. Yes. Our live is valuable because of what lies beyond this life. And who. Christ died not only that we have life on Earth, but Eternal life. Conversely then, when we dismiss the possibility and value of eternal life, then we have lost the majority of our value for this life Because if there is neither a reward or a consequence upon my death, then what does it matter what I do with my life? Who are you to tell me I am ruining it? What prevents me from ruining others? Purpose. Godly purpose for an eternal cause. Indeed our kids do need protection. The protection of the hand of God and the salvation of Jesus Christ, for only the Creator of humanity can fix the brokenness of humanity. Do we not send every earthly product back to the manufacturer for repair? Yet we attempt to fix our heart with the solutions of amateurs, rather than the expert. On this #youthPastorWednesday pray for the youth of today and the people who lead them. Pray for a spiritual revelation and revival in their hearts. For all the things that society pushes to having an open mind, pray their minds would be open to the power and plans of Almighty God. May the Holy Spirit do a transformation in their lives; not only for the remainder of this life, but for the life to come. Pray for the pastors of our young people, kids through college. May God grant them wisdom as they navigate these incredibly difficult and challenging times. And pray for their protection, for indeed the evil in this world is great. But greater is He that is in us, Than he that is in the world. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Dave Ramsey in a recent broadcast, did a brief monologue on the power and problem of jealousy and envy. As I reflected on his words, I remembered the Christian movie, Brother White. In the movie, an associate pastor, one of many at a megacurch, is frustrated by the delay in advancement to more influence and prominence in ministry. So to prove that he's not ready, the senior pastor sends him to lead one of their campus, churches that happens to be struggling.
He has his work cut out for him, but it's a quick realization of what's going on behind the scenes and the minds of head leadership. We all too often, and so easily, look at external circumstances, struggles and successes... not realizing nor understanding what all has been endured and overcome to get to the place that we meet people today. As we prayed yesterday... everyone has the moments where one more thing puts them over the cliff or at least very close to the edge. And everyone handles it differently. You may recognize that there is a problem or struggle. You may not. But not knowing or understanding and jumping into a state of jealousy and or envy, is dangerous. Why? Because the attitude and perspective that you hold in conjunction with those of the people you surround yourself with eventually permeates one's heart and mind in ways that will cause you to lose, fail and succumb, rather than win, succeed and overcome. So, on this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for those pastors struggling specifically with jealousy and envy. Regardless of who or what it may be directed at, pray for a breakthrough in their hearts and minds. Pray for a freedom in who they are and the call that God has placed on their lives, rather than be consumed with comparing themselves to other pastors and ministries. May their be a healing that transpires, as a counter-revolutionary to whatever events and experiences have brought them to this place. Pray they would be made whole and restored; no longer going through life and ministry broken and bothered. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019