![]() There are many talented Christian musicians and bands who have a great message these days... so many, in fact, that it's hard to keep track of them all. That said, the Christian music of decades ago, particularly Christian Rock, retains its incredible message and its anointing after all these years. Its great music too... if you didn't know it, it sounds as great as today's as it did at the release. The band from Canada, The Daniel Band, is one such band that you should look up on YouTube. In this day and age, replete with those seeking spiritual guidance and some sort of "self-awareness" and purpose, on this #effectiveSunday, may the simple message that we all need to answer be made real. As I said, decades later, these words have not lost their relevance or their anointing. "Let's Get Ready" by The Daniel Band (On Rock album, 1982) Are you livin' // For your own desires And are you listenin' // To self made liars Well, you're invited // To the Promised Land He'd be delighted // To have you in His plan (chorus) So let's get ready // To get away We're movin' steady // Are you comin' His way Are you grabbin' // For all you can You'll end up havin' // No man's land So give your life to // The Son of Man And we will find you // In the promised Land On this #effectiveSunday, pray as the songwriters intended, that living for self doesn't bring about eternal security. Pray that invitations would be extended, that people would not look to man, his perspective, his politics or his Pulitzer's for their security, safety or standing here on earth. Pray the promises of God be made clear as people grab all they can of God, rather than all of man. In the coming hours, may many give their life to the Son of Man. For those who lose their life to self, will find their life in Christ. For the glory of God. For the cause of Christ. -PNC
![]() It's been said that it takes a village to raise kids. Well, they're wrong. It takes family. You don't have a village if nobody comes to the area to live. And the village doesn't grow if there are no growing families. Without kids, why have a community playground? A park? Parades? If there's no kids in a community, there's no reason to build a school. There are tons of things that happen in your area that take place because it involves family. Family is where you learn unconditional love; right and wrong; to value life, to value relationships, to communicate through differences, respect, a sense of belonging, deference, self-esteem, the act of sharing... When the family fails to function in a healthy manner, the above list and more begins to deteriorate. We don't understand love, right or wrong, or how to communicate. We don't value life, or others. We don't like or respect ourselves and thus, can't offer the same to those around us. It's all me and my way and your in the way. And we see, daily now, communities deteriorating. Why? Because of the decline of families in general, and healthy families specifically. I had my moment of reality-check the other night regarding healthy family. I had to apologize to my 7-yr old the other night. Placing someone else above myself. Communication, respect, value of the relationship, right and wrong, unconditional love. If I want to raise a healthy adult, I have to demonstrate what that looks like to them. And when I don't do so well, I need to acknowledge and correct it. In the middle of that, "I'm sorry" was required. Forgiveness, a hug, and a few moments communicating about how we move forward, closing the time with "I love you" and we were back to health. #communitySaturday is here again and we need to pray for healthy families. Pray for unconditional love and genuine respect for life to be restored. Pray for proper communication of differences, to value relationships and to know right from wrong. Pray for a greater sense of responsibility to know when to take the high road and not respond in ways that are detrimental to one's spirit. Pray for the ability to apologize when required and the desire to forgive even when difficult. Pray for a returning to God; the example of unconditional love, the author of right and wrong, creator of life, who valued relationships to the point of sharing (aka: giving) His Son in the greatest act of deference...in order that we may experience "communion"...community with Him and with those around us. As we engage community, may we share the joy of being able to say, "I'm so glad I'm a part, of the family of God." As it goes with family, so goes the community. As it goes with communities, so goes a nation. God we need your help. -PNC ![]() Ministry doesn't fund itself. Granted God doesn't need our money; it is however, a condition of the heart of what has greater influence over our actions. The cool thing is God made it easy for anyone to offer an act of ministry, when Christ declared that "anyone who gives a cup of cold water, in my Name..." and the Israelites when they gave sacrifices, even the poorest of the poor were to bring something of value, even if it was the least valuable by comparison (fine flour). That said, consider the parable of the good Samaritan. An outcast of society used his financial position to care for a man who had been left for dead; and not just by