Yesterday morning's message has kinda stuck with me, as we are already almost half way through the month that surrounds Christmas. It was an interesting message on the birth of Christ, and particularly, the gathering that occurs at the manger scene.
And while a number of points and applications were made, one understanding in particular stand out, as we once again gather at this page to pray for pastors. Consider this for a moment... It's entirely possibly to stand in the awe and wonder of God, while feeling as though you are of little to null value to Him. Furthermore, what happens when that sense of awe and wonder is lost? Who are we? And what are we doing here? Where do I go moving forward? The hand of God at work in our lives is incredible and why He chooses who He does escapes our comprehension. And yet, we see throughout Scripture what happens when the love and pursuit of God disappears from our lives and what we are doing is nowhere near what He had planned and purposed for our lives. Problems of epic proportions usually ensue. So will you pray with me, this #seniorPastorMonday? Pray that pastors would neither lose their sense of awe and wonder, nor would they lose their understanding of their value and importance to God. May God strengthen and revive the flame with them regarding their love for God and the work which He has called them. Pray the lies of the enemy and the misleadings of their emotions not detour and derail them to the point of destruction. May this season be a time of drawing ever closer to the presence and power of God at work here on Earth. Time and again, May He help us through And show us the way That leads us back to Him As we stand in awe and wonder Humbled in His presence, And a part of His grand design. - PNC
I don't know about the rest of you, but December is shaping up to be a crazy month for our family. December already is a month we have to "ramp up" for already so to add a few more "few and far between" events to the equation seems like a "what were we thinking" reality.
That said, it seems to be the hand of God at work, so we going forward confident in His leading. But December remains a crazy, busy, overwhelming and stressful month for many of you and on a much grander and more time-consuming calendar than previous Decembers in my life. So, how do we get through? Make sure you take some time to have fun and not over-think the anxiety-inducing list that awaits your attention. I know it sounds overtly basic and elementary, but it's true. And a timely reminder, as I watched the kids play in the first snowfall of the season yesterday afternoon. Even had finally collected over the past couple of days to cover most of the ground that we could at least throw a few snowballs and the created snow-angels. I didn't think there was enough to keep them entertained for an hour, but there we were. Equally so, the break-away from the schedule is important for you as well. Some days you'll feel more effective than others; some days more efficient as you work to get things done... but both will be hindered if you fail to take time to breathe, enjoy where you are and look with positive anticipation to where your journey seems to be headed. An hour may not seem like much, but it could be just enough to remind you... it will all work out. One way or another, everything will get done. On this snowy December Sunday as we pray for it to be an #effectiveSunday, let's pray for pastors who feel as though they have no time for fun and leisure. Pray for the stress and anxiety that has already begun to take it's toll, in their lives and relationships and ministries. May God strengthen and rejuvenate them anew and afresh, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for those who would come alongside and encourage them and perhaps help them find a reprieve. May they make the time to laugh and enjoy the process of the journey, rather than be consumed by the tasks that await on many lists. For laughter does like medicine. May we go about life and ministry Healthy and whole, Rather than sick and incomplete. Fired up for His purposes As opposed to burnt out from the labor. Effective and efficient for the cause of Christ. - PNC I mentioned Mitch Albom yesterday and if you aren't familiar with him, over the years he has set-up 9 different charities throughout the metro-Detroit area that are focused on meeting the various needs of the poor, from helping with day-care to after school programs, to helping working families get housing to senior citizen and veteran services.
