Full of choices. Full of decisions. Full of joy. Full of sorrow. And stress. And anxiety. Worry. Points of concern. Points of contention. Moments of frustration and agony. Time filled with awe and wonder and much more time spent simply wondering. Yet, through it all. God never changes. He is Sovereign. He is an ever-present help. Yet in the midst of this life, we find ourselves trying to understand and attempting to make sense of the what, why, how and where things will go and proceed to work out... both in the short term and for the long haul. It truly is amazing what kids go through. And worse, what we put them through. But so much of life is filtered from what we can handle to what they can handle. And no matter how long one has been a believer, we keep coming to God, hoping to get full understanding and information of what is happening or what is in store. But know... He gives us what we need to know; what we can handle. That's the sovereign nature. It's hard as an adult. Even harder as a parent. Harder still as a pastor. Thus, we look to, rely and place our trust in God. Not only for our lives; but also on behalf of our kids... for they too will one day need to have the strength and fortitude in their relationship with Christ that we all work towards daily. Let's pray, this #youthPastorWednesday for youth and children's pastors that are struggling in their own lives and with matters of faith in their walk with God. Pray that God would give them wisdom as they navigate the circumstances and situations that they face. May God help them as they relate to the young people they minister to; that God would give them the words and perspective to build up and encourage the faith of today's youth. Pray that no matter our understanding of the day; that we would continue to trust in the sovereign Hand of God. May we daily rejoice in the knowledge and beauty that God does not waste a single experience for His glory and good. For God is a good Father, Who has good things in store for His children. A plan and purpose. A destiny and a calling. For His glory. By His grace. With His love. Daily, as we walk this life - PNC
So yesterday morning, I'm listening to the Moody Radio Network and Pastor Collin Smith is preaching and he's talking about grace, among other things. He makes a very profound statement, a reminder really, as we deal with the people around us and that's to remember this one simple fact:
We are all merely dust. The next thing I know, he's talking about pastors and how they too, at times, get frustrated with their congregations and in particular, about how they too aren't always at the place or places that pastors wish, hope or think they should exist. I about fell out of my chair, as we just prayed and discussed that point yesterday! He proceeded to make his point, that it would help in the lives of pastors that they remember as well, that the people who occupy the seats that make up the congregation... they are just dust as well. On this #associatePastorTuesday however, can I add to the next logical statement on this matter? As pastors battle burnout, partly due to the grace that is sometimes hard to extend to the body of believers, pastors would do well to remember they too are merely dust. One is always hardest on themselves and it's difficult to forgive and allow for grace to permeate our being, even if we have seemingly have an easier time granting grace to those around us. Nobody can do everything all the time. Nobody can do everything the very best all the time. For without the breath of God, we are merely dust. Pray this #associatePastorTuesday for pastors that are frustrated with their congregations... for an number of reasons and probably more valid than anyone cares to know or admit. Pray that God would grant them the ability and strength, to not only extend grace to the body of Christ, but also themselves as pastors and leaders within the kingdom of God. May God grant to them wisdom on how to best handle the points of contention and circumstances of concern within the church. Pray for discernment as they move forward and the fortitude to not look back. While we remember that we are mere dust, May we also remember the breath of God resides within us. To do and be the people and church He has called us to be. From both the pew and pulpit. For the glory of God. - PNC One can only do so much in spreading their message. Eventually, if falls on the hearers to spread the message to places and people where the originator can not go. Consider the power of social media. Posts don't viral because the creator of the content blasted social media; but that the content caught on those who saw and heard responded and shared. Over. And over. And over again. And when it came back around to them a second time, they took time to share it afresh.
