![]() The famous last words of every GPS ever spoken, just seconds before it was turned of in frustration by the driver who was certain they knew where they were going. Except tor the occasion where you don't know where you are but still think the GPS can't be right in its re-routing (should I admit to that?) the unit also does manage to work around and through whatever "off the route" spot you've managed to find yourself. If may take the route you'd expect if you know where you are going. It may on occasion take you a different route than you took last time. And in the process, you may be surprised to discover something you wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Much like God's sovereignty. Things may go along quite well with the direction you pray and hope to experience. God will change it on you, many times. And along the way, discoveries... marvelous and wonderful if we aren't too busy being frustrated about the route in the first place. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries, struggling with the process and the journey they are currently experiencing. For the circumstances that are causing frustration; that aren't going as well as they hoped and prayed; for the road of life that isn't all that smooth for the past number of miles and doesn't seem be getting better anytime soon... may there be a grace and peace that permeates their hearts and their minds. May God be the lifter of their heads, as they prepare, even this day, for the reassuring hand of God to be their strength and their confidence. Pray the Holy Spirit to bring and be a calming presence to the storm(s) of their circumstance. And pray they find joy, in the marvelous and wonderful discoveries along the way; that their frustration would try to keep them from experiencing. God's Perfect Sovereignty. It can be trusted. With where we've been. With where we are going. For the place we find ourselves in today. Re-routed; for His glory. By His grace. For the cause of Jesus Christ. -PNC
![]() It's one thing to be confident in your competence. It's entirely another to trust in yourself to the point that nobody else, regardless of their position in relation to you has something worthwhile to offer, perhaps has greater insight, a better plan or an altogether better way. Then there's God... ...whose ways are not our ways. Nor are His thoughts our thoughts. There are times for our competence. Times for our confidence. Times for seeking the input and perspectives of others. All in due process and in due time. Yet, placing our trust in God should always come first. Seeking His input, His perspective, His plan... His worthwhile offering of an altogether better way that super-cedes our thoughts and ways; one can never go wrong. Sure it may be a little dicey at times. A little scary. A little unsettling. All the aforementioned at once and more than "a little" is even quite possible. But then again, such feelings and emotions usually accompany the times when one tries to go it on their own, without God. So what is gained by trusting in God exponentially outweighs what is lost in self-reliance; especially when you consider our finite minds prone to ill-timed mistakes compared to God's infinitely sovereign, perfectly-timed plan. On this #deaconThursday, pray for church operations, that no matter their experience, competence or confidence of abilities, they will seek and trust in God. For all the discussions and meetings, strategies and plans, may they first look and pray for the counsel of the Holy. Pray for proper recognition, for the times when their confidence of abilities and planning align with what God has in store and when it should be carried out. Conversely, pray for discernment, that they not rush to act on their experience and step away and outside of whatever God may have had in store or intended for them to accomplish. He is the potter. We are the clay. Instruments of His grace. Tools for His workmanship. Used for His purpose; for His glory. -PNC ![]() You've probably all seen or heard the commercials now, about the reversal of roles, as adult kids transition through the process of caring for their aging parents; in situations similar to what the kids experienced when they were still kids. Reading books together, a bodily injury, needing time alone to figure stuff out... but family remains. Last night it occurred to me how often we wish we were kids again. They have so much fun. Then they get in trouble and we're glad we're the parents or the adults in the situation. Then adults have their moment and the realization happens, that the kids are better behaved then the grown-ups... and we are the ones in trouble. A famous comedian once stated in his skit, the words of his parents... "I hope for your sake, you have children who act the same way that you act." Depending on your nature, this can be either a blessing or a curse. And if it's a combination, then God help us for the kids that may be confused by the mixed signals... not only for living but for faith. Especially since the impact remains unknown for an undetermined amount of time and the manifestation thereof. On this #youthPastorWednesday, continue to pray for parents and pastors alike, that our lives would send consistent messages to our kids, about family, about friends, about faith in God and the love we have for each other because of the love He has shown to us. Pray that moments of joy and laughter would outweigh the moments of frustration and anger. Pray that no matter the situation, the grace of God would be shown and experienced through the power of forgiveness and continuing to act in love, even when we don't "feel" like doing so. May we live in a manner