My plans to have this prayer post written in the past 24 hours has been thwarted... I finally had to break down and buy a new modem/router unit. After browsing Craigslist for past few months, today, it was not an option. I couldn't no longer wait and meet up with someone in an effort to save a few bucks.
I'm not one to over-spiritualize life events, for Scripture says it rains on the just and unjust, the righteous and the wicked. We all reach our breaking points of frustration with any number of circumstance... some of which are seriously problematic and others such as this... well, thanks for whoever created #firstworldproblems. I'm pretty sure my modem has been on it's way out for the past couple of months, for those who have seen the prayers posted to social media with the disclaimer *sorry for the technical difficulties, causing this prayer to be posted late... ... that said, I had the idea for todays' #communitySaturday prayer a few days ago; which is when my laptop started seriously struggling to load pages and publish these prayers. I think Satan was having fun with me; or certainly laughing at my frustration level and the ensuing rise in blood pressure. Along with numerous calls to tech support, thinking the problem may have been on their end. I think I have a few new gray hairs added to the count as a result. Why might I think this was a part of spiritual attack? Because he knows there is power in prayer. What's more; the thought of calling people to prayer. On top of that, the thought of sharing with people, that there is power in prayer. The song talks about the sharing of one's faith and discussing with this around us what it means to be in right standing with God, to have a relationship with Jesus Christ as we place Him at the center of our lives. Based on verses from Romans 1 and 2 Corinthians talk about praying for one another and that the weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God... That doesn't prevent the enemy from placing every kind of distraction and disruption into our lives to keep us from focusing the presence and person of Christ. In fact, I had to laugh as I reread the opening lyrics to this song... "I've waited patiently for your reply..." Sounds like me and this silly internet connection! However, I take great comfort in the power of prayer. God is not absent, distant or preoccupied. Neither does prayer experience connection problems. The only way for people to know as such is the sharing of our experiences and what God has accomplished in and through our lives. Pray this #communitySaturday, that for its' remainder, that the church would not diminish the power of prayer, nor neglect the opportunity to the difference God makes in the lives of those who call on Him. Pray this weekend will be a time that many will draw near to God and experience His promise that He will draw near to us. Pray that many will sense His power and presence in their midst. May the miraculous unfold in peoples lives as faith is shared and released; that God would hear from heaven and answer prayers. May He be lifted up As He works through those Willing to be used by Him. - PNC
It can't be denied. We all have biases. We come from different backgrounds. We've had different experiences. We engage in different conversations. We've had instilled in us, different principles and values. We've been raised by different personalities, lived in different neighborhoods... and if that weren't enough, we've been taught and mentored by those with all the aforementioned qualities.
Yet, each of us, remain unique. Created in the image of God, whether we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, or we denounce and deny the existence of God until someone has presented evidence that they deem acceptable. I point that only, because I found myself engaged in such a conversation, online recently. Stating he had "no faith", yet, every response, he felt was a catchphrase and that people of faith were delusional. Furthermore, he failed to see his responses were demeaning and at times, didn't answer the question you asked, yet your answers didn't meet his satisfaction... prompting him to tell you you hadn't answered his question either! It really was a round-robin commentary. It's funny, in retrospect; but not really all that funny, in light of eternity. As if people of faith need to be more open-minded to other religions; yet, themselves, making serious assumptions about one's journey of faith; perhaps not knowing the truth... that nothing else satisfies the soul of man, except the relationship with God that was stolen by the serpent in the Garden, when he planted doubt in the mind of humanity with the same question that is the foundation to his strategy today.... "Did God really say that?" Thus, in our educational ascension to the top of the kingdom of God's Creation we place ourselves as being like god in order to disprove God. The gentleman that witnessed to comedian Jeff Allen says it this way, as shared by Jeff in his testimony. "You yourself, would have to be omniscient, to prove that God Himself, is not omniscient." Wow. Satan truly has pulled a fast one on humanity, in his simple, yet far-reaching plan to separate Father God from His sons & daughters. Consider this late, #missionsFriday the following... Sin is a sinking ship; on which all of humanity travels. None of us knows at what point we will be in the