I'm not sure if it's mildly amusing or incredibly frustrating, the things that we allow to stand in the way of our making progress in life. And worse, making progress in our faith.
Reasoning and rationalizing up the wazoo. Justified and amplified, over-analyzed and over-reacted. Slip-ups, trip-ups, hang-ups and mess-ups... and all they do is keep us down; sometimes to the point of not ever wanting to get back up. We hold up the work that God desires to accomplish in our lives We miss the prompting of the Holy Spirit We ignore the conviction that comes from the truth established in His Word Sadly, we listen all to well to the words spoken by President Bartlet from the show, The West Wing. "Just stand there in your wrongness and be wrong and get used to it." We say wrong. We do wrong. We live wrong. Let me replace that with I. I don't know about you... I do all the aforementioned. The things we allow to bog down our lives... the fail in comparison to that which bogs down our faith. Sometimes you can't help that it carries over. Other times you can. And all too often, even in ministry, we allow ourselves to exist in that state longer than what is healthy and necessary before allowing God to do His work. It doesn't matter of one is in the stage of salvation or the process of sanctification, life happens to us all. And not enough faith is impacting life. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those in missions, who themselves are struggling with the battles and frustrations of life. Pray for those who are in difficult and trying times and trials of the Refiner's fire. May God strengthen and quicken them, body, mind and soul to endure and persevere. Pray for their conversations; that eyes would be opened, minds would understand and hearts would receive, that while we are fallen in sin, we can rise up in Christ. May God's work be completed And His Word fulfilled. For the cause of Jesus Christ And the advancement of the Good News. For the glory of God. - PNC
It doesn't take much some days, to realize just how much you have to admire the skills of those who daily deal with the stress, frustration and planning that goes into coordination and logistics.
Life truly throws us off our game. It's so easy at times to look at a problem or circumstance and simply, do this, adjust that, change this and remove that and we're good. And other times, it's a chess game. The ability to see three, six and nine steps ahead has its' advantages while simultaneously presenting its' disadvantages... ... for it creates the opportunity to feel defeated and frustrated very early in the game. And about the time you think you are making progress, something falls through. Seemingly, almost always. It is not for the faint of heart, nor the weak-minded. Are there times we oversimplify life? Yes. Are there times that life really is just "that simple"? Absolutely. For the rest of life... Well, to some He gave to be preachers and teachers and apostles... and the gift of administration. It's amazing the correlation of effectiveness, efficiency and accomplishment that transpires in churches and ministries, when the pastor or leadership finds one who has been blessed with the skill-set of administration, that not only handles the responsibilities with proficiency, but also with excellence. It's a wonderful gift. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those churches who are struggling; where that role and responsibility is perhaps not yet filled, or not operating at the level that is should. May God give them wisdom in the problems and challenges they face and that God open doors filled with solutions. Pray God would strengthen the efforts and capacities of churches who are doing well in this area of church operation. Perhaps God would open doors for them to lead and help other churches that are struggling; to share wisdom, experience and best practices. For the learning process in life is ever done, Nor the journey of faith ever complete. Even for the most practical of matters. For the glory of God. - PNC It's Teacher Appreciation Week... which naturally got me thinking. Dangerous, I know, right?
I've been blessed with some great teachers. As have you. And probably a handful that we didn't appreciate quite so much. But not just the teachers that we had in the school system. I miss the days of Sunday school. I don't remember elaborate children's ministry programs on Sunday morning. For nursery and toddler aged kids, if I recall yes. But grade school kids... seems like we were in the main sanctuary for service. But Sunday school before service, that was cool. It's amazing what's instilled, especially in those smaller class settings, when you are learning and studying Bible stories and Biblical principles. Small groups today. Small class yesterday. Same concept. So much education. So much information. So much opportunity for access and acquisition of information. Facts and opinions; twisted frameworks and flawed perceptions. As life gets more complex and the issues of life become more complicated, we need the truth of God's Word to cut clear and quick to the heart of humanity and it's sinful nature. There's a reason it's not popular. It's because it's not comfortable! But what is uncomfortable is often what is necessary for growth and maturity. And that truth doesn't disappear, nor diminish when transitioning from childhood to adulthood. In fact, if anything, that process increases in both complexity and frequency. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that teachers and pastors of students would continue to teach and declare the truth of God's Word as well as the nature of His character. May they not only know the works of God, but also know His ways; that they would be able to trust God, even when they can't trace Him. Pray that God would help pastors and teachers and grant them wisdom and discernment as they navigate these increasingly difficult issues of life and the conversations involved. Pray the power of the Holy Spirit would bring clarity to the chaos and confusion, as they minister to lead and guide the next generation into all truth. One day at a time. One life at a time. One lesson at a time. For the glory of God. - PNC Something got me thinking about teamwork in the past 24 hours or so. And not just teamwork... but team conflict. Does anyone else think that church staff is utopia? Not that they aren't doing serious work and have difficult conversations and agonizing decisions and everything else. Surely, it is eternal work and full of complexities.