pleasing to God. A manner contagious to our kids. For the health of the family. For the betterment of community. For the testament of the grace and love of God. For the acknowledgement of Christ' work in our hearts. -PNC ![]() There are many options... right up until the moment you must make a decision. Then there are very few. If you are anything like me, you can spend almost the entire day playing out scenarios in your mind of what will work, what won't, what would be cool to do, what you'd rather avoid doing, etc, and beyond. (much like I did yesterday) However, if you are not ready to start making decisions that begin moving you in that particular direction, then it doesn't accomplish much. At least when you start moving, you get a sense of what's going on. You'll discover some obstacles, you'll notice some things you like, some things you don't, areas of concern and more. Plus, unforeseen opportunities may come along or doors and paths will be closed and you'll find that option not so much, and you'll have to do something else. Whatever it is you face, eventually, you have to start moving forward and walking in the plan. Otherwise, you'll accomplish nothing. Granted, that happens to be an option, but not a very good one. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastor struggling with situations and the decisions they face. Whether they be of a personal nature or a ministry matter, for the courage and the confidence to make good decisions as they weigh and discuss their options. Pray for wisdom for whatever may come their way as they start walking and moving forward. May the Word of God be the light upon their path and the lamp to their feet. For even one step at a time can be a conscientious decision for those walking carefully or struggling to press on. May they do so in the confidence of their trust in Jesus Christ and in their faith they He also has and always does work things out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. When options become decisions, may the glorify God, may they draw us closer to Him and inspire other to do likewise. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() There's a Chinese proverb that says: Those who say it's impossible should not interrupt those doing it. Yesterday, Pastor started a new holiday series on the Miracles of Christmas and more than 2000 years later, man still replies to what God has stated and simply asks, "How can this be?" Truer still, our response often times mirrors that of Joseph, where we decide how we will react to a situation until God brings reassurance that everything will work out according to His plan. We simply need to trust in Him and walk accordingly, rather than going about it our way. *something I needed to be reminded off, even as I just now typed those words! Man says impossible. God says I AM. Impossible is the wrong response for the great I AM. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for pastors facing situations where God needs redirection and reassurance. Pray they would be reminded of the simple truth, that with God, all things are possible to them that believe. May each of us not give way to the temptation to walk in our own understanding, but to acknowledge Him in our all our ways, leaning on His understanding rather than ours and our experience. Pray pastors would be unhindered and unrestrained in their confidence that God is able to perform the miraculous in their lives and in their ministry. For the glory of God. For the strength of the body of Christ. May God speak LIFE as clearly and boldly He spoke LIGHT. -PNC ![]() Much like salt & light, the church has a very specific purpose. If light isn't dispelling darkness, then it's clearly, not living out its purpose. If salt isn't salty, then how can it be called salt? Its a sad state when you hear the church is out of touch with the needs of people in their own background... perhaps, even as close as their own congregation. Similarly, when those in the church fall away, to the point that life decisions take a dramatic turn, its hard to react and respond in ways that will draw, if every so slowly, someone back to a relationship with God. As the world turns, ever more rapidly, we need to the church to be effective. In its ministry. In its outreach. In watching over the lives it cares for... to guard against the attacks of the enemy that would lure people away from their walk of faith. The days are short.The days are evil. All the more reason, we need to preserve faith and dispel darkness. Pray this #effectiveSunday, for an increase in the churches ability to grow and develop people in their walk of faith. Pray that the light that is within us, remain bright. May God's purpose prevail, regardless of our faults and regardless of our ability to figure things out on our own. Pray the church continues to seek the one that is lost. Pray those who remain, retain the understanding that they are valued, while the church looks for the lost. No matter our place in life, may we all remember our place in Christ; that our standing with God outweighs our position on earth. For His glory. For His sovereignty. According to His will, not our own. Called to preserve. Called to shine. -PNC ![]() About mid-day yesterday, on the east side of my home state, lots of cloud cover, and the sun trying hard to break through... much like the pic. In watching it, I couldn't help but think, Christ could return any minute. Mind-blowing, when you think about it, really. Life is but a glimpse. And from behind the wheel, I couldn't help but wonder what happens to traffic when millions are caught up in the air. As Christmas gets closer and the church engages community, it's a balancing