![]() We all have out days where our interactions with various levels of authority don't go so smooth. On both sides of the table, tensions can mount, feelings and frustrations can dictate words and actions and the justification that follows. Much can and often does, stand in the way of open and reasonable communication. Consider this intro in light of a message that one of the students shared in a chapel service, at a nearby Bible college. The concept was so profound, the college president posted it on social media. Austin, the young man who preached this particular chapel service, stated the following regarding authority: "If you believe you are David just waiting until God gives you Saul's bigger, better ministry position, but are unwilling to serve like David served and love like David loved right now, you aren't David, you are Saul 2.0" Wow. Whether in minstry or the marketplace it's easy to look and even comment, who we could do different, better and whatever, all while being nicer in the process. I know I have... more recently than I care to admit. This is dangerous ground, for indeed, Saul in his latter years, took a terrible turn. And Austin is right. If we aren't careful, we risk not only becoming like Saul, but perhaps an even worse version. That thought alone, cuts to the quick. Which is probably as good a point as any, to turn to prayer. Join me, despite, the lateness of this post, in praying for pastors, as well as Christians... whether we are in place of authority or subject to authority, may God help us to lead as David. Pray that we possess a heart towards the things of God, as David did. Pray for a boldness to appropriately speak to the truth to those seated in places of power; while recognizing the respect that comes with that position... the same we would expect if we were in that place as we sometimes desire. Pray for open line of communication and understanding; that tension and frustration, while it exists, would not become a hindrance to what God desires to accomplish in and through our lives, as we work together for His glory; whether in ministry or in the marketplace. May we be David 2.0, Rather than Saul 2.0. For the glory of God. - PNC
Leadership shouldn't be as difficult as it's sometimes made out to be. Yet, in the same breath, it is difficult and full of challenge for many reasons; probably too many to numerate here. In this time and day when everything is under scrutiny, even the things you wouldn't think would be; it seems that all is on the table.
Yet, we fail to realize, or perhaps remember, both in our own lives and those of our leaders, the words that Pastor spoke in the opening minutes of his sermon, yesterday. "The more extensive the forecast, the greater the risk of error." There is so much to be expounded on here, I wish I had time... but alas, I changed my alarm last night then failed to actually turn it out. But the words are self-explanatory or perhaps, pithy is best. Decisions shouldn't be made while walking on egg-shells regarding the future; but leaders are decision makers and this is a time for prudence. We need leadership, church and otherwise to make good decisions and to cast great vision. Thus, pray with me, this #seniorPastorMonday. Pray for wise counsel and good decisions. Pray for foresight as they cast vision and conviction as they made and implement their decisions. Pray for a move of the Spirit in their ministries and families, as they seek the face of God and His will. May His plans and purposes be fulfilled as they carry out their calling. May their be a grace in times of error and missed marks. Pray God would continue to work all things for His glory; even the faults and failures of many. In His timing. For His service. For His glory. - PNC I considered last night, just how often I've heard these words.
"Are you sure?" A situations or circumstance happens, sometimes minor in nature; other times... well, major. Time intensive to repair. Costly to fix. Frustrating to diagnose. You start trying to figure out what has gone wrong in hopes of being able to plan a solution. Then, in discussing the matter with one who knows more (remember, there is always someone in the room, smarter than yourself), there comes a point in the conversation where you are presented with the opportunity to admit the truth. Maybe, I'm wrong about this. Turns out I was. Even better, it went from what I thought was major to pretty minor. Big bark, but the bite was more like a nibble. How much more, in our attempts and plans to be effective and efficient as a church, the same transpires. In going through the process and having conversations, the question is asked. Hopefully it goes from being a major deal, to perhaps only needing to be tweaked, but that's not to say minor changes won't be enough and the organization could be in for some major work. Whatever it looks like, asking the question always results in taking a deeper, closer look that forces the mind to consider other options that present entirely different solutions. No, it's not always an enjoyable process when it happens, but watching it unfold as one reflects, is incredible. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, for pastors and leaders struggling to figure out the problems and challenges they face. Pray insight and wisdom, questions and revelation as conversations take place. Pray for the miraculous to occur, as solutions come together, whether they be quick and easy or expensive and laborious. Pray for strength and fortitude as they continue to seek the face of God and put their faith to action as the work to fulfill the calling and purpose God has placed upon them; to accomplish great exploits for the kingdom of God. Confidently moving forward By the grace of Christ By the power of the Holy Spirit For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Good morning! I trust that you all will have a wonderful weekend, as I'm much this #communitySaturday morning, much earlier than usual. As I considered some thoughts on community yesterday, it's amazing what happens during an election year. In an exchange between the press secretary and the President's personal aid (referencing my favorite political TV drama) the secretary makes the comment that "everybody is stupid in an election year". To which, the personal aid repliess, "no, everybody gets treated stupid in an election year". There used to be a time you could go to the park or the mall and simple "people-watch". Which is still a fun time, especially as you could almost do a comedy bit as people walk with their heads down, looking at a 5" screen. The digital equivalent of people watching is to simply scroll through any social media newsfeed, like Facebook without