This past Thursday, he held his 6th annual radio-thon fundraiser, by holding a 15-hour long radio show (as his normal radio show is the 2-hr drive home slot). And it was incredible to watch community happen. For those 15 hours, friends and celebrities, people of influence throughout the city and state and business owners, professional athletes and coaches and team owners... it was utterly flooded by people who came on board to help raise funds. Over 1.2 million dollars! No admin costs. Nothing owed to anyone else first. 100% straight to meeting the needs. Of course, they use the funds to help other charities in the area as well, but among the many incredible moments throughout the day was one in particular. Mitch also has a project in Haiti, taking care of kids and the poor in that country as well. And while he joked about not knowing where they got the money or perhaps they raided his desk down there, the kids from his Haiti program called into the radiothon... to tell him they had collected $200 to help those in need in Detroit. It was later pointed out, that while it's amazing that people who have been blessed with abundance would be compelled to share with those less fortunate and really, you wouldn't hope or expect anything less. But it seems the more one has, the easier it is to forget how difficult things are when you are without. Thus, we often witness the phenomenon of those who have little for themselves will give, and give generously for those who often have very little or even less than they. So to hear kids in Haiti respond to a call to help kids in Detroit... well, it was a tear-jerker to say the least. Mitch's story of how he moved from not being a generous and charitable person to this kind of investment and influence to bring others together to accomplish this good is quite moving. And while I don't know where he stands in his faith with God, I can't help but consider how often the church misses the opportunity to experience community at this level. Reasons why we can't or don't give. Can't or don't find time. Can't or don't know where to start or how to get help. Yet it's the church that will be known by their love. And many communities don't know the church in that way. So, on this #communitySaturday, pray that the church would arise anew, to lead in building, sharing, growing and influencing community. May we make the time and financial investment into those in need among us. Pray for opportunities as we forth, to share Christ and experience God. May the excuses end and obedience begin. For while big contributions are far reaching Even the smallest gifts can make great impact. May we do so today. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I was reminded yesterday, of the phrase that has changed the life of Mitch Albom, who did not consider himself a generous person until having spent a considerable amount of time with an individual; the story of which he discusses in his book, Tuesdays With Morrie.
The principle is simply this... "Giving is living." Interestingly enough, unbeknownst to him, our worship pastor during this week's Wednesday night service, explained how our lives can be like one of two seas. We can be like the Sea of Galilee or the Dead Sea. The difference between the two, is the existence of an outlet. The Dead Sea, does not have one. It continually receives. Water enters. But it never exits. And so the very thing that was meant to bring life and refreshing, ultimately becomes death, because it stops moving; it stops flowing. All because after it has been received, it does not continually release. Thus, the water loses it's life-giving power and what is meant to be sustained by the water soon becomes constrained by the water. Conversely, the Sea of Galilee does not experience the phenomenon. For it has an exit. It has a release, from which it gives what it receives. As such, life in that body of water is sustained. So, it begs the question. If Christ is the Living Water, what is His affect on our lives? Are we giving and releasing, what has been given and received by us? Yes, there is our time, our abilities and our resources, but most importantly, there is the life of Jesus Christ. Those who refresh others, will themselves, be refreshed. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that we would be people who would give. Pray for missionaries, that as the give and share the Gospel, that they will be strengthened and renewed. Indeed, may they be refreshed as they give their lives to the work of the Kingdom of God as Christ gave His life for us, that we may live. Pray today would be a trans-formative day as the truth of God is shared and experienced by those who are spiritually dead, they would receive Living Water. May today be a day of miracles; of life, of refreshing, of hope, meaning, clarity and purpose. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC John MacArthur has a series titled Walking In Wisdom, and it happens to be the current series being broadcast, that you can listen to from his website, gty.org.
