![]() It's so easy to go through life, in motion. It may be auto-pilot...it may be we just get caught up in our world. We get fixated on how to solve this, how to fix that, which way to go and how to go about getting there. We forgot, rather, neglect the fact there is a bigger picture than ours, a bigger purpose than what's in front of us and more importantly, others who we should be more concerned with than ourselves. It seems so simple, yet life overtakes us. And me. I'll let you know when do a better job of keeping others before myself. Our world is searching for a purpose bigger than what's in front of them...a picture greater than what they see. The church has the Truth that those around us seek. Do we know who in our world is ready to receive? More importantly, are we ready to share, the hope that is within us? Pray for increased awareness in the lives of those in our community...that we would be a listening ear and a compassionate heart for those in need. Pray that circumstances would be arranged in such a way that hearts would be ready to receive. Pray that the church we more concerned with "what's up" in the lives of those around us more than being consumed with our own affairs and desires. -PNC
![]() The craziness of today's culture...people are either building walls of defense as a matter of protecting themselves or they are building walls of offense. Nothing gets by them as among their first reactions to a situation is to declare their being offended. It's frustrating to witness and more so when you are a party to the situation firsthand. Truth as paramount. Needed, but not so much wanted. Occasionally desired, but not always enough to make application. Difficult times to navigate, especially for the church. Perhaps even more so missions. In times when one's reasons for building and maintaining walls in their lives are growing in depth and breadth, now more than ever the truth needs to illuminate hearts and minds to return to God. Indeed, pray for missionaries, that God would go before them to arrange events and circumstances that would soften hearts and minds. Pray that there would be evaluations in peoples lives as to the reasons for the walls and their effectiveness...are they becoming better, kinder, nicer people by having them? Pray for words of wisdom, to be able to speak truth and life into the circumstances that have prompted the walls in the first place. May the Holy Spirit bring revelation, allowing the truth to bring healing and restoration to souls searching for meaning and purpose. -PNC ![]() This may sound repetitious from a prior post regarding deacons and admins, but last night my mind was putting a few pieces together. In the past few days, we've prayed over decisions and the process that goes into them. Regarding church operations, we've prayed that they would not get wrapped up in the monotony of daily tasks, but keep an eternal perspective about their responsibilities. And in our Wednesday night prayer service last night, with a devotion on "revelation and wisdom", I was reminded, that regarding Bring Me 70, I can't do this on my own...not in my own words, wisdom or strength. It is a bigger vision than I could come up with. And the phrase that stood out, just before leaving service... I Corinthians 2:5..."your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men". Neither should the work of the church. While this applies for all church positions, pray particularly for deacons, admins and staff, that while it would be easy to approach their duties with the wisdom of man, may they seek God for His direction regarding their work. A timely word to the other end of an incoming call in need, a home visit, a meeting in the community...it might not mean much on the surface, but in prayer, God can and will use it to accomplish His purpose...especially when He is sought and brought into such matters. Pray that those in these positions would not neglect the power of God to move on their behalf in moments that on the surface don't seem spiritual; yet can make huge impacts for His glory. In our weakness, He is strong. If we stand in our strength, where does that leave God? -PNC ![]() We've all heard it. Most of us, at some point from a parent. Probably from a spouse. At some point, perhaps a teacher. And most likely, from at least one friend. As life goes on, possibly from your kid. It's never comfortable at best, and more than a little unsettling if its from your employer. What do you do? Where do you turn? Does it motivate you? Challenge you? Or does it cause you to rethink your risk-taking abilities, from the premonition that it won't work out great before you start, so it might not be worth the effort? These can be difficult to navigate as an adult. Seemingly insurmountable if your younger...your whole life is a head of you and how you learn to handle such moments can be defining...game-altering, life-changing, destiny-affecting decisions. When you can't turn to the aforementioned list of people involved,who does one talk to? Who would you want your kid to talk to? Pastors can be disappointing as well themselves, experience disappointment. That said, having one shed light on how God thinks of you, despite the disappointment that you have received or are the source of, can make all the difference. Especially at an age, when truly, your whole life is in front of you. Pray for Pastors who ministries focus on youth and children. Pray that they would have proper insight and