commenting. Let me just as, as a casual observer, it's disturbing. People preaching tolerance, quickly lose said ability to tolerate, as soon as they are presented with a logical, alternate idea, even with supported by facts. People who have a problem with labels, name-calling, and broad-stroke statements about people or groups are quick to label, name-call and grab a brush for those who disagree with them. I'm not saying both sides don't do this, for surely they do... but, I will say, one side seems to portray this phenomenon much more than the other. It makes it challenging, even difficult at times, to have a calm, logical, rational conversation about serious issues. Should faith enter the conversation, it's almost like you're asking for trouble. Not that we should be surprised... Jesus predicted as such. They hated me first; don't be surprised when they turn and hate on you. However, this morning, I'm reminded of the words of Hebrews 13:2. Be kind to strangers; for in that manner, some of entertained strangers. In light of the larger context of hospitality, it begins with how we interact with those around us and more-so, people we don't know. Then, I wake up and Life.Church.tv posted a meme quoting 1 Timothy 2:1 If you'll permit me to switch things up a bit, I think this #communitySaturday we each should heed the advice of Paul given in this verse. We know the needs and circumstances of those around us; we know how we ought to pray. If you don't know someone's need or circumstance, engage Hebrews 13. Have a conversation and close it out with Paul's encouragement. I urge you, first of all, to pray for ALL people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them. - PNC So, I had a particular intro worked out, for today's post regarding praying for missions, but then plans changed, so there goes that idea. The short of a short story, is that yesterday afternoon, I was thinking about camping.
The variety alone, of the images that come to mind when you hear the words camping, is pretty incredible. There's everything from "roughing it", with limited supplies and a tarp, to fifth wheels and rv's that rival your communities luxury apartment complexes. Then there are those who would go camping, provided that come nightfall, there's a nice hotel nearby the campsite fire. This got me thinking, comparatively, to the environments of those in missions; especially the transition that is made upon their first entering the field. It's challenging. It's an awakening. In a phrase... the struggle is more real than what most people consider a "real" struggle. The adjustment that it takes on the mind and body, on families and marriages, for those missionaries in remote and relatively obscure places... truly, winning the lost for Christ at this level, is a heart-condition. It's not everyone's calling and purpose, to be a missionary, and mission fields take on all environments, cultures and conditions, so it's not like every missionary is under a tarp. That said, they aren't necessarily enjoying the comforts of luxury townhouse living, either. Whatever their situation and conditions, though, they need our prayer and support. Pray, this #misssionsFriday, for those who are struggling in the field, especially, perhaps those just getting started or still in the preliminary stages of getting settled in... may their be a grace and a strength as they adjust to their surroundings and environments. Pray that anything that would attempt to get in the way of fulfilling their calling and purpose, would step aside and that their would be a peace and confidence that God can and will supply all their needs. Pray for support and resources to be in abundance; that their work would not be hindered or delayed. May their efforts and exploits result in the changing of many lives, for the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. Blessings to those who make this sacrifice To give up their lifestyles, that others may have life. - PNC It continues to amaze me at time, just how much some people are actually able to cram in to a single day in terms of activity and productivity, leading to completed to-do lists and putting serious dents in the tracking of completed goals.
I read an online blog post the other day on an effective method to practice to help break the cycle of procrastination and upon completing it, thought to myself, I need to find the time to do that, so that I can get more done in my day! There is a great struggle in each one of us, between the dream-able, the do-able and reality. Yet, it's a necessary process to experience, for anyone looking to build and expand their life and what has been completed and accomplished to-date. It's a dynamic process as an individual or family; it's a frequent process in the corporate environment and a difficult process when it comes to ministry. Often hindered by finances, resources and people, the process of figuring out what would be great to accomplish versus what can be reasonably accomplished is daunting and often very different. In addition, both need to be considered in light of one's current reality It's not that dreams are bad or impossible or should be dismissed entirely, but there is a balance and an understanding to be required as we face reality while striving for greatness. Now, more than ever, church leadership must seek the face of God during this process and His plans and will and trust that He will provide to bring about the impossible and perform the miraculous. Pray, this #deaconThursday, as leadership and church operations cast vision and dream great dreams. May they know and understand the calling and purpose God has for them and the best way to pursue and implement plans moving forward. Pray the miraculous provision of resources and abilities, as people come together to fulfill and complete what is necessary to make dreams their new reality. Pray for grace during these times of change; that their would be a balance in the process and a continual seeking of God for His direction and sovereignty as plans unfold. Accomplishing great exploits For the cause of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory. - PNC Sunday afternoon, we had somewhat of a "God-timed" moment. We were unable to decide what we wanted to do for lunch after church and whether we wanted to get lost for a few or perhaps go somewhere out of the way. After having driven by the new Five Guys Burger joint that recently opened, I pulled into the shopping plaza thinking, perhaps, I'd figure out where to go rather than aimlessly driving on the road. It turns out, the service drive circled back around to where Five Guys was. So, I made an executive decision, as my wife hadn't experienced the place yet.