Impact is rarely known. At least outside the analytic power of Google. Yet Christ knew the power of the shared story and recounting of events. So to, do Pastors, as they preach and equip the congregation to advance; not because they can do it all... they need the help of those who hear. More than anything great online that you could share... more than I could hope that the traffic for this site would explode, these are days and times in which the message of Christ needs to go forth more than any other message. Yet I know how badly I fall short. And I can only imagine the frustration of pastors who know their congregation also falls short. Thus, not knowing the impact they are making; not seeing or hearing of lives being changed... leads to days filled with questions that most often begin with... "Am I making a difference for the kingdom of God?" Pray this #seniorPastorMonday, that God would strengthen and encourage those pastors struggling with the feelings and frustrations that perhaps they aren't making the impact they hoped, dreamed or believed they would regarding ministry. May they continue to be faithful in their service to God and devotion to the body of Christ even in the "not-knowning". Pray the church would strengthen their resolve to share the message of Jesus Christ; that while may never know the viral impact of our testimony, may the church witness many coming to Christ because of our willingness to share as if we were online. Pray God would help us all; as I for one need it. To the ends of the earth. Literally and digitally. The Gospel was meant to be shared, Not only from the pulpit, But lived out from the pew. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So I felt a little convicted this morning, as I was getting ready for church. Something got me thinking about the power of planning versus doing the actually work, when it comes to matters of effectiveness and efficiency.
I like President Lincoln's take on this matter. “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” There are times when the power of effectiveness is found in saying or doing nothing. And while the list of such times are short, I'm not expounding on them hear... partly for time constraints, oddly enough. Efficiency however, is a matter of stewardship. *entering the refining power of the conviction of the Holy Spirit we discussed the other day If we are wasting our time, resources, and abilities; what will get done? And what will hear? Surely not, "well done, my good and faithful..." Pray this #effectiveSunday, that God would help us in every realm to be better stewards. Of all that He has granted to us to do, be and accomplish, may we honor Him with our lives as we live, move and have our being in His presence, power and grace. Pray for the continued work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and our ministries. Pray for wisdom to know when to do all we can and when there is power in waiting and silence. For this life is not our own. Nor can we live it without Almighty God. Though we try, we will fail. For He is the Creator and Sustainer of all. Let's praise and honor Him today. - PNC Moody Radio Network was doing their fall fundraising campaign during this past week and they had a segment where the talked with car guy, Barry Meguiar. Full of life and energy, they were talking about evangelism and the Christian's interaction with the world.
He was talking about how much we over-complicate the conversation, at times. More often than not, we come across as more outspoken about the problems within society and the sins of others, rather than simply taking the opportunity to share our experience with Jesus Christ. It's all relational. We don't hesitate to share our experience and interaction with incredible or horrible service at a place of business; the review of an online purchase or product; the recommendation of a contractor; the latest big screen flick (or flop)... the list goes on. Yet, we're all, myself included, a little to quick to think twice about relaying a story or experience of faith, testimony or trial from our everyday life or one that we heard from someone at church. Society is nothing but conversation after conversation and having conversations about "having the conversation", but it seems the body of Christ is not directing it, let alone, influencing it. I know that's not entirely true, but it feels that way most of the time. As Christ interjected Himself into humanity, so must we interject Him into our interaction with humanity. Pray, this #communitySaturday that the hesitance to share Christ would be lifted. As culture shares their experience over things that will pass away, may we share the transformation that will never pass away. May the body of Christ indeed, be relational and intentional in the conversations we carry on with those around; whether they be frequent or infrequent. May God grant us opportunities to impact our world and may we not be afraid to step through the door and speak when He opens it. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "It's the knowledge of sin that is the beginning of Gospel grace." - James MacDonald
James has been preaching a powerful sermon on the Holy Spirit that is currently being broadcast, and this statement is so simple yet empowered with truth. So often we try to make things happen when the conversation turns to matters of faith. But there's two important things to remember... It is not ours to convince. It is not ours to convict. Yet, as we've discussed a few ties in recent months, society's determination to label and relabel the issues and problems of the day seem to hinder the evangelistic process. How can God do what He needs to do, if we don't understand the condition of our lives as He sees them? This disconnect leads to many problems... both for the unbeliever who continues to live without a relationship with God, as well as for the believer, when we prevent the Holy Spirit from working in us to greater reflect the character and person of Jesus Christ. We should have an awareness and sensitivity of the refining power of the Holy Spirit as much as we pray people would have an awareness and sensitivity to the redemptive power of the cross of Jesus Christ. Thus, on this #missionsFriday, let us pray to that end. Pray for an openness to receive the Gospel as well as open doors to share the same. Pray the continued work of the Holy Spirit, to work both in refining the believer and convicting the unbeliever. May we continue to place our trust in God, rely on Him for all that we have need, seek His face and live out His will for our lives. Pray the truth of His Word would continue to impact, lead and direct all who hear and read it. Indeed, may we be better readers. Better hearers. Better doers Better seekers. By the power of the Holy Spirit By the grace of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I'll be the first to admit, I don't have it all together. Nobody does. I recognize that. Yet, the human condition is very real. It is also, very broken.