the robbers, but by the elite and religious of society. Yesterday, a couple visited the headquarters of Dave Ramsey, to do their "debt free scream". Financial freedom, from debt...something worth shouting about. Towards the end of their conversation, the man shared how during their journey, their church was also trying to pay off the church mortgage. Someone had passed away, and during the distribution of the estate, the church received a $600,000 gift. Enough to pay off the remaining $500,000 and change mortgage. Imagine, what that church can do now, for the kingdom of God, with a paid-for building. What they can do for missions. I'm thankful the church that my family attends is debt-free. There is so much to do, especially when it comes missions. And with half the world living on $5000/yr or less, one's giving goes so far. And yet, it can't when debt gets in the way. It comes back to a condition of the heart... you can not serve two masters. For this #missionsFriday, pray for financial breakthrough in churches and congregations. May the freedom they experience be used not for themselves, but in generosity towards God. To care for widows and orphans. To bless those in need. To care for strangers that have been passed over. Pray that missions would advance and that God would provides resources and people to aid in the cause of Christ for those who have never heard the gospel. Pray for revelation and understanding, that as with all matters of Christianity, the first and foremost conidtion of man that God is concerned with, is the heart. He cares about your situation, family, friends, relationships and wallet, but it's secondary to where your heart is. For where your heart is, there too is your treasure. Pray we value the things of God and His righteousness. For His glory. For the cause of Christ. That no one should perish. -PNC ![]() I hope my worship pastor doesn't mind...I'm "swiping" the phrase he used as he closed out last night's mid-week service worship set. WFWF: Walk Forward Without Fear. An appropriate phrase, given the devotional was titled "What's Your Jericho?". As mentioned early this week, with the world changing so rapidly, it's hard to know what decisions, actions and statements will prompt any number of reactions, whether they be rational, perceived or unfounded. Upon hearing the phrase, something clicked, as I wondered what decisions aren't made; what opportunities for ministry are passed over because society has moved people to refrain from action for fear and intimidation of someone else' reaction. While people fight for their right, others have to defend actually doing what is right. All because someone decided the definition was wrong. And thus, "everyone did what was 'right' in his own eyes", as stated so often in the Old Testament. Fear will keep you from walking. To stop walking, means eventually fear will have kept you from living. And those who don't live, don't do... anything, let alone what is right. Church operations need to keep doing. What is right. What is necessary. What is faithful to the calling placed upon them. What is beneficial to the community they serve. What shows others the love of Christ; the grace of God and the friendship of believers. If those that are lost are not befriended; if they don't witness the love of Christ and experience the grace of God; if they don't know of the church available to them and the purpose they fulfill day in and day out, doing what is needed, what is right... then they will forever be lost. For their time on earth. For all eternity. But God is not willing that any should perish... so the church; the body of Christ must keep walking. Preferably forward. Confidently without fear. Absolutely with Christ. On this #deaconThursday, pray the church would indeed, walk forward without fear. Pray their decisions, ministries, outreaches and events and the plans that go with them are covered in prayer; anointed, relevant, and genuine... actively portraying and communicating the love of Christ. Pray the message communicated is well-received by the communities they serve; that "success" would not be determined by the number of lives that show up, but the number of hearts that are changed through the transforming love of God and the forgiveness of sins through His Son. As we serve God and our community, may we focus on doing right by God first and foremost; allowing Him to work on the hearts of man, that they may not see a person trying to be good, but a person daily living out a life of faith, whereby they become more like Christ. For the glory of God and His Kingdom, we pray. It's not about us, nor others, but Christ drawing all to Himself. #Hislifematters -PNC ![]() I heard a radio interview yesterday morning with a well-known parenting guru, and during the course of the conversation this reminder was stated: "We're not raising children. We're raising adults." Appropriately so, the first page of results when searching for a pic to go along with this post and you get what see "screen: left" It's a little scary when you see just how quickly your kids are growing up and time does not seem to be in your favor. Then you begin to realize what they are picking up on and you realize that potentially, you are not working