I was bummed by weather yesterday, and apparently didn't do enough channel surfing yesterday on the radio, as I missed a couple of the broadcasts of my favorite radio pastors. That said, a couple of quick thoughts before I run out the door.
We've talked a number of times about servant-leadership, and I as listened to one sermon yesterday talk about the final days of Christ, I thought about His obedience, to the will of the Father. He submitted to His plan, even to the Cross. If anyone had the position to refuse and convince God the Father to come up with another way to do things, it was Christ. And yet, as much as He wanted there to be an alternative, He knew and trusted God and His sovereignty. Juxtapose those with a sermon a few hours later, where Paul is giving instruction to the church that he planted. The church is divided, arguing about who they are following. We're with this pastor, and we're with that pastor; and we follow Peter. Even those wanting to refrain from the argument, tried to trump everyone by simply saying, well, we follow Christ. Amazing how this happens to this day. The congregation gets caught up being a part of a particular church or pastor. Likewise, associates and others in ministry are prone to the same, of name-dropping whose leadership and ministry they have sat under or been a part of working with (insert their name here) If only we actually focused on serving God, trusting His sovereignty and following His plan... even when it looks entirely different from how we hope, desire and sometimes pray for an alternative. God knows what He is doing and things seem to work out so much better, when our eyes are focused on Him, rather than our present realities or the persons who lead us. Let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday, for those in ministry who perhaps are slightly off course, in their alignment to following and serving God first. For those who are or may be tempted to get caught up in being involved with particular ministries or leadership teams, may God do a fresh work in their hearts and minds for the specific tasks He has planned for their lives. Pray for God to move in ways that would draw us closer to Him and the following of His plans and purposes, despite our comfort and ideals on the matter. Though life is full of hindrances, May we not be the hindrance That attempts to stand in the way; That God would accomplish the miraculous As we submit to Him alone. For His glory and honor. - PNC
I've been experiencing an interesting lesson in the last 12 hours. It's not that I haven't known it or heard it before... it's just been taken to a new level.
It's a simple point of trusting God with an unknown outcome. It's been a matter of prayer; seeking counsel, exercising wisdom, being in agreement then simply waiting to see what God does. And while waiting; keeping emotions and hopes in check, so that if the result is different from my hopes, that I won't be severely disappointed. To put it in the Apostle Paul's words... I'm content. I've had. I've gone without. Yet in all things, with God... Then, I recall as Pastor shared yesterday morning, when he and his wife were just starting the church and a Sunday night service only had 6-8 people. Having turned down offers to pastor elsewhere, His mother-in-law asked her daughter after that service "are you sure this is what you want? Because this isn't good?" No matter what our circumstance and how things look, trust and contentment is almost entirely perspective. One that I admit, I struggle with more often than not. And I know I'm not alone. So, let's pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors struggling to trust God in the difficulties they face. For those situations and circumstances that are less than desired; for the opportunities that are exciting but hopes and desires are difficult to keep in check... may God help them keep perspective. Pray for strength as they endure waiting periods and perseverance as circumstances may look questionable to others. May there be an unwavering stance of faith in their calling and purpose; that God would accomplish the miraculous for His glory as they exhibit trust in God alone and walk in obedience to the plans He has laid before them; even those that exist one step at a time. Contentment with understanding; Vision that keeps perspective; And hope that remains confident in God. That He will do what only He can do. As we walk in faith. - PNC ![]() A quick, short and sweet #effectiveSunday post before we all step into service shortly, right? Sure. Well, I posted on my personal social media page last night that I needed a distraction and so, as Job experienced break-through in his life when he prayed for his friends, I too, asked my friends how I could pray for them. Of course, as soon as a new comment was posted, I immediately took a few moments or minutes to lift them up in a prayer, especially as there were a couple that were incredible experiences and difficulties that people were facing. Then, this morning, a friend posed the question... when we say we are going to pray for someone, do we actually do it, or do we put it and off and perhaps, end up forgetting about it? Well, isn't that interestingly timed? I'm not sure if the two postings are related, but it got me thinking this morning... How can one be effective, let alone efficient, if we don't at least do what we say we will do? In matters of faith or life or otherwise? On this #effectiveSunday, pray that the church and the people of God would indeed be people who would follow through on our words and actions. May we be people who would, both literally and figuratively, engaged in the world offering the cup of cold water that people so desperately need. Pray that we would be effective in reaching out and reaching across; that the truth of the love of God would be made real and transparent to those around us outside the church and to everyone who steps through the doors. That we would be doers of the Word of God, Absolutely. That we would be doers of our word, naturally. Pointing others to Christ By living in ways that honor Him For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() At some point