encouragement as situations arise. Pray for wisdom and truth to be shared, particularly in handling difficult moments such as dealing with disappointment. Pray that the life-changing decisions would be defined as those where the outcome was a closer relationship with Christ and the plan He has for them, rather than what society and culture would lure them with as a "solution" to help them deal with an issue. May they know Christ' love is infinite and His grace abounds, despite our feelings. Jesus doesn't disappoint...neither does He turn his back when we are the source of disappointment. -PNC ![]() As I thought about Monday's post on decision making in the church, I couldn't help but consider for a few moments when differences arise amongst pastors, admins and boards. It would be foolish to think that it doesn't happen. Spouses argue. Kids argue. Boss and employee. CEO's and Board of Directors. To think that Pastors don't have their moments, might be a little bit of a stretch. It sad when disagreements in the church are strong enough to disrupt and break a congregation. It's worse when it disrupts and breaks apart pastors and their ministries. In praying for Associate Pastors, pray that discussions and disagreements are seasoned in grace...and more importantly, prayer. Pray for a super-natural, "coming together" of ideas and creativity. Pray for an understanding perspective when concerns are raised and thoughts are expressed. Healthy debate is most beneficial when it results in a healthy, unity of purpose that everyone can support and follow through. Pray for more grace and wisdom when that is not the result; for healing takes time. -PNC ![]() Life is a tough gig. If you're married, you want your spouse to be happy and satisfied. Family? You want your kids to be happy. Employed? You want your boss happy...if for no other reason, that you stay employed. (smile) Employer? You want your staff happy...if for no other reason, they continue to do good work for you. You want your clients happy, so they keep you in business. Then there's the church. And that gets dicey. For the believer, it should be about Christ..setting aside our earthly desires that so easily entangle us, and...you get the idea. For the pastor, responsible for the spiritual condition of those under him or her...as much as is within their ability, they too serve an audience of 1. It's hard to say why and how people come to the decisions that they do and its easy in our own understanding to think it should have gone differently. If I need wisdom in my decisions, that outwardly, may just affect me or maybe my family, it pales in comparison to a pastor making decisions that potentially affect a church of hundreds and thousands and more. Plus, let's not forgot they still face the same decisions you and I face on a personal level, familial level, friendships, financial, and the list goes on. Talk about the decision-maker needing wisdom and the affected needing grace, for when understanding is not possible. It boggles my mind just typing it out. Thus...our prayer focus for Senior Pastors: Pray for increased levels of discernment and wisdom concerning decisions and their decision-making process. Pray that they would have the mind of Christ, in a great dimension, whether regarding affairs of the church, or of the home. Pray for understanding to abound by those affected, and grace much more, where explanations-at-large aren't feasible. Pray for difficult situations, that disagreements and misunderstandings and wrong-doings would not only be minimal, but also, they they would not be significantly detrimental to the purpose, vision and mission of the church. Pray for unity of purpose and not divisiveness of agendas. -PNC ![]() In the past few days, thanks to our VBS program, my oldest daughter, whose age is still in the single digits, got hooked on the song Alive, by Hillsong - Young & Free. This song just played on Pandora, hence, now this posts' topic as we prepare to pray for church effectiveness & efficiency. On this Independence Day weekend, enough has transpired in the past week and a half, that have people thinking they've found freedom. Expressions of true love...that are now acceptable in the name of equality. While I understand what this community thinks they have found, my heart breaks that many have yet to experience the true freedom found in Christ. Not to mention the fact, that through the power of the Cross and our coming to accept that He died in our place, we are now joint heirs with Christ; they are missing true equality! God sees those who have accepted Christ as Savior as sons and daughters. God does not have grandchildren, but grand children! "You are alive in me; Your love has set us free." is how the lyrics to Alive sing forth. For all the preparation that has gone into a holiday weekend service that revolves around the greatness of America, the freedoms we enjoy as a result for those who fought on our behalf; pray that people would come to recognize Christ as defender of the soul, standing in the gap so that souls may experience the freedom God intended for us. Freedom from sin, from condemnation, from bondage, addictions, the horrible past of us all, that we would give anything if it could be forgotten and forgiven...only One can fulfill that desire. Pray that becomes a reality for those who seek a freedom they've yet to experience in these great, United States of America. God Bless You & God Bless America. -PNC ![]() The