act as we share the love of Christ and the gift He has for mankind. Salvation isn't to be rushed, yet with every passing day, it is becoming evermore transparent that His return is fast approaching. There should be a sense of urgency in our faith. And it's up to God, for their heart to be ready to hear and accept. For when you the Word of the Lord, now is the day of Salvation Christmas is exciting for many reasons. The opportunity to connect with friends and family and bring gifts as the wise men brought to baby Jesus is wonderful. But the fact remains, the greatest gift given on the day of Jesus birth, was Himself. Though the culmination of the gift wasn't for another 33 years, His birth was the beginning of the promise from long ago... and the fruition of God's plan from the very beginning. Pray this #communitySaturday, that hearts will be prepared to receive the Word of the Lord this holiday season and accept His gift of eternal life. Pray for barriers and fears, thoughts and past experiences to be laid to the side, in order for God to work the miraculous in peoples lives... healing and restoration, peace and forgiveness as they have never known. May the greatest gift ever offered, eternal life through Jesus Christ, be accepted by many... especially considering there is nothing to do or pay on our part, to receive it. It is free to accept for everyone. For His glory. The purpose of Christ fulfilled. -PNC ![]() Yes, I know it's December... and you're already counting down the days to rising temperatures and the disappearance of snow, even that which hasn't arrived at your door... yet. Something got to thinking about a number of my friends in ministry yesterday afternoon... and the idea of planting. Seeds & Churches: Curbing the burnout rate through new growth A friend I went to high school with just held a ground breaking ceremony for the latest church God is using him to build. Another friend of mine who owns a tattoo shop, rented the space next door, where he and his wife, launched a church. For a season, they left for another state, to start a second location before returning home. A former pastor, is in the initial stages of starting a church, their third plant just in the past 8 years, that with God's help, they've built congregations from the ground up! The church we attend now, a number of years ago, launched a couple and some other families as support, to start a church roughly an hour away from us, to meet a need in that community. It's cyclical. Planted seeds need to be watered. Watered seeds need to room to grow and develop, so that when the time comes, the reproduction of more seeds will occur, ready to be planted and needing water. It doesn't take much. A small band of believers, desiring to make an impact in their community to reach the lost and the hurting, the broken and dying. Planting seeds of life. Building a place where they can be tended. Allowing God to work the miraculous moving hurt people who hurt people to restored people ready to restore others. And with the news of every passing day; the world desperately needs people restored to completion, not broken to pieces. Pray this #missionsFriday, for pastors and missionaries alike, whose God-given gifts including the planting and building of churches. Pray for success, as they step into communities and reach out to people groups with experiences you may wish you hadn't heard. Pray the spirit of discouragement would not detour and derail them, but like Nehemiah, focused on rebuilding his hometown, they would possess similar intensity in completing the "good work" they have begun. Pray for favor with community officials, in the logistical processes involved, that whatever challenges arise, would be easily resolved and overcome May finances, resources and people come into place to complete the work God has called them. May planted seeds and churches receive the water necessary for sustenance. May the Sovereign hand of God change hearts and lives through the transforming work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Let there be LIFE in dry places. Breath of God, breathe Life on us anew and afresh. -PNC. . ![]() There is an amazingly profound power in the analysis of the impact of a single event, action or word and its' long-term ripple effect. The rally of support and laud when that impact is the result of something positive will be memorialized for a great deal of time. Conversely...consider the analysis of the negative. The seemingly insignificant of life that happens to be a point of negativity in your life or in one you interact with regularly. It doesn't matter in light of eternity, nor in 100 years, but it matters today. It matters now. Waiting to be dealt with. Chinese Water Torture. It wasn't the dowsing of water over your head at once that would wear you down, but the anticipation of receiving it "one drop at a time" would eventually create a long-term, negative impact... a perceived "hollowing-out" of your forehead. A succession of negative drops making their impact; the feeling that you are just waiting, knowing another one is just around the corner...this is how life feels at times. A mistake, a problem, an issue...whatever it is, there's a sense that whatever period of respite there may be will be short-lived. Those inside the church struggle with it just like those outside the church. The ministry feels it as much as the marketplace. Agonizing as it may be, our refuge is found in God, as the Psalmist writes in chapter 34. Pray this #deaconThursday for those in church operation, as well as pastors, struggling with the seemingly never-ending battle of negative circumstances and issues they face. Pray a new-found