yesterday morning, I lost the idea I had for today's post. All afternoon, last night and this morning while laying in bed... racking my brain trying to remember where that train of thought was headed and alas... failing to find it. But while I was sitting here with my laptop screen staring me down, as if to taunt me... "You got anything to type? Huh? Huh? Do ya? Anything?" I thought about the breaking that occurs when there is a disconnect within community. We were made for community. So much so, that God Himself after He had made everything, looked at Creation and realized, there was nothing with which He could share... His presence, His glory, His being. Thus, the vertical relationship with God begun. Shortly thereafter, it is not good for man to be alone. And the horizontal relationship was established, when Eve is created. God longs for relationship with humanity. Humanity desires relationship with those around them. And yet we fail on so many levels. Society longs are a place to connect and yet fails to connect to with God, first and foremost. They fail to look to the church, second. We can all agree the church isn't perfect, nor the people in it, but it is the community God has established, that we might grow in our relationship with Him and connect with others, as well as be a unified witness of the love and glory of God. As such, what a tragedy to hear, on both sides of the church walls, people wanting nothing to do with church or anything along the spectrum, short of coming to gather together with the people and presence of God. Let's pray this #communitySaturday, that God would strengthen relationships within the church, that we may be a greater witness of the love and grace and glory of God. May God grant wisdom to work the problems and struggles that seek to divide and conquer us from within. Pray people would find their place, both in Christ and in relationship with man, for those where a seemingly disconnect exists; whatever the circumstance and reasoning. May we not seek God and community with God in the temporal and unhealthy places; but that people would be drawn to the person and presence of God through the love of the Christian community... to be a cup of cold water to those in need. That the church would not be directed by society But that we impact our world And direct others to the face of God That we would seek as His face in Heaven As fervently as we desire to fill our lives on this Earth. May God connect us with Himself and our neighbor By the power of the Holy Spirit For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC As I considered the challenges and battles facing missionaries yesterday, the words stood out, as Colton Dixon's song All That Matters, played on the radio.
He talks about how life changes, things come and go and fade away. Yet, all that matters is that God is for us, for always. His love will never change. All that matters is that we matter to Him. Oddly enough, or not, it tied in perfectly with the sermon on Job, that was broadcast yesterday morning as well. God wasn't setting Job up for failure, when He asked Satan if he had considered "my servant Job". God knew Job. He knew His faith. He knew His unwavering. Indeed God chose Job because He knew Job would bring glory to God in all things; and that his response would be as Colton sings. No matter what happens, I matter to God Thus, regardless of where one finds themselves and what they are encountering, God is not far off. He is not unreachable or unobtainable. He is not out of ear shot; not out of range. We are not in a roaming area, where it will cost extra to reach Him. God is intimately aware and intimately close. What greater message is there to share, with those who need to hear and receive the love of God; for those in ministry who need to be reminded of the love of God. All that matters is that I matter to God. You should say that out loud, as I just did. All that matters is that I matter to God. Pray this #missionsFriday, that the truth of the love of God would go forth. Pray for missionaries, struggling to minister, because they are having difficulty personally, in their faith and life, even though they know and sense that they too matter to God. Pray for strength and encouragement even this hour. May God do a fresh work in their hearts and minds; that the Holy Spirit would supernaturally revive and rejuvenate the depths of their soul. May they know and trust that wherever they are and whatever they face, that God has chosen them to bring about glory... that our struggles and tears are not in vain, nor are they wasted. All that matters, matters to God. Creator and sustainer of life. Who holds the world in His hands, Yet His beloved in His heart. For we are His workmanship That all may know His glory. - PNC ![]() I'm pretty certain that everyone has those days (and mornings, especially) that you just can't seem to engage. Situations have been discussed. Opinions have been offered. Facts have been presented. Ground work has been laid. Observations have been made. You know there is more work to do and things that need to be said, but you find yourself in a place of pause. You question what you are doing. Maybe doubt encroaches. The mind begins to wander. Speculation starts to infiltrate. Shortly thereafter, fear and anxiety make their grand entrance. How thick headed are we? About as thick as Jesus' disciples! All throughout His ministry, He shared, don't be afraid. And after His resurrection, during the appearances before His ascension, He is still telling them the same thing... don't be afraid. No matter where we find ourselves; no matter our energy levels or engagement quotient; whether we have the wisdom and answers or are seemingly quiet and patient, may today be a day of peace and rest in Christ, whereby our trust in Him is reaffirmed. If for no other reason, than His ways and thoughts are higher and greater than ours, than we can ask or imagine. Pray this #deaconThursday, for those that are struggling... perhaps feeling restless or out of place. Indeed, may the place their trust in you once again and resolve to remain in the peace of our presence, rather than the anxiety of the