band, Petra, has a great song, titled "You Are I am". Written by an incredibly talented Bob Hartman, and taken from Exodus 3:14 and John 8:58, it simply states: "From the top of the mountains to the bottom of the sea; From beginning of time through eternity; From burning bush to Gethsemane; From the Red Sea shores to the Galilee [Chorus:] You are I Am, You are I Am Let the heavens rejoice in Your majesty; Let the earth hear Your voice in it's purity; From the fiery furnace to upper room; From the lions' den to the empty tomb You have always been - You will always be; Yesterday, today, and through eternity; I will always bow my knee; You will never cease to be I Am From the breath of life to the Living Word; To the broken heart when good news is heard." In our prayer meeting this past Wednesday, at a time when the world is uncertain, the direction of nations unknown, circumstances of lives and families unsettling to experience and just as disturbing to witness...whatever people need, He is. The hole in the heart of man can filled with many things...they all just absorb into one's life never being enough. The hole needs to be filled with the Rock, upon which a new life in Christ can be built. As we pray for community engagement, pray for the Good News to touch the broken heart. Pray that the Living Word would breath new life, into hearts living with feelings that life has no meaning, purpose or fulfillment. Pray that this world would hear His voice, in its purity...in truth, for He is true. Pray that they would experience His love; for His is the only One that wins for eternity. -PNC ![]() Whether at home or abroad, missions is a matter of people looking at their state of affairs in light of the message of Christ. For some, the situations of live are readily apparent. Life is dire, about to give way and mere existence hangs in the balance if the transforming power of Christ isn't made known. For others, its a false security. Just because the situation looks manageable, doesn't mean their need for Christ is any less important. If anything, it's a harder battle to overcome because the need for a spiritual wake-up isn't daily in front of them as "unless something greater than me steps in..." This is why its important to have a true sense of the dire circumstance we all face. "Unless there is an intervention, this does not play out well, for my life" Pray that, for the believer, this awareness would remain front of us daily. Pray that on this missions-focused Friday, the conversation for the need for Christ would continue, whether being presented to an "I'm okay" mindset, or to an "I needed a miracle yesterday" situation. The Word of God is able to transform lives, whether that life is 1000 feet down on the road or a 1000 miles...and its able to do so, whether that life recognizes their need or has not a clue. ![]() As I was thinking yesterday about deacons and church administrators, I reflected back to my days of growing up in church. I remember my Dad sitting on the deacon board as well as being scheduled in the sound booth. My mom played the organ, served a term as President of the Women's Ministries, and led the youth group for a while, as they were between Youth Pastors. If memory serves, I think there was overlap, so that at one point, they served in all the aforementioned capacities at the same time. All this while both holding full-time careers, plus family time, school events...still not sure how they pulled it off. Yet, people still do it. Families serve in numerous capacities; many of my friends sharing in common, the scheduling conflicts my parents experienced. As society and culture and technology continue to move more swiftly than most of us can track, finding the scheduling balance nears pretty high on the priority list...particularly on the days we pray over community engagement and church efficiency. Pray that deacons, admins and staff would find and maintain balance...in family, career and in their service to the church. Pray for wisdom and discernment in their daily decisions. Pray for strength in carrying out their responsibilities, both at home and at church. Pray that neither would suffer, and certainly not to the point where one would resent or feel embittered toward the other. -PNC ![]() My oldest has a birthday fast approaching. And if asked, it should have been here already. As I was winding down, thinking about youth and children's pastors, it dawned on me... ...there's roughly a 6 year window. Age 6-12 and 12-18. Kids church. Youth group. 600-700 hours of church service for both age brackets. It sounds like a lot. Compared to 70-90 yrs of life, they are drops in a bucket. And the more evidence provided by society and culture that time is definitely ticking away...we need to pray that regardless of what takes place at home and school (issues altogether a whole other discussion), that the time a young person spends in church, in ministry, in a community of believers makes a positive impact that lasts a lifetime, as well as an eternity. Pray that time spend with kids will result in life-long friendships that, as they grow and mature in life and faith, will display iron-sharpening-iron. Pray that wisdom and knowledge, and understanding will be imparted. Pray that truth will be paramount as a guiding principle. Pray that kids and youth alike, will discover and accept the truth of Christ and find their identity and purpose in Him. -PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019