in your own favor. Perhaps there is a "my own worst enemy" support group nearby. Society is changing way to quickly. Anything that moves faster than peoples' comfort level (or at least faster than what they anticipate) creates an environment of instability and what moves fast while unstable is bound to end in disaster. Pretty sure it's called "out of control". Whatever you thought you could handle, manage, maintain and control has moved well beyond your abilities and thus beyond your intentions and that's when the unknown is your new worst enemy. There's a phrase for that too, "unforeseen risk". As I stated the other day, there is freedom in boundaries. However, when kids watch parents live out negative attitudes and behaviors without restraint, in a few years, you'll end with more adults that are out of control. We already have too many. In the public square. In the prison yard. In the political machine. Crossing boundaries has consequences, despite a society that says otherwise, whether it be a national issue, social issue or moral issue. To live in reverence of God, cast off restraint only in our love for Him and live a life where self is second...how does a culture lose, that loves God, looks out for their neighbor and individuals seek God to direct their lives over their own self-interest...what problem wouldn't naturally sort itself out? Instead, we have grown kids running the world; because we forgot how to raise adults. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for the miraculous to occur in the lives of kids and teens, in this day and age. May adults return to God and begin again to seek His face allowing God to fulfill His plan for their lives and what He desires to accomplish in the world through their families. Pray, as time is running out, this generation of young people will seek a greater sense of being and purpose and calling and in their pursuit of spiritual meaning, find a loving, forgiving and generous Heavenly Father who sent His only Son to die, that they might live. May only our love for God be unrestrained. Pray kids see it come alive in this current generation of parents. May they see it lived out in the current generation of Pastors. May they experience the body of Christ in healthy, functional churches... Pursuing God. Loving People. Living In Freedom. Forgiven Of Sin. For the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. For the redemption of the World. -PNC ![]() A few minutes ago, Hillsong's Young & Free band was playing their song Alive on Pandora. I believe the Holy Spirit just dropped in my heart, to encourage Associate Pastors who, for whatever they are facing are feeling trapped. The words "You are alive in me, Your love has me free" resonated loud and clear. It happens to us. The weight of life just pushes on us, beats us and hammers away, until we are no longer standing, at which point the dragging begins. When you have done all you can do to stand, STAND FIRM! Christ did not rise from the dead so that we could lay down! He rose so that we might stand... and not only stand, but have someone upon which we could firmly plant ourselves Whatever the situation that has you not knowing where to turn, what to do, how to say and when to approach, may I encourage where you are: Use Christ alive in you and the freedom you experience through His love to draw you into His presence and allow Him to bring peace and perspective to the circumstance(s) that are attempting to take you out for the count. If the weight of the entire world failed to defeat Christ, surely He will not allow the weight of your world to defeat you, provided you remain in His presence. (figures I'd be typing this as Kari Jobe is now singing Holy Spirit, on the same Pandora station) "Let us become more aware of your presence and let us experience the glory your goodness. Holy Spirit you are welcome here, come flood this place and fill the atmosphere." Pray on this #associatePastorTuesday, for those needing a fresh experience of God's grace, glory and goodness. May His presence overwhelm them anew and afresh, releasing the stress, worry, tension and frustration of the situations they face. Pray faith arise within them, allowing them to stand again and stand firm. Pray a fresh spirit of boldness and courage; wisdom to speak truth and live into situations that are deceived and dying. May there be a quickening of the power of the Holy Spirit within their lives, their homes and their ministries...that the fire would not burnout, but rekindled and reignited by the breath of God. By His Grace. For His Glory. -PNC ![]() "All good leaders are accountable." Pastor, Dr. Bradley Trask This statement was followed up moments later with the concept that anyone "over leadership" should also be "under leadership". A further expansion on the quote, that exposes the need that the higher up one's leadership position the greater the need that they should have some form of leadership, or oversight, if you will, that they are subject. People worry when they sense one has too much power and begin to show signs of enacting their willingness to blatantly exercise it, in spite of objections from people who have greater insight and experience in certain matters than the one in power. This has proven dangerous for many people groups over the course of human history, whether its taken place in governmental affairs, corporate affairs or spiritual affairs. The is why we pray for ethical business people, upstanding politicians and humble pastors; that they all live lives of integrity for all their days and at the end, declare they lived a life above reproach. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for leaders, that they would not allow a spirit of pride to blind them to their own need for leadership. Pray for a spirit of humility, understanding that accountability helps to foster living a life above reproach. Pray for a spirit of wisdom and guidance as they lead, that their position would not take them on a power-trip, whereby the begin to lead their church in directions God never intended for the life, community and ministry. Through a commitment of accountability in their leadership, may wise counsel and the power of the Holy Spirit help guide them to know which doors they are to walk-through with confidence and which doors need to remain locked with conviction. May we never forget, that there is freedom in boundaries and consequences in crossing them. For the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. -PNC ![]() Wife at work. Check. Kids in bed. Check. Netflix. Check. Chocolate pudding. Check. What to watch...Tyler Perry's Why Did I Got Married. Wait, what?? Four couples on their annual getaway to visit as friends and speak into each others lives and marriages. And on this trip... moments of truth for all 4 marriages come forward in public, ousted not by their own spouse, but by their friends who could no longer keep silent, then the airing begins. Okay, but what's that have to do with churches being effective and efficient? Plenty, if you don't take your issues, grievances, offenses and frustrations to the source and speak to whatever kind of relationship it is, "I love you and we need to work this out." I remember a number of years ago asking my parents why didn't hang out with other couples or friends more often and to this day, I've not forgot their response. "We are each others' best friend. We choose to hang out together, first". They have their friends and they do stuff with other couples when the schedule permits, but by and large, they live life together. Only, now interrupted by lots of time with nearby granddaughters. So what happens in church? Does a Pastor second-guess confronting sin in one's life for fear of...who knows, now days? Are ministries being mismanaged because of "my way or the highway" attitudes? Why are there grumblings and complaints among you is what was asked of the early church. The disciples disputed who was the greatest in the kingdom. Just as 2000 years ago, some people received Jesus and some spat on Him, so to, some churches are dealing with the same dysfunctions in 2015 as they were in 115. Anything to get the believer, his friends who are believers, his friends who aren't believers and believers when they come together to worship... if at any point, Satan can get you to come across as less than a follower of Christ; you may still live as though covered by His grace, but the moment you don't share grace with someone else will be used against you. I just had a moment, literally, just now... trying to close this post as it relates to the title and church effectiveness. You know what I believe the Holy Spirit just brought to the forefront of my mind? We are the bride of Christ! So, on this #effectiveSunday, pray that believers would focus on their relationship with Christ, first and foremost. May we take the issues and struggles of life to Him, first. Not that we don't need our friends, but just as your spouse would ask why you told your friends before them, perhaps God wonders the same. Pray that relationships, between pastors and congregations be strengthened. May they speak the truth in love, whether from the pulpit or in the pew. Pray for grace to be extended and forgiveness be offered; and for those instances where the relationship ends, may we at least, insomuch as within our power to do so, live peaceably with all. Not as the world talks of peace, but as God has ordained; peace beyond understanding, that is of the Spirit and resides in the heart; overtaking the natural state of evil that without Christ we would still operate from to this day. But for the transforming power of Christ... For the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. May the church be the glorious Bride of Christ, spotless, yet covered in His blood. -PNC ![]() Words still spoken by my beloved Mother, perhaps even more often, now that I am a parent. How's the famous last phrase go...I hope when you have children, they act the exact way that you act. Paybacks are rough. Comedian Jeff Allen says, that the Bible never says how old Satan was when he rejected God's authority. Allen's guess? Sixteen. Growing up under their roof, I had to learn as a part of maturity, understanding and compassion, I wasn't the center of everyone's universe, nor would I ever be...at least, not since the days I could be picked up without hurting someone. Now, having been out from under their roof and having kids of my own (who are almost