unknown. May you grant to them a clarity of mind and a determination of heart in the direction you would have for them to move and live and have their being. Pray for the courage and boldness to ask; as we are reminded we have not because we ask not. May they ask in alignment with the will and Word of God. Pray these times of vulnerability would not give way to the enemy to gain a foothold within them; but they would hold on strong to the faith in Christ of which they profess. Resolute in faith. Fearless in living it out. Trusting in God when He can't be traced. For His thoughts and plans towards us are good. To bring about glory to His name. - PNC ![]() For about as great a disdain as there exists in discussing religion and politics, especially among friends and family. Ranking right up with it, possibly even surpassing it, is the ability for people to tolerate hypocrisy in one's life as well; seemingly most often in the realm of religion and politics. And probably called out by friends and family more than anyone else as well, especially if they are on the "other side" of the matter as far as their own personal views or beliefs are concerned. Add the ministry dimension into the conversation and you've simply raised people's awareness to be called to the mat, on just about every matter imaginable, whether professional or personally, on politics, faith and life in general. However, it's the ones closest to us, that when a misalignment or a diversion exists in our lives that should cause us to pause and reflect... what is really going on in this realm and arena of life? Is there truth to their argument or perspective? Hard to swallow, though it may be, this is part of iron sharpening iron. One must be strong to speak up on matters; one must be just as strong to receive criticism on such matters. If done from a place of love and concern, then the justification to be offended should be low. If there is truth to the matter, our offense should be even lower. Yet, often it is not. Our offense is high; especially if the criticism comes from a place where there isn't much of a relationship as a foundation from which one speaks. But God is at work in all of us; and He'll use whom He must to capture our attention and draw us closer to Himself and our reflection of the character of Christ. As difficult of a process as it can be to endure. On this #youthPastorWednesday, would you join me in prayer? Pray that that God would draw each of closer to His presence, but especially those in ministry. May He guard their hearts and minds and the arenas of life where words and actions, beliefs and lifestyles don't align as they should with who God has called and desires us to live. Pray the spirit of offense would be far from the life of the believer and the ministry. May the power of God and the truth of His Word continue to come alive and impact our lives, much as a parent desires the truth to guide the lives of their kids. Pray pastors would not be blind to what God is doing in their lives, regardless of who or what may bring matters to their attention; nor would they be blind-sided by the affects of decisions, actions and words which are not called out in their lives and ministries. For we are each being renewed daily. And either moving closer to image of Christ Or farther away from the image of Christ. May we walk and move in the presence of God Living and speaking truth. As a witness to His grace and love. - PNC ![]() It's Independence Day! Our identity and freedom is in Christ, because of what God has accomplished in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. While we understand we are servants of God, life has a way of attempting to crowd out what God has in store for our lives and what He called us and purposed for us to carry out. For all freedom we have in God, the pressures, circumstances and decisions in life can certainly cause to feel as though we are bound. Decisions are made or not made based on emotions and thoughts of limited choices. Or "none". Frustrations and perceptions can seemingly bind our hearts and cloud our judgements. At times, it feels as though you just can't get a handle on clarity. Wisdom escapes us. Decisiveness evades us. Emotions get confused in the cul-de-sac of self-doubt. Internal angst makes itself known on one's countenance. One does not feel free. Not in life. Not in Christ. One is not a slave to sin; neither do they feel as a bond-servant of God. Yet, it is hard to deny at times, the existence of feeling as though one lives in a straight-jacket. Yet the truth remains. We are God's. Joint heirs with Christ. Not forsaken. Not forgotten. Not unnoticed from the throne room of Heaven. Not obscure in the eyes of God. Not without a plan and purpose; a calling and an anointing; a hope and future. Not without a promise from our Creator and Father. On this #associatePastorTuesday, may today be a day celebration. Not only of a nation's independence, but of within the frustrated souls and hearts of those in ministry. May God work the miraculous for those struggling professionally and personally with where they are in life and family and church. Pray the Holy Spirit would break through, the lies that have been told and believed and that have hindered what God desires to accomplish in the lives of pastors. May they be renewed in their hearts and transformed in their minds, as God works afresh in their lives. Pray the plans of the enemy would be thwarted and the plans and purposes of God made clear. Freedom. Obtained. Declared. Lived. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. By the power of the Cross of the Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() I woke up this morning, having enjoyed an extra day to sleep in and not exactly awake but knowing I wasn't falling asleep, I did what most people these days do... reached for the phone. Yes, I should have started my day in prayer. Thanks for another day of life. Thank you for my beautiful family. Use me this day for your glory. Nope... I wonder what happened on social media while I was sleeping in. Sorry... that's how it went down. Then the unexpected. A former is pastor is scheduled to go in to surgery this morning. Certainly, a situation that is nothing to mess around with and as I just recently saw them, I don't think this was expected or planned. His wife posted the news, herself waiting for a ride to the hospital as well, for a check-up visit on her own surgery from a few weeks ago! And these aren't retired pastors. Active in ministry after many years of service, still holding their senior pastoral roles; their kids all adults now... they both are still full of life. Yet, like so many pastors, they've had a very difficult and challenging life. Challenges in ministry and with family, over the course of decades and I'm having a hard time comprehending their frustration and their feelings as this morning moves forward. As if ministry doesn't have enough concerns. As if family matters don't add pressure to an already intimidating balancing act. Sure, it's just one more event in a life that seeks the face of God and trusts that He will indeed use this for His glory and honor, but in the meantime, it's one more event full of a war where faith confronts fear and the battle within the body, mind, heart and soul ensues. Will you cover them in prayer? On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for my friends... and many others like them; that are prone to life events taking them out. Whether this be an attack of the enemy or the sovereign hand of God; may this be a time of ever drawing closer to the presence of God. May the spirit of rebuked and cast out; that the peace of God would fill their hearts and minds, even this very hour. Pray for wisdom for the health professionals in these circumstances and in the health of other pastors that are struggling today... may today be a day that the miraculous is witnessed and God is lifted up. Pray for strength and healing for these mortal bodies; that are ever-so-ready to serve their communities for the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. Steadfast. Unshakeable. Unmovable. They may look to be down, But they most certainly aren't taken out. Empowered and anointed anew To fulfill the calling of God. For His glory. - PNC A friend from college posted a meme on social media yesterday morning that I had to laugh it. It expressed how so many of us, make plans. It's the weekend, and there's so much stuff to get done. Look out to-do list... I'm coming for you; you're going down. Then when it comes to actually doing it... no, not so much.
Dad can we watch (whatever)? No, why don't you pick out a movie. Dad has stuff to do, but pick something out that I'll want to watch with you if I decide to take a break or something. Yeah... it was a break alright. Or something. I can't imagine, ministry not having similar moments. Perhaps items that aren't necessarily deadline-oriented, but just need to be tended to and taken care of, and yet other stuff, tasks or pleasures end up pushing it aside one more time. Next thing you know, another day passes of, "I didn't get nearly as much done as I was hoping to accomplish". Such days exist for all of us. The problem lies when such days become habitual, rather than occasional. It is certainly a balancing act, though... for usually, the busier the Monday-Friday, the more likely the weekend will be lazy one. But there is still much to be done. Breaks are good, but eventually we must return to the work. So, pray this #effectiveSunday, that pastors and those in ministry would be renewed and refreshed. May they not put off the things that need to be done. Pray things would not fall off or behind; but that they would stay the course. May God strengthen them and may they be surrounded by those that would come along side to aid and assist in the workload; that they would not burn out from working alone. Pray a great return in the harvest of the kingdom of God for the work of the ministry that has been completed, with faithfulness and love for the things of God. That our will would align with God And that we would act accordingly. Getting done what we have been called to do; What we know needs to be done. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() We've discussed the past number of weeks on #communitySaturday, the power of engagement and how we present ourselves when we engage... that regardless of the situation, circumstance, or environment, we exist in a moment where we are with those who are without Christ. Yet, the power of the Gospel exists in relationships. He who wants friends must show himself friendly. I heard it put another way, this past week... ...that he who wants to win some must be winsome. Then we all have those days... caught up in what we are doing, totally unaware of why others are engaged in what they are doing and feeling as though we have a point of frustration worry to display. Having had such a moment the other day, I offered my apologies for my attitude, while hearing his situation. Yet, I found myself justifying my frustration by explaining that I had no way of knowing his circumstance, for surely if I did, I would have been more understanding. Shouldn't my being in the dark on the matter been the prompt for being understanding from the start? No. My priority was more important than the problem he was sorting out. As it turns out, his is far more a life-changing matter than my momentary inconvenience as a mark in the day. Thus, we all have our moments. Less than pleasant. Less than nice. Less than the reflection of the character of Christ. (see what I did there?) On this #communitySaturday, pray God would help us to not be so earthly-minded that we are no heavenly-good. May we view our place in the world as opportunity to impact the kingdom of Christ. Pray that we would become lovers of the truth and of God, desirous for those around us to no longer be slaves to sin, but free in Christ. Though the days may be difficult, may we possess an awareness of the presence of God, at work in all circumstances that people may be drawn closer to Him. Pray God would give us wisdom and compassion in our conversations and interactions; that many would experience the cross as the recognize that the church cares for them. Winsome. That we might win some. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019