But something truly profound was explained as I listened to the sermon that played yesterday, and it was John's explanation of the phrase and specifically, the difference between the Greek and Hebrew meaning. We've talked and prayed on numerous occasions on the topic of wisdom, both possessing it and the application that follows from utilizing it. Whether for the pastor or their advisors, wisdom is crucial. While MacArthur points out that we have all that we need in Christ, which is profound in it's own right, as we so often think that God withholds from us upon salvation, it's was nearly as eye-opening as this. To the Greeks, walking in wisdom is an intellectual exercise. It's thought, theory, experience and mental understanding. To the Hebrews, though... this is very cool. To walk in wisdom is to align with divine life principles. Isn't that amazing. MacArthur further explains that Proverbs 2 could very well be the commentary for Ephesians 5:15. Walk circumspectly. Meanwhile, Proverbs 2 is practically a detailed blueprint on how to do just that. Walk. Circumspectly. In Wisdom. In alignment with divine principles, for the duration of life. So, let's pray, this #deaconThursday, that church leadership would not only possess knowledge, understanding and wisdom of the intellectual kind; but that they would daily align and re-align when and where necessary, to the divine life principles of the Word of God. Pray they would not try to live life by their own strength, insight or perspective. May they be led of the Spirit, in every arena, in every circumstance, in every conversation, decision and outcome. Not as the world understands wisdom, But as God has granted unto them Through the power of Christ at work in their lives. For the glory of God. - PNC I heard something yesterday that was yet another reminder of a profound truth.
People, much like items and events, can be useful in the positive sense or useless in the negative sense. Everything has a purpose, a reason for existence. Yet when it is not fulfilling its' purpose, is it really useful? What's worse, when moving in the opposite direction, it makes things feel as though there degrees of uselessness. Like it's possible for an on/off switch to be more than a binary state or for there to be levels of darkness. There difference between usage, as to whether the impact is useful or useless depends on it's position in light of eternity. Consider salvation. It is not possible for someone to be useful to the cause of Jesus Christ while they are dead in their sin; alive albeit in an unrepentant state. However, no matter how long one has been walking with God, it's entirely possible to find ourselves in places, positions and relationships that hinder the power of our usefulness to the work of Jesus Christ. And that is a dangerous place to find one's self. On that note of self-reflection, that's pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that pastors would not find themselves in places and relationships that would hinder or detract from their usefulness to the ministry. Pray for an every increasing sensitivity to the moving of the Holy Spirit in their faith. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they lead; to speak into the lives within their influence and under their ministry, to spur them towards greater usefulness for the kingdom of God. May they not be distracted, detoured or derailed; God forbid we would hear anything close to "you useless servant". Instead, may it be nothing short of "good and faithful". Used by God By the power of the Holy Spirit, For the cause of Jesus Christ, To the glory of God, our Father. - PNC I'm not a huge sports fan, by any stretch of the imagination. I enjoy a good game and occassionally will go to one if a group is going or will watch if visiting with friends and family who have it on. But rarely is it ever on my television set.
That said, I caught part of an interview where the conversation revolved around the struggling Detroit Lions. The team has now lost 6 games in row, I believe and I've heard the point made a number of times, of what's needed to happen for them to still be able to secure a play-off spot, which includes, among other things, certain teams losing their respective games. So, the guy being interviewed yesterday, as they discussed the Lion's latest loss last weekend, points out that the Lions got the help they needed. Two other teams had in fact, lost their games. But, the Lions didn't help themselves by doing what they needed to do be scoring a win for the record books. And I thought to myself, how profound. We talk about needing help, asking for help, and actually getting help for a particular stage of life or circumstance. Then a person or a group or an event happens that does bring the help or relief that we need in that situation, but then we fail or miss out on doing our part as an individual that would have changed everything. We don't bring our element to the equation to accomplish the desired answer or result. Of course, eventually, if this keeps happening repeatedly, like it has been going for the Lions, no matter how much help you receive nor how much you actually do your part right; you still won't get the ultimate goal you were hoping to secure. What a shame and tragedy. So... on this #associatePastorTuesday, let's pray; not only for pastors to get the help that they need for whatever the circumstance they need it, but that they would also do their part. Pray for strength and wisdom that they would do it well and with excellence. Pray that their would be a unity and a synergy as people come together and work together for a common goal and purpose. May not one person feel inadequate or unnecessary, for we all have a place and a purpose for which God desires to fulfill His eternal plan through our lives. Getting help from others Being helpful ourselves We press on towards the price For the glory of God. - PNC I was reminded once again yesterday morning, words that I so appreciate hearing from the pulpit. As pastor prays at the opening of the sermon (or a few minutes after the introduction of it), he acknowledges in the prayer, that people didn't come to hear from him, but they did come to hear a Word from God.