water or succumbing to it. Only Christ has walked on the water. Faith or no faith, everyone cries to be rescued. Yet we are all on the same sinking ship. To whom will you call that will hear your plea to be saved? No religious figure has walked on water and called out to those who were on a vessel in the midst of trouble. Christ alone saves. It's not popular in 2016 and that's fine. The truth rarely goes over well with those who aren't prepared to hear it. So, on this #missionsFriday post (and again, my apologies for the lateness) a simple, prayer to combat the enemy's simple strategy to destroy every soul. Pray God would open the hearts and minds of those who've yet to realize that an eternity awaits us all. As long as their is breath in your lungs, rather than water, we are free to choose... rescue by Christ or well... drowning. Pray an awakening and a preparedness, for God is not willing that any should perish, but all come to repentance through Christ. Pray that many would, as was said, when the Holy Grail appeared on the big screen... "Choose wisely." - PNC Every office is different. Different cultures, different dynamics... and it's obvious why. There's different people. For whatever reason, I contemplated yesterday, the difficulties of small churches offices and all they try to accomplish, sometime with only one or two people. Larger churches, of course, in greater numbers. Do they not experience conflict? Does one co-worker not get frustrated with another, as to how one goes about a particular task or project?
I always enjoy hearing about our church's staff meetings, particular when pastor shares a snippet of a conversation that was raised or a particular point of prayer that was emphasized. It's reassuring that to know that staff and operations are seeking the face of God corporately and working to get on the same page; operating in a spirit of unity. Surely, not everyone is saying "yes" Then, of course, the music man in me had this great number from Petra, playing in my head for a good portion of the day. It seems all the more relevant, after reading last night of another pastor's reason for not always quoting or referencing Scripture in their sermons. If the Word of God isn't being preached, one must ask, what is? All the more reason, we need to church leadership to hear, directly from the throne room of heaven. Would you join with me, in making this song our prayer? May this #deaconThursday, be a day, to turn again, our eyes towards heaven. Pray for church leadership and operations needing direction. May they seek the face of God, even if and when it does take all night. Pray a willingness to stick it through difficult moments and challenging conversations. Pray for the Word of God to go forth, in power and purpose. Pray a return of the people of God, to be people of prayer... to find ourselves on our knees calling on God, in all circumstances, needing His wisdom, trusting in His plan and timing for our lives and that which He has called us to fulfill. A desire to hear; Directly from the Source. For His purpose; For His Glory. - PNC ![]() We all work very hard, in this life. For our time. For our resources. For our families. For our lifestyles. Many sacrifices are made along the way and many of them are disconcerting to make as parents and difficult to understand as kids. As I considered thoughts about families and friends and circumstances that we go through, it's possible the two hardest lifestyles on a family are ones where there is an element of service to country and service to the kingdom of God. Whether serving militarily, law enforcement and fire or in ministry, the sacrifices are huge. It's not that other professions aren't sacrificial and require huge time commitments... they do and that's fine. However, roles that require service such as these, take huge tolls on families. Their roles can be difficult to explain to kids; the time away; the responsibilities that result last minute changes in plans; often to schedules that are already split in odd ways... the unknown factor of putting life in harms way, the feelings that someone else and their circumstance is more important than the family or kids... it can be a lot to process for kids. And dicey to navigate as a parent. Then, there's the expectations placed upon the child; to live up to standards, sometimes unknowingly established as a result of a parents service, whether to the church or the community. There's just so many ways that this is difficult to navigate, for both parents and kids. And the results are obvious. Kids that grow up in church, wanting nothing to do with church; likewise, kids that grow up in homes where there's a badge and proceed to get in trouble with the law, themselves. Circumstances such as these, raise the importance in the need for high-quality pastors and church leaders over our youth and teens; to aid in ministering in tough circumstances to home environments such as these. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for homes involving service to the church and community. Pray for a strength and encouragement in the special challenges presented in the relationships between parents and kids. May their be an understanding and a grace over the sacrifices that are made. Pray for a bond, fortified in prayer; that God keep and protect them by His mighty hand. May God guard hearts and minds; that all involved would remain close and focused on Him. Pray wisdom for pastors as they minister; especially in these circumstances... for the risk of the unknown, for the incredible time commitment and sacrifice that is made to fulfill these crucial responsbilities... may God accomplish the miraculous. Whether in service to the Cross Or in service to the Flag... For the glory of God Protection, by the blood of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Being in the middle can be a difficult place. Sure, there's an element of safety to it at times... such as traveling a multi-lane bridge or not wanting to fall out of bed. Otherwise, it can be... unnerving, depending on what's going happening. When between warring parties... When between opposing sides of the argument... When between decisions taking different directions... When involved in the process, but you are neither the decision-maker, nor the one affected by the outcome... Let's not forget the obvious... one's place in the line-up of their siblings. Associate Pastors play important roles in church operations and ministry. Their contributions are invaluable. Sure, the super-hero's of the movie are well-known, applauded and looked up to, but to each of them, there is a side-kick. An important, even critical relationship; that without it's existence, would result in a much different outcome... many of them, in fact. At a minimum, the dynamics and nature of how things unfolded in whatever circumstance was transpiring would shift, were the associates not in the picture. Yet, as we've all witnessed, the main character and the associate have their differences, their disagreements and their fall-outs even. In reality, their relationship needs to be stable and healthy; an unshakable foundation that inspires confidence as the move forward as a team. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for the teams of pastors experiencing places of difficult. Whether in personal matters or ministry matters, pray for a calming in relationships and environments. Pray hostility and toxicity would flee and that the peace of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit would infiltrate the places in which they find themselves. May their be a grace extended by all parties, as they work through differences and seek to understand and find common ground. Pray for wisdom, insight and discernment as they talk out their perspectives and experiences. May the come together to seek the face of God. May they accomplish more together, Than they would working apart For the power of a 3-strand cord Used for the glory of God. - PNC ![]() No church is perfect. No church has ever been perfect. No church will ever be perfect. No matter how much you love your church, there will be something; some aspect, some trait... will bug you, bother you, not set well at times or be a slight more disconcerting than you might expect. That said, there are many signs and many blogs written about the noteworthy points of character and culture that lead one to the conclusion that they have stepped into a healthy church. As witnessed recently, the ability for a church to act and offer a haven for ministers that have experienced failure in their ministry is crucial. We hear of pastors and ministry leaders experiencing failure, for any number of reasons and to devastating results. Families ripped apart; congregations split as though someone was slicing and dicing dinner preparations, churches close and communities suffer... reality is bleak, the struggle is real and the results can't be denied. On the flip side... to allow a space for a pastor and his or her family to step into a congregation where they can be ministered to and receive healing... from the body of Christ, and from the Lord as He works anew and afresh in their hearts, lives and family members is pretty incredible. It's to be a time for the to God to do the miraculous in their lives, rather focusing on working through their lives. It is a time of healing. It is a time of restoration. It is a time of renewal It is a time of rejuvenation. It is a time of preparation. When the process is complete, there is a release. And that day is phenomenal. Friends experienced just such moment of release in recent days. Having been unanimously selected to step into a senior Pastoral position, after having served as missionaries in Europe and pastored several other churches previously, God is launching them again... to accomplish the work of the Gospel with a newfound level of experience and appreciate for the struggles they will encounter. Their fall and recovery has been no easy road, I'm certain. In fact, as I don't know the details, I can't begin to fathom. But I know God will use what the enemy meant to destroy their lives to minister grace and redemption to those who await in the community they are about to serve. Join me, this #seniorPastorMonday, for my friends and many like them, as dawn rises on this new day; the new chapter in the lives and ministry. Pray for continued grace as they step back into the work God has called them. Pray God would do the miraculous in this community they move into; to be God's hand and feet extended, as they have received in this period of restoration. Pray for pastors and families experiencing failure or on the verge of discovering they are in this place... may the find a haven of healing and recovery as well, in a church that will love