No matter which avenue of life you find yourself and what perception you have towards others, we all make comparisons at some point. And it's easy to look at those in places of prominence from a vantage point that is nowhere near a level of prominence and notice the mind wondering and wandering. Some handle the differences between their place and the place of another with frustration and self-pity. Others respond to this relationship with criticism. What's interesting about the human condition is a circumstance can exist, either in reality or in the mind, while the other party is unaware and unsuspecting. It happens every day. At home. At work. At church. Speaking of unaware... I heard of a story recently in which a retired ministry struggled with depression for a year, back when he was a senior pastor. It was news to me. Yet my first thought was (and I may never know the answer) did the deacon board know? I would hope so, in order that they may pray and be the support during that time to help see the pastor through, but in today's world, who knows how churches are handling such matters. With the high rate of burnout, they may not be doing as well as we hope. So, it's quite possible this #deaconThursday for an individual within church leadership, or the entire board, to be left in the dark. I understand how it happens, as we all have certain pieces of information which aren't shared with certain kids on the block. It's not a matter of secrecy, so much as it's more often a matter of trust and a reflection on the nature and quality of a relationship. That said, church leadership continues to need our prayers and support, as they continually step up to pray and support those in need within the church and community. Let's pray this #deaconThursday, that God would give them wisdom as they lead our churches and congregations, even in the face of relationships that perhaps are... more work than they should be at times. Pray for strength and trust as they work for the advancement of the ministry. For the relationships that may be strained, broken or damaged, may God do a healing and restorative work in the hearts and lives of both deacons and pastors. Pray also for those within the church; specifically for those who feel as outsiders looking in and perhaps struggling to find their place within the church and it's ministries. May God do a work within them as well and bring a clarity and a purpose to both their perception and their reality. For we labor together For the cause of Christ. May the church advance Unhindered, nor dismayed. But with purpose and focus For the glory of God. - PNC I don't know that anybody "likes" to talk about money when it comes ministry. However, there's no denying... we live in the real world with real dollars and real lives.