focus and determination to rely on God's strength to endure, and wisdom to navigate through the mess. May they find rest for there souls with God as their refuge. Pray the effects of the positive work they accomplish for the glory of God forever outlast the negative impacts of mistakes and decisions, for whatever their reason; that God would work it all out. For the good of those who love God. Who are called according to His purpose. To accomplish all that He has for them. -PNC ![]() Once again, late yesterday afternoon, not sure exactly what todays #youthPastorWednesday post would look like, I asked God for help. Off and on throughout the day, I was reflecting on my life and decisions I've made. Previous employment situations. Previous relationships. Previous struggles. They got me thinking about the times and conversations I've had with my dad and the handful of things we wished we had done differently when I was younger. Reflecting on my own faults and how they influence, not just my life, but now, the lives of my kids and it occurred to me... As a parent, sometimes you never know what experience will stick with a kid, whether it will lay a foundation for a good life discipline or it will be a point of struggle; that while it may not hinder their life per see, it may on occasion bother them to the point of regret. But then again... it very well could be a stumbling block which may require God working in their lives to overcome. I'm certain Pastors feel similarly... just consider those in ministry whose children aren't serving the Lord, let alone have an active faith and/or are involved in the church. To add another layer, consider the outlet a kid chooses to work through the impact of their parents experience, whether positive or negative. (warning: that consideration is gonna be uncomfortable in 5...4..3..2..) Something new to pray over regarding kids. And the pastors of my kids. And parents for that matter, starting with me, if I may. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday for the grace of God to bring stability to their understanding of the events and experiences they witness in the lives of their parents and pastors. Pray, as God works in us, they witness beliefs, words and actions that will lay a solid foundation rather than unstable steps of struggle. Pray that any generational curses that exist will be broken and that any attempts by the enemy to create new ones will falter. Pray a hedge protection over the hearts and minds of kids, that an early age, they would develop a faith that remains focused on God, regardless of the faults of man, whether it be in the lives of parents, pastors, teachers or friends. A generation of young people whose hearts are set on the things of God. Not allowing the negative impact of what they've witnessed define who they are or what they will become. May they grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ Foundations for His glory. Stumbling blocks turned stepping stones, for the cause of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() As a prayed yesterday afternoon as to what God would have for today's #associatePastorTuesday post, it wasn't but an hour or two later and seemingly out of nowhere, came a sensitive topic. Pornography. Really, God? Yeah. It wreaks havoc in an individual. It kills marriages. It utterly ruins a ministry. It shreds a family. A quick google search put me on the front page of a "new" organization, www.provenmen.org that offers incredible resources for this struggle in life. Last year, they teamed up with the Barna Group for a national survey. The highlights include: - 64% of US men view it monthly - 79% of men ages 18-30 view monthly - 67% ages 31-49.... - 49% ages 50-68.... - the number of Christian men view "virtually mirrors" the national average - Christian men are watching at work at a rate in-line with the national average And finally....18% of all men think they are addicted or are unsure if they are addicted. 18%.... also known as 21 MILLION!! http://www.provenmen.org/2014pornsurvey/pornography-use-and-addiction/ One of the comments that I read was from a missionary... who struggled with this issue while serving. There's no getting around these numbers while thinking it's not affecting Pastors of every level, every denomination, in every country. We can no longer avert our eyes to this problem of men and women of faith who are struggling to avert their own eyes as they try to gain victory of this area of struggle in their life. Yes, you read correctly... the same survey has Christian women viewing at about half the national average, on a monthly basis. Pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that the destructive forces of this industry would be broken; for the unsaved, for the believer, for the Pastor. Pray individuals would be set free from this addiction and the possibility of it becoming one for those who are unsure. Pray over the process of conviction, healing and restoration, as God works on hearts and minds in bringing freedom to those struggling. Pray for the effectiveness of resources and tools that are available, such as Proven Men, that as people go through the process they will learn what God has in store for them as they gain victory over this struggle. May they experience peace of heart and mind as freedom and healing come to their lives in incredibly profound ways. Strengthened marriages. Increased effectiveness in ministry. Restored families. New creations in Christ. 21 MILLION....NOW. IN THE NAME OF THE LORD! For His glory. By His grace. Freedom. For there is now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus... -PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019