Meanwhile, part of my frustration was that it was just us. Which wasn't a problem, per se... usually it is, but for whatever reason, I was thinking it'd been cool to hang out with some friends for lunch But alas... such was not the case this day. Shortly after order, my wife looks out the front window of the joint... "Isn't that....?" Yep. Sure enough, friends from church... coming to five guys for lunch!! During our conversation, we got to talking church stuff and the young pastors that have recently come on staff in the past year. That's when my wife's friend commented... it's not that the pastors are getting younger; it's that we're getting older! It's true! We don't consider it so much for other professions... you graduate with an engineering degree, you have a 20-something engineer. Teaching? You have young teachers. Suddenly a pastor comes on staff, recently out of seminary... man, that pastor is young. Like the universe feels amiss, that your kids' ministry pastor was being born while you were in youth group. And now, they are spiritual leaders in the things of God. That perspective alone, makes you want to pray for them, doesn't it?? Seriously though...it's great. It's how the kingdom of God advances. There is always the next generation to invest in, so they will lead the generation that comes after them. We need to pray they do it right and do it well; for this is how families, churches and communities veer off course. So, thanks for joining me in prayer, this #youthPastorWednesday. Pray that this next generation of pastors would be men and women of prayer and of the Word; holding true to the faith they profess and seeking God in all aspects and arenas of life. May they be influenced by pastors who have fought the good fight, as Paul writes, stable in ministry and healthy in leadership. Pray a grace, as they grow and learn; for mistakes will surely be made as we all do; whether with 30 years behind us or 30 days. May their fire and passion for ministry never fail or burn out; that there would always be a support, to encourage, guide and teach as God establishes their ministry for His glory. May their youth not be looked down out; For God has great plans in store for their lives. Who knows what they will accomplish, For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC ![]() While browsing through social media last night, someone posted on a pastor friend's page and thanked him for making their church culture "feel like home." Upon reading the comment, I think you'll agree the appropriateness of it all, considering, that earlier in day I felt led to write about home for today's post (which was brought on by a brief couple of texts with my brother, about moving) I've moved a handful of times, both away from my hometown as well as back and although there is always a certain excitement to the process and prospect of possibilities, it truly is a tough and challenging decision. Then I consider how often pastors move. I have friends my age, that have pastored in 5 or 6 communities. Just in the past year or so, I've witnessed 5 or 6 friends go through this process, as God has called them to and placed them in ministry. It seems like it's a different process from moving for work-related reasons, although it's the same thing. Perhaps it's the "calling" part of the equation, that seems like it would make a case for a greater level of discernment, in order to make the right decision. For whatever reason, and maybe it's just me, moving for the purpose of ministry seems a much more intimidating decision than simply moving for a job or something career-related. That said, for the believer, Heaven is home. We are travelers here, aliens and strangers, as the band DeGarmo & Key sings.... just passing through. When we gather at church with other Christians, it should feel like home. It should also be just as inviting for anyone who may stop by, as we extend the love and grace of Christ to a world in desperate need of Him. Thus, pray with me, this #associatePastorTuesday in these two regards. Pray that the church culture would indeed feel like home, for the believer. While no church is perfect and without difficulty, pray the love of Christ would permeate that environment; that friendships would be cultivated and that people would be drawn closer together to Christ and closer together, through Christ. May iron sharpen iron. In addition, pray for pastors who are in the process of moving or transition. May fears and hesitations be laid to rest and that God would lead, guide and direct their steps. May their be a clarion call upon their lives as they respond obediently to what God has in store for them to accomplish and where He has opportunity to place them; to fulfill their mission on behalf of the kingdom of God. For where two or three are gather in His name; He is with them, in their midst. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Once again, after having put the kids to bed, I found myself without a clue for this post. Seconds later, God reminded me that pastor's wife was ministering in another church yesterday morning about a ministry that God has placed in her heart, that she has built (and continues to build) from the ground up. Pastor shared in his sermon, that his baby girl had stayed with the grand-parents Saturday night so he would only have his son (older only by a couple years) to worry about getting ready in the morning... this got me thinking about how many pastors are running churches without a mate. I can't imagine losing my wife. My heart still breaks for my missionary friend who lost his wife to MS a while back, that we prayed over. Ministry is hard work, whether in the pulpit or in the field. It's hard to imagine Paul accomplishing all that he did on his missionary journeys, if he were married. That said, modern ministry nearly requires a stable home life. We've seen all to often what happens to ministries when things at home are less than stable (or worse, showing