I think we've all, at some point and time in our journey of faith, applied the human perspective or response to God. Whenever I feel as though I am being convicted or challenged, I call it a spiritual whack upside the head, aka, the loving affection only a Dad can give a son as a way of "that was really stupid, don't do it again." I'm sure you have your own examples.
Regarding a different arena of life, we all found ourselves in positions less than idea, but we had to make do as best we could, with the resources or position that was available at the time. Say for instance, employment. Jobs that were horrible, but were a stop-gap to an even worse situation; or perhaps they were a sacrifice for reaching a long-term goal or financial gain. Perhaps it was a stepping stone to something bigger and better and so, we put up with it because again, it served a greater purpose. And much like we apply human behavior to God's vantage point, I could help but wonder if in their quiet times, they have felt about ministry, having a similar experience that we've felt in the marketplace. I know; this is another one of those things that you don't want to think happens within church leadership. But if we acknowledge and fully understand that pastors are just as human as the rest of us, then I think it's unrealistic to think that at some point, a pastor hasn't gone home and wondered what they were doing. They may be leading a ministry that is not their gifting or passion, but they serve just because there is a need. As such, there is a frustration that exists, because while they are trying to make the most of it, it's not "ideal" or desirable. Likewise, people in various positions of church leadership and authority can be just as difficult to deal with and work with on a daily basis as though with secular jobs. Again... we hope that's not true and pray that's not true; but we shouldn't be all that surprised if such a story were ever told. That said, we revisit a recurring theme, even covered a few times in recent days... God doesn't waste an experience. The ones that are most frustrating to us are the most opportune for Him to accomplish His purposes. Pray this #associatePastorTuesday for those pastors that are in a place of frustration and difficulty. Whatever the circumstances of their battle and struggle, may God give them a grace in every daily interaction. May God help them keep the perspective that He is at work in their life as much as He is in the lives of those where there is a spirit of contention and discouragement. Pray that God would give them wisdom and direction; seeking for divine insight and communication and timing regarding the decisions that need to be made, the steps to be taken and the words to be shared. Pray for a peace and rest; that in the late and dark hours, discouragement and despair would not overtake them, but that hope would arise and take it's place as they trust God once again for daily reliance and provision. For the glory of God And the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC
We prayed a couple weeks back about ownership, regarding church leadership. If I recall, the discussion revolved around the mistakes and failures that leadership finds themselves in; whatever the reason behind the circumstance. What jogged my memory about the post was earlier today, I was listening to a portion of Stryper's latest album and they song Own Up played, dealing with this very subject.
As the song played, I had a thought-provoking analysis; that like any good analysis began with a question. Is there a difference between taking ownership on a personal level and taking ownership on a public level? I think the simple answer is, yes! Why is this possible? First of all, I think it's possible for people to take public ownership of a problem, but it doesn't really take root in their heart and mind that they would do something different the next time around. The reverse is equally possible and perhaps, even more profound. I can take ownership of something in my life, perhaps that God is working on and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work; however long it takes, and yet that problem or issue never becomes a public acknowledgement. We know that our mess, God uses to create message, but not every message involves every detail. So the private issue, may or may not become a major point upon which someone expounds on as they tell their story. But the work that God has done in them in their private, quiet time of prayer, devotion and reflection can be a noticeable shift; even a major breakthrough for their life. Thus, indeed the power of ownership is double-sided. With a time, place and process for both. In their own right, both unsettling prospects to endure. But what God creates as we submit to the process... On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for pastors that are struggling with the issues that God is dealing with them in their private and personal time. Pray that they would not believe the lies that there is not a problem, where God is saying otherwise. Pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to be balanced by the redemptive love of the Father. May whatever stands in the way of them being able to be honest with themselves, step aside. Pray for breakthrough; for strength and healing as pastors go through this process. For we do not live this life alone. The God who brings conviction Also sends us comfort, healing and restoration. For His glory alone. - PNC We had a special service at church this morning, dedicated to school teachers and educators. It was a great time of giving and recognition and the pastor shared his message of the teachers who made a difference in his life. So often we think of the words or events that changed our truly, personally changed our lives, but that's not quite as powerful as the people with whom we have experienced a direct point of contact.
It's easy to reflect on what we have accomplished and point back to a time when information changed our lives or an event turned the course of things and a new shift changed the dynamics by which we lived, moved or perceived reality. Conversely, though, we can all point to a person or a relationship that has created a point of frustration and hindrance where we felt as though we were truly held back or disadvantaged by circumstances that were by and large, out of our control. "Perhaps if someone else had done differently, I too would be doing differently." I'm not absolving the individual into making excuses, but at the same time, legitimate negative factors do take their toll and have to be accounted for if we are to work towards solutions to overcome the obstacles that may lie before us, whether they be there on purpose or by accident. That said, if you know your effectiveness has been hindered by people in the past, then is that not all the more reason to live today in such a way, that later, people will reflect upon your life and count you as one who moved them closer to greatness rather than held them back? Pray this #effectiveSunday, that indeed we would live with intention and purpose; to live great lives and build up those around us. May we recognize the greatness within those around us and call them out to live better than they are. Pray that we would live with a spirit of love and communicate with words of truth. May we people who would seek opportunitiy to make a difference in the lives of those around us, as Christ has work in our lives to make a difference for eternity. For we were created with purpose, For a hope and future That we might glorify God And point others to Him. For the sake of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC I continue to be amazed by the goodness of people. So much going on, so many concerns and worries and battles in life that we all experience. And the power of community comes to light, when we take time out of our insanity to speak life into someone else'. We take a break from our own lives in order that we might contribute an opportunity for someone who needs a break from theirs.
Live is constantly moving; always advancing. Like a merry go-round, hanging on for dear life is probably safer than jumping off. That said, staying on is a delicate balance between excitement and fear; joy and sorrow. It is that perspective that points to the power and importance of being surrounded by good people. And everyone needs good people in their lives; therefore with that understanding, why would you want to be the contributor of something where people feel worse about themselves or life, after having been around you? Community is only as beneficial as the character of the people who contribute to it. And that is an element of our lives that only God can transform. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help us of us, to be better people of Godly character, on display to a world who desperately needs to be reconnected with its' Creator. Pray that despite whatever our current circumstances may be, that we would not miss the opportunity to be a blessing to those around us. May we take advantage of the opportunity to be an encouragement and support to those in need; as we have all been there ourselves and perhaps forgotten the fear and frustration the creeps in during stressful times. Pray that we would always be open to the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit and follow accordingly. For we have been blessed to be a blessing And given life, to give life. Created, to give glory to our Creator. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019