Yet, the culmination of these three dynamics makes for exciting radio, for those who listen to the Dave Ramsey show. If you missed yesterday's broadcast, a young couple, from Utah traveled to Ramsey's HQ in Tennessee to do their "debt-free" scream. The wife in her late 20's, the husband, 30, if I recall and their one year old daughter. And at the end of the call, Dave expounded on his reasoning, about how people change the financial aspect of their lives, it changes their family tree. This couple had paid off $150,000 in less than two years, most of it being their home. Yes, they took a huge increase in income, based on the completion of an advanced medical degree, but still. "There's no reason to make this kind of money and be financially burdened" So, after the call, Dave does the math. Average house payment of $2000. 40 years to retirement. Invested at a 12% annual return, you're talking $23 million and change. And if Dave is 90% wrong on the equation, that's still 2-3 million in the bank! Keep in mind, that's with zero change in income, no other retirement strategy, no 401k with employer match or anything. Is it not God who gives the ability to produce wealth? Even the Good Samaritan was a man of some means. Who foots the medical bill in advance of the care for a stranger with a promise to pay any outstanding balance upon their return from a business trip? Yet, many within the church are bound. Many more in ministry are likewise, bound. And the pressures and responsibilities bind our hands to give generously and our feet to travel one mile, let alone the second. I get how hard it is. It's a daily choice. People in every walk of life within the congregation are struggling as are every level of pastor. And it's especially difficult for those pastors just starting out in ministry, like those finding their first pastorates working with kids and youth. What an incredible story to be able to share, as they prepare to discuss the realities of life with young people, how they are debt free and the difference it makes as to how they approach both life and ministry. If you don't think there is power in this analogy, then consider this couple's daughter. She'll be 40 and her parents, 70. They will be taken care of and set, in their final years... perhaps full of life, with no excuse to say no, to what God might call them to do. Likewise, she will have a 40-year foundation of, making sound, wise financial decisions... with an incredible launch point as God prospers and blesses her parents. It's literally astounding to consider, even as I type this. And I can only pray the same for those in ministry who consider this a dream. It doesn't have to be that way. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, that they would be inspired to live in freedom, in every realm, but especially financially. Pray God would give them creativity and discipline in their stewardship. May God honor the sacrifices they make, both for the long-term goals of their lives and for their ministry. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous, in this very real struggle and balance of life. May ministry and life not be hindered because of financial constraints. That our indebtedness would exist Only in relation to the Cross of Christ. May we live in freedom and abundance And give as Christ gave; In extravagance and obedience. For the glory of God and His grace alone. - PNC "It is not my job to be rude in what I say. It is my job to be truthful in what I say." - Chuck Swindoll
We've discussed truth many times over the past couple of years on this site. Yet, when I heard this broadcast this morning from Chuck, on a series from Paul's second letter to Timothy, this statement resonated. Furthermore, he prefaced it in the preceding minutes, which how church has changed... perhaps not so much for the best. Is it possibly we've gone to the other extreme; of being too nice? Of being too friendly? Of services that leave us feeling good emotionally, but lackluster spiritually? Swindoll points out that it's not the job of any pastor to coddle or comfort their congregation. It's is the proclamation of the Gospel. I love his perspective on this. We don't go to the doctor for a good report. We don't go to the clinic for the smiles. We don't go to the ER to confirm that nothing is wrong. We step in to the places for an accurate and honest assessment of the problem in our lives with a correct and complete remedy. We do not need nor desire their beating around the bush, nor being cause with circumstance. We need them to speak the truth! Then we step in to church... and of late, seemingly prefer they didn't. Or if they did, at least speak in politically correct terms. Funny. Somehow even "politically correct" doesn't automatically include the truth. Yet we call it correct, when at the very least, it is often quite inaccurate. How that the Spirit of God bring conviction, if the man or woman of God does not preach with conviction? The Gospel however, is truth. And it's author, God, is direct. Not rude, but truthful. As he needs his mouthpiece within church leadership to be and to speak. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, that in these ever-present days and times of excuses and reasons and auxiliary issues and concerns, however legitimate they may be, that pastors would people who seek, know, understand and speak words of truth. May they not get caught up in the trends and fads within ministry that detract and diminish the power of Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit; but declare the reality of the plight and circumstance of humanity and the evil of this dark age. Pray church leadership would continue to be people of the Word and of prayer; sensitive to the move and direction of the hand and voice of God rather than the voices of a broken humanity and a hurting society. For indeed, these are troubling times. And lasting comfort is not found in the temporary words of man, But in the everlasting truths of God's Word May we seek no other solution to life's woes and societies ills Except the salvation of our hearts Through the power of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC I spent an hour and 15 minutes on the phone with tech support last night. Surprisingly enough, even though I knew it had been a long phone call, I didn't realize the minutes had racked up that much by the time we had ended the call.