visible signs of trouble and concern). I know this is dicey ground, for even Paul talks about the difficulty of focusing on ministry, while married, for indeed having the concern for family can get in the way of being effective for the kingdom. But just as difficult, I would think, is a marriage that was powerful and effective for God, that now struggles to accomplish what they once did because of the loss of a spouse, whether through death or divorce. As if ministry wasn't challenging enough, this seems like it would add another layer or two to navigate through this life, which is usually does anyway. Pray with me, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors who for whatever reason, are now ministering solo, when once there was a mate. May God strengthen and encourage them even this day, for the plans and purposes He has for them as they move forward with the calling placed upon them. For those seeking direction and wisdom, may God grant revelation to their hearts and minds. For healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, pray God would work the miraculous through whatever grief and distress may be occurring in their lives. Pray for the love and support of the church and community-at-large to stand with pastors and lift them up, as Aaron did for Moses... that wherever they find themselves, they would be effective for the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. Complete in Christ, Despite our losses on Earth. For the glory of God. - PNC I'm pretty sure that yesterday, while I was watching Chase Holfelder on YouTube, that I came across some of his first videos that he ever posted. If you've never seen his work, you should check it out. He takes music that was written in a major key and reworks it into a minor key.
The results are incredible. Music that I don't normally care for, or music that I can appreciate the talent, but still isn't really quite my thing, I could listen to all day after Chase has worked his "magic". Now, with over 200,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, I considered the investment into his being both effective and efficient at his craft. You can certainly notice the quality of his work, on a number of levels, as he has continued his work, but to watch his first works... to simply start and project, and no matter what the results or how quickly they come... Stick-to-it-iveness. Hard to maintain, when discouragement comes in ministry, but the long and short of it is, eternity weighs in the balance. Faithful and diligent to the calling that God has placed upon us, will surely bring about eternal rewards. The effectiveness and efficient will come over time; but one must continue to invest the time. Pray, this #effectiveSunday for those discouraged; perhaps not seeing the results, growth and influence at the pace and rate they would like or prefer. May God strengthen them, even this hour. Pray for encouragement and support, to continue to press on towards the price of the high calling. May they not be derailed or detoured by failures and criticisms, but that God would use it all for His glory and His honor, and in His perfect timing. Patient. Focus. Determination Follow-through. For the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC ![]() I found myself in somewhat of a theological quandary yesterday. As I prayed about not having any idea for today's post, it occurred to me, that often, that's the best way to approach the throne of heaven. Empty-handed. I understand that God tells us to cast our cares on Him, for He cares for us. That's great. I love it; I appreciate it; I'm grateful God cares enough for me and you, that He would extend the invite for us to come with our faults, failures and damages and lay them at His feet. Conversely, though... there isn't nothing we could bring to God that isn't already His; that He already doesn't know about; situations that He isn't already present and working His sovereign will. Whoever we are and wherever we are, all He desires of us is ourselves. When Jesus calls His disciples, we don't read the words "Grab your gear, let's go." In fact is says, the opposite. They followed Christ, empty-handed. If you think it about, it's actually a pretty awesome concept. For God knows the plans He has for us; plans to prosper and not to harm. What is it that we carry; that prevents us from what God has ready for us to experience because we have come with our hands full, rather than hands empty. Society has so many thoughts and concepts on God. It's difficult to sort through at times; and sadly, the church has struggled to respond appropriately and responsibly. Thus, it seems that culture has some criticisms against the church that may or may not be warranted, but seem to possess some of level of merit; that the church is not as Christ-like as we should be or that the world perceive we ought to live. We shouldn't be surprised, for Scripture talks about the difficult of those on earth struggling to understand the things of the spirit... if anything, it confirms our need for God's help as we engage our culture. So, pray this #communitySaturday, God would indeed help the church as we speak and live to our communities. May we be His hands and feet extended; that they would experience the love of Jesus Christ through our lives and witness the work He accomplished in us. As difficult as it may be, may we set aside our own motives and agenda and seek to help those in need of God working the miraculous. Indeed, may we be reminded that the struggles we face on earth fade in comparison to what awaits on the other face of eternity. May God relieve and release us from whatever ails us as we approach His throne. May God fill us with purpose and destiny for His glory for those that find themselves empty-handed before Him. Tired and weary; Broken and outcast. Whatever the struggle or challenge, All is exchanged in His presence. For His glory. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019