Indeed, daily now, we see the power of such an acknowledgement, as we continually witness people whose words are not in line with how they live the rest of their lives, particularly behind closed doors. Hypocrisy is pretty hard to miss, although some people make it look fairly easy. It happens in politics, without even thinking. It happens in the marketplace of commerce and sadly it happens in the community of believers, both of those sitting in the pew and those standing behind the pulpit. And as I've often stated before, to each his own, the explanation for the justified difference of why their situation is excusable, yet another's is not. A standard is a standard and the only one that truly matters is God's, of which we all have fallen short. But that does give any one person a pass for not living according to the beliefs that they communicate. Words have impact. Ideas of consequences. May we be people who choose wisely. And let's pray to that end, on this #seniorPastorMonday. May pastors be people of the Word, who preach the Word, who live by the Word, who know the Word. Pray for those who have perhaps forgotten their place in delivering God's Word; for none of Jesus' disciples were people of position and prominence... if fact quite the opposite. Pray God would do a fresh work for those who are off course and out of alignment with what God is wanting to work in their lives and ministries. May the revelation of the truth of the matter bring them to a place of repentance and correction as the serve humbly and communicate faithfully. That we would speak words of life As the Word of Live lives within us For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I heard a radio interview the other day on Moody Radio, where the morning show hosts were talking with a local pastor regarding ministry and burnout. As they were discussing a "typical" week in the life of a pastor, this pastor noted that a church can't bombard the pulpit with all sorts of situations and circumstances, conversations and problems all week long, and then expect that in a matter of hours between Friday night and Sunday morning, that one will be prepared, studied and prayed up to deliver an effective message and exposition of God's Word.
Preparedness. We've talked it about it many times. I was reminded about it again last less than 20 hours ago, as yesterday morning I had opportunity to hang out with a home inspector for a few hours. Parents, do you want to prepare your teen/young adult for the gravity of decisions that they will want to consider and add to the equation as they figure out what they want to do with their life, vocation and lifestyle?? To wet their appetite, browse Craigslist for a 1500-2000 dollar car and ask the owner if you can take it to the local, reputable mechanic. Pay the 50-75 bucks for their time and have them print out a report. If everything were fixed, here's the cost. If you don't think that's a wake up call, may I remember you that up until the mid-90's, certain repairs on a Ferrari involved removing the engine! On repairs that weren't engine-related, like replacing the clutch. A for a full understanding, send your young adult on a home inspection. Either to follow the person doing the inspection or have them accompany a friend is who buying a home and listen to the conversation. It's one thing to get excited about the potential of a place. But so much more that could be problematic. It's a thorough look, that requires crawling into spaces that aren't used on a daily basis... a crucial, behind the surface perspective that begins a long-term conversation. These are the things that hinder one's effectiveness and efficiency. A lack of knowledge and understanding of the depths of what's involved in a matter. A lack of conversation to discuss problems and solutions and the work and cost involved to move from the current state to a corrected state. Preparedness. The surface conversation and understanding often doesn't get to the deeper and more crucial place of importance that is capable of preventing trouble and difficulty. And on that note, let's pray. On this #effectiveSunday, pray that pastors would indeed be prepared, even this very day; that they will have dug deep in their understanding and that in their message today, will move the church to the same crucial place of understanding. Pray for a balance in their lives and ministries, to not only properly handle the interruptions and disruptions as they arise, but to remain focused on the elements that truly matter in the fulfillment of their calling, anointing and purpose to the kingdom. Pray that God would place the right people in their circles to speak life, clarity and perspective... not to be a doomsayer or discourager, but to bring knowledge and understanding to the conversation. Effective and efficient Because the time and cost was paid To move the conversation to a better level of preparedness. For the glory of God. - PNC It's pretty incredible when you think about the power the Bible and the concepts and principles that it presents. And the foundational sequence that I heard explained the other day is one, I can't seem to put away. In fact, I only caught roughly half of it, but that doesn't diminish it's power.