and support them, encourage and pray over them; and speak life and healing into their hearts and minds; that the truth of God's Word and the power of the Holy Spirit would accomplish the incredible. Fulfilling the calling of God His plans and purposes to bring Him glory. Despite our failed efforts and attempts that reach devastating levels. May God hear their cries and come quickly to their side. From having holes to being made whole. - PNC ![]() I know I've recognized and realized this before and perhaps stated it on more than one occasion, so I'll present it this way... I was reminded once again last night, that part of knowing how to measure effectiveness and efficiency is knowing where, when and in whom to invest your time, energy and resources. Nobody is a lost cause. Not all things are worth skipping and avoiding. There is however, a wisdom that comes with knowing what to do; what others should be doing and when its time for you to step in, engage and contribute. Equally important, is know when it's time for you to exit the circumstance and let someone else proceed, if it is something that should and will continue. Whether it's a conversation or a project, it's impossible to be 100% on multiple things at the same time and expect to come out on top and at one's best, consistently, across the board. I'm not saying it can't be done; just that that's not reality for most people. Thus, it becomes imperative as to who we spend our time with and what projects we devote our time. It's a continual choice we all have to make, a constant consequence that each of us will deal with and a point of contention for which someone will comment. What's funny is the cycle of the process. You will encounter this process with someone else, only later to experience someone taking it up with you. Often the frustrations we express with others are similar, if not identical, to those shared by others regarding ourselves. Funny how it works; not so much when it happens. That said, we all need help. I'll admit, I need some. To my friends, who would enthusiastically agree, you can all get in line with me! On that note... Pray this #effectiveSunday, that God would grant wisdom to the people of the Body of Christ. May God give us insight, direction and guidance in our conversations and our actions; that we would wisely invest our time, talent and treasure... in projects and people for sure, but more importantly in the areas and arenas of life which God as divinely placed us to be used for His Glory. May we not be distracted, detoured and derailed by the concerns of life, the responsibilities of the workplace or the craziness and criticism of social media. Pray an awareness of the times forever be on the forefront of our minds; our attention on God, as we seek His face in order that we may know His perfect will and the power and strength to engage in that calling. Engaged in this world, To be effective for His Glory. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Is it just me or is crazy that September is here already! And school is back in session. For us, it's after Labor Day, but watching all my friends post their pics of their kids 1st days back has been fun... especially the comparison pics. Utterly amazing, how life processes. We watched the movie You've Got Mail the other day. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan have a great on-screen chemistry. "Don't you just love New York in the fall? It makes me want to go buy school supplies. I would send you a newly-sharpened bouquet of pencils, if I knew your name and address. What a classic line. One I understand. I almost bought a box of crayons for myself this past week, when buying stuff for my oldest. At the very least, I opened a box to take a sniff... the surest, quickest way to recall the joys of childhood. School somehow brings community together. Whether it's because it takes two trips to the store to find the erasers (true story) or navigating the the carpool lane, campus is a connection point... to speak into the lives of kids and parents as families. We all struggle, we all have struggles; life hits hard and we get hit hard unexpectedly in this life. Conflict is evidence that love is a choice. Resolution of conflict is evidence of which choice has been made. Christ is love. Christ is a choice. In the midst of figuring out how to resolve the conflict and the chaos of life, choosing Christ and continuing to pursue Christ daily is evidence that one is values the hope, plans and purpose that is possible, rather than throwing in the towel to whatever comes against us. What better time to learn that than as kids. How much more, it needs to be reinforced to adults in difficult places. Pray, this #communitySaturday, as people come together and school steps into swing, that God would do the miraculous. Pray for the revelation of Himself and His plans and purposes to be made in the hearts and lives and parents and children; teachers and administrators. May the ultimate lesson of life be learned; that God is love and loves every person; that He has made a way for relationship with Him. Despite life's chaos and conflicts, may we hold fast to the faith we profess; trusting God to accomplish His will in our lives. To be used for His glory; To influence our community. - PNC ![]() The prospect of how yesterday was going to go in terms of smoothness and ease did not look get