Of course, it wasn't until a few moments later, that I considered a similar time commitment that takes place daily in the life of a pastor. Whether a senior pastor of a small church who has his hands on the pulse of nearly every aspect of ministry or a larger church with multiple associates who are helping to carry the load, it doesn't take but a handful of people over the course of office hours and even after hours, asking for an hour of Pastor's time until a big chunk of the day has disappeared. No doubt, an overwhelming majority or nearly most are significant, legitimate issues and situations that need to be dealt with or that people need help in navigating; whether it relate to church matters or congregation matters. At least we hope their days aren't flooded with seemingly insignificant problems. But inevitably, even those arise and make it to the top without explanation. Be that as it may, every life counts. Everyone's time is valuable. Yet organizing one's day and sticking to one's calendar is daunting for all of us, especially when the amount of help is accounted for in relationship to the amount and depth of responsibilities. Add to the equation, family, normal life, emergency circumstances and ministry obligations that may exist outside of the church and it's a full schedule. I stand amazed at how they pull it off; I have enough trouble with my schedule. Then again, the burnout rate in ministry is ridiculous. And I stand heart-broken, for the many that don't handle scheduling and responsibilities well, both of life and ministry. On that note, let's pray this #seniorPastorMonday for those overwhelmed by the scheduling and balancing of schedules, life and ministry. Pray that God would bring calm to their lives in the place of the anxiety and worry that may be consuming their minds and spirits. Pray for a clarity of sight and vision; to know how to be plan their day and organize their responsibilities. May God bring a balance to every part of their being and every relationship in their life. Pray for those who would come alongside to speak into their life, to help carry the load and give insight and strategy as to what improvements could be made and how to implement them. May God quicken and strengthen every fiber of their being, even this day, as they commit themselves afresh and rely on Him anew, to fulfill His plans and purposes in their lives. With no regards of yesterday And no fear of tomorrow. Wholly focused on what God has for them today. For each day has enough trouble of its' own. And we walk with God In the confidence of Christ And the power of the Holy Spirit. Now and forevermore. - PNC We read the notification yesterday, thanks to the power of social media, that the Pastor who married my wife and I went to the hospital, as we was experiencing incredible back pain. It's turns out there is a bone spur hitting the nerve. They finally came in this morning and said they are going to try a few other things first and that surgery is now a last resort.
However, as last night came to a close and this morning kicked off, I remained in the dark regarding this post. Then God dropped in heart, how many Pastors are getting ready to deliver the Word while in all kinds of pain. My heart goes out to our beloved Pastors, who story of life and ministry over their tenure would boggle most minds as to what they have endured and struggled; as many other Pastors have equally, unbelievable stories of tragedy, loss, pain, agony and frustration. I don't know how much of what we encounter in life as a "Satan approaching God regarding Job" moment or it's the trial by fire hand of God, but whatever the cause and reasoning behind such matters, I know that it is all the under the watchful Sovereign eye of God. I know Satan takes advantage of every opportunity to reach in to a place of struggle and frustration and extract from it whatever strength of faith and resolve may reside in the heart of the believer. I'm just curious... Does Satan stand in God's throne room asking permission to intervene in our lives more often than we stand in the throne room asking God to intervene on our behalf? On this #effectiveSunday, pray today for Pastors and my friends, especially, who find themselves in places of pain and agony; whether physcially, emotionally or spiritually. May God gird them up and strengthen them anew and afresh by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray today that indeed, Jesus would make intercession for us, to the Father. Pray for a quickening and fortification of the resolve of faith within the lives of the believers; that we stand strong against the attacks of the enemy, whatever their source of origin. May the efforts and works of ministry that take place today accomplish much for the kingdom of God; not because of a man on the pulpit or the worship on stage or anyone helping in a classroom; but because God inhabits the praises of His people and is found in the midst of where two or three gather in His name. For there is a higher place to go Where God beckons us That we may know Him more. And He who has begun this work, Won't let us go. For once we were weak But now we are strong. For the glory of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019