In fact, as I look around at community and culture's frustration with Christianity, the power of this principle is undeniable. True and perfect love moves us to pursue excellence which results in a life of integrity. We look at people's shortage or complete lack of integrity and we wonder what went wrong. But if we take a look back, we see the missing element. A pursuit of excellence. Perfection is not a behavior to achieve, but an attitude with which we make our approach. It's not that we don't allow for mistakes and grace. But there's preparation, knowledge and understanding and contingencies to take steps to avoid and manage problems followed by learning and moving forward. And where does an attitude of excellence come from? Love. Consider 1 Corinthians 13. Hopes all things, believes all things, endures all things, bears all things. It never fails! It is kind and without envy. It is patient without being puffy. It rejoices in truth. Love does not settle, nor does it quit. But this is how it builds. Thus, when we are not kind, when we do envy, when we are short-fused, when we don't hope, believe and endure... when we rejoice in the iniquity rather than the truth; these things make it near impossible to pursue excellence. Which leaves room for a lifetime of second-best, compromise and some potentially ruinous decisions. And we're certainly witnessing the fruit of that path, are we not? So, pray this #communitySaturday, that the community would know the people of God as Christ said they would; by our love. May we lead lives that pursue excellence, not to be better or perfect than those next to us, but that God would be glorified as we give our all in like manner as He gave for us. Pray that we would be prepared to give an answer, as the world recognizes the difference in our lives, that integrity would be a marker that would set us apart... not because we know all, but because we know what the work of Jesus Christ has done in us. May we be the difference makers the world needs Because we daily open our hearts to the power of God To make a difference in our lives. For His glory alone For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So, I'm watching the news late last night, which I don't normally do, whether late news or the regular evening hour, and it's simply unbelievable. Of course, you are hearing the stories and reading the reports and opinions and social media is outraged... again, on both sides of the issues.
And as I considered what might be in store for #missionsFriday after a number of different ideas had roamed around, but never really developed, I had an epiphany on the short commute home from work. Are you ready? Here it is. What happens in Genesis, if Adam and Eve, immediately upon recognizing that they had disobeyed God, went and called upon His name. "Lord, we did a thing. In fact, not just any thing; but the very specific, single thing you told us not to engage in." We're witnessing, as if we needed more evidence, what happens when wrongdoings are discovered after the fact, apparently even years and decades later. Far less frequently do we witness the outcome when confession of wrongdoing and more importantly, sin, is quick and immediate. Meanwhile, society and culture continue to want less to do with God, the people of God and the application of Biblical principles while we discuss and surmise solutions to a flawed humanity with a sinful nature. It's both sad and frustrating to watch. That said, here is the power and motivation of the Gospel. If we fear the public's response to the degree that we keep the wrong that lies within us under silence, how much more, should God's response to the unconfessed sin in our lives, both for the believer and non-believer, be problematic for our conscience? Positions of prominence and influence aside, how quickly should we desire to come clean with God, as well as help others do the same. On this #missionsFriday, pray for quickening in hearts, minds and spirits; that regardless of the status of one's relationship with God, people would find themselves in a place and posture of confession. Pray for a revelation, that humanity will never "find" a solution for any of our moral ailments until we experience a return to repentance. Pray for missionaries, both at home and abroad, who are on the front lines of speaking into the lives of those who have no concept or understanding of God and the power of Jesus Christ. May today be a banner day for the kingdom of God That many would not wait to be found by God, But to seek Him first of their own volition. For we are desperately flawed and hopelessly in need of a Savior. May we not wait another minute. To experience the love, grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019