yesterday morning as things got underway. As Dad and I exchanged a few texts, he encouraged me... as only Dad's can do sometimes, in their own fatherly way; "just stay focused." Fast-forward to the end of the day... "Lord, I have nothing for tomorrows' prayer. I got so focused on trying to get through this day, making sure everything got taken care of and trying my best to be quick and efficient." Thanks for the encouragement Dad! It worked. Then there's ministry... and missions. Responsibilities of the day call for our attention and many of them at times, have little to do with our calling and purpose for what God has adorned us to accomplish for the kingdom of God. And obviously, the struggle is real as roughly 500+ missionaries burn out from ministry in any given year. Thankfully, God answered my prayer and helped me stay focused on my job yesterday. Yet, it's easy to not recognize until later that the very nature of focus means other things are going to fall outside of that scope and therefore will be placed in a holding pattern until we can get to them. Hopefully, while they wait, they don't drop from our radar altogether. There's certainly a balance to life, between the personal matters and kingdom masters. A balance understood by the Apostle Paul. Decisions he made regarding travels... Decisions he made regarding associates... Detours and delays causing prolonged periods of suffering... Yet, he remained focused. On what ultimately mattered... eternity. Reaching the lost and dying world with the Gospel of Christ. Teaching the troubled and struggling church how to grow in the faith and knoweldge of Christ. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries experiencing this difficult. Pray they would be strengthened and encouraged to continue to the pursuit of the lost and dying among them. Pray for wisdom in the decisions they face, both in personal matters and ministry matters. May the distractions fade and the things that would get in the way not dissuade them from fulfilling the purpose and calling of Jesus Christ. Pray for balance and health in their lives and families, that they would accomplish much for the glory and kingdom of God. Singularly-focused. For an audience of One. For His glory - PNC ps: so, pretty early in day as things got moving, I got so caught up making sure I had one line item taken care of and understand, that I totally dropped the ball on the item immediately next on the list. Realized it about 90 minutes or so later. Focus and balance. No wonder life seems like a high-wire act at times! ![]() Early this week, as we prayed, we talked about church takes works. Decisions need to be made. Conversations need to be had. Vision needs to be cast. Plans have to implemented. Church operations never rest... as Petra's, song Midnight Oil from the Unseen Power album, starts playing on Pandora. Nice. However, as one of my best friends pointed out the other day, when your responsibilities to the ministries you are involved in, begin to actually feel like work... it should be a red flag; that perhaps it's time to back off. Keep in mind, this comes from one who has served on the deacon board and continues to serve his congregation in multiple areas of ministry. When it feels, after you've left work, that you now have to go to church because there are things that you are responsible for and expected roles to fulfill; the obligation of which becomes the driving point for your attending rather than to be in the presence of God with the body of Christ... This is NOT how church is to exist. There should not be a disdain towards the prospect of our activities on the church campus similar to that which we express at 5am, as we roll out of bed thinking or even speaking, "Man, I really don't want to go to work today." It's not just deacons or support positions or church staff who may find themselves sharing this sentiment. On this #deaconThursday, pastors encounter this frustration as well. For pastors and staff on church payroll, ministry is their "job" and there can be responsibilities and meetings and decisions for which, the prospect of facing and having to engage in fails to thrill, excite and energize them to participate and resolve. As many have commented to any number of notices on social media... the struggle is real. On that note, pray this #deaconThursday, for those such as my friend, in positions where ministry is starting to take it's toll, feeling more like work, than worship and a chore more than service. May God strengthen and under-gird them anew and afresh. Pray for wisdom and direction, should decisions be made regarding their commitments and how to proceed; whether balance is to be restored by backing off responsibilities or re-prioritizing areas of ministry. May the Holy Spirit quicken them and give them peace; for the decisions and struggles they face outside of both work and ministry; for matters that weigh heavy on their hearts and minds. Whatever may be transpiring, may they return to the posture of casting their cares to Christ. Pray rejuvenation and a fresh move of the Spirit in their lives, as God brings about a clarity and focus of who they are and what He has planned for their lives, families as they seek His face and serve to do His Will. Keeping burnout out at bay Through the power of prayer. Effective for His glory And the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019