to the point of hurting someone when they want to be picked up), I'm still not the center of everyone's universe...nor my own for that matter. That's a good thing and I'm okay with it. It reminds me that, while I don't have it all together, neither does anyone else. At the same time, perhaps my experience, insight and friendship will be exactly what someone needs for whatever is going in their universe. That said, Pastor reiterated during our Wednesday night service, how the breakthrough that occurred in Job's life, came when he prayed for his friends. Interestingly enough, a brief glance into Paul's life, while you see him request prayer for himself, he "always" prays for others. Individuals, a people group, a church or community...his letters aren't "woe is me, God help me through this". There's nothing wrong with praying for self, as we bring our needs to God, but as Mom reminds us, there is always someone in more difficult and challenging places than you. The perspective alone, if you could only pray one prayer, wouldn't it be the most dire situation? Now that might be you, but a few seconds worth of thought and you'd probably come up with a different name who you could use that one prayer. For this #communitySaturday, pray for your friends, neighbors, coworkers and family. Pray for the situations they face...job loss while you are gainfully employed, marriage and friendships that are rocky at best while yours is stable at worst, finances that are empty while you have something in savings, more than one car in the garage while someone is walking everywhere or hitching a ride, rebellious kids living it up while yours actively serve in ministry. Pray the church engages their community in tangible ways, simply by having the conversation and asking for the opportunity to offer it to God in prayer; that He may accomplish on earth what we can only dream exists in heaven. For the glory of God. For the cause of Christ. For the building up of a community of faith. -PNC ![]() Listening to an interview yesterday afternoon, the host made the statement that the biggest problem facing Christianity today was how frequently we forget that we all are in need of a Savior. Intentionally or not, at some point we treat someone who comes into our lives as though they are chief among sinners. The problem is that 1) the Apostle Paul already laid claim to that title and 2) sin is no respecter of persons. It's not about our behavior, but about our nature. On this #missionsFriday, pray the church remember that we are all in need of a Savior. Pray those saved recognize their position as ministers, to share and help others respond to the revelation of their need for a Savior. Pray for a greater passion for the lost; a greater compassion for those who have never experienced grace. As Christ came for us all, yet would have come for just one, may we too, pray for the salvation of all, but we willing to reach out to just one. May the message of the Cross stand tall, in a world seeking in whom they could place their hope and trust, their very life. -PNC ![]() Last night, a blog showed up in my news feed and I hope he doesn't mind, I'm stealing the premise of his post for today's prayer focus; deacons, admins and church staff. Kade Young, on his blog, collaborateworship.com, wrote this past June, how, as a worship leader, he felt intimidated by larger churches. More talent, better equipment, greater knowledge and/or skill...yet he came to realize the multi-facet nature of small churches. There's just as much talent and knowledge, plus you have to know what makes it all tick, since there might not be other people available to use as a resource or you can't hire the resource when needed. The line that stood out... "Just because you are a small church does not mean you have to settle." -Kade Young The same multi-facet nature, very appropriately applies to church admins, deacons and those who help run the church offices. As Kade points out, it's like running a small business. You are your own tech support, finance guru, resource point-contact, and more. But you don't have to settle, just because you don't have the resources, finances and whatever characteristics people might find appealing in larger churches. You can be small, yet run ministry with excellence. Like anything else, you simply have to want to do it. Work at it. Pray over it. And believe God will honor your faith and effort as you move forward in it. On this #deaconThursday, pray, especially for those who serve smaller churches. May God honor their faithful service and diligent work in their communities. Pray God will return them, an increase, in their lives and ministry for the time and contributions they have made utilizing their knowledge and skills for the kingdom. Pray for those frustrated by a lack of resources, volunteers and sheer energy as they try to run effective and efficient ministry with excellence. May God grant to them strength, perseverance, wisdom, creativity and focus. Pray a renewed sense of purpose, vision and anointing would come upon them and raise them up to the next level. For the glory of God. For the cause of Christ. For the betterment of their community. -PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019