But does it seem like it would be great? Exciting, dynamic, jovial. It'd be naive to think that someone, somewhere has something, that in a workplace, even one centered in ministry and the institution of the church, would create an annoyance, a problem, a source of conflict and tension. I don't think anyone wants to believe that happens, but we've all worked enough jobs with hundreds and thousands of personalities, to know that the church office can't possibly be immune to such an environment. So why aren't I writing this for two days from now, regarding deacons, administration and staff? Well, I could. And should. Perhaps I'll copy and paste! But for now, I understand that even within leadership ranks, conflicts regarding decisions, circumstances and personalities arise with just as much frustration and frequency as they do with non-leadership staff. So, on this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for a spirit of unity and strength among pastoral teams. Pray for grace in the midst of difficulty, understanding in the midst of communication and clarity in the midst of chaos. May their be a resolve in the purpose of the work and ministry to which they have been called. May they fulfill their duties and responsibilities with honor and integrity, working as unto the Lord, for indeed as they serve the people of God and the world who desperately is in need of Him, they are doing just that. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I heard a really cool phrase this morning... and thought, what a great concept for #seniorPastorMonday. Then I lost it. However, in the past two days, I've heard a story, or a portion of a story from two different pastor couples regarding personal decisions in their lives that will or would affect their ability to do ministry.
A funny thing about both instances; they involved a serious financial component to the conversation. A three-way juggling act, between being obedient to the hand of God and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, trusting what has been placed in the heart, and making sense of it in the mind. For following the mind, can cause you to miss the decision God wants and calls you to make. Just as easily, and often for that matter, the heart misleads. The emotional "tug" and the feelings of the moment fade, to varying degrees of course; but even the strongest of instincts are occasionally wrong. Finally, there's the downright, "yeah, I can't do that". Whether we don't feel ready, willing or able isn't really the question. It's a question of trust. Is wisdom involved? Yes. Prayer, absolutely. But wisdom only goes so far, for our finite minds are just that. The super-natural realm of a sovereign, spiritual, Supreme Being can't be understood, let alone explained through physical eyes and earthly words. God is God and we are not. So it has always been. So too, will it forever be. But that doesn't make the prayer in the process any less important. It doesn't negate the difficulty of the decision-making process and revolving conversations. It does not ignore the pursuit of Godly counsel from the outset to the outcome. Nobody ever said ministry was easy. Nobody ever said the personal matters of life and faith of those who lead got easier while in ministry either. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those pastors in ministry struggling with any and all variety of decisions. Pray for marriages that are having difficulty navigating the conversation and reconciling the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the hand of God compared to finite wisdom and understanding. Pray God would grant discernment to know what is truly a step of faith and an act of obedience compared to what is a hope and emotion that is not a part of God's plan. May He work the miraculous as only He can do and may He intervene and keep from harm, those who are on the verge of missing God's plan and making a disastrous and damaging mistake. To know the will of God And hear His still small voice. Even if it is one step at a time, One decision at a time. Living the life He has called us to live. For His glory alone. - PNC Effectiveness and efficiency relies on so many moving parts and pieces... and people.
And sometimes difficult circumstances prompt difficult conversations. Especially when the attempts to get things done that result in a sense of effectiveness seems be inefficient or worse, non-existent. So what gives? A hard conversation. A reality check. A decision. Nothing can be resolved, if nothing is noticed. Nothing can be changed, that isn't first owned. So, if there's a problem in reaching one's desired level of effectiveness and efficiency, it begins and ends with the one who has the desire. This isn't directed at you. I'm preaching to myself. I'm living it myself. And not five or ten years ago, like I should have learned. Here and now. The learning process doesn't stop at adulthood. If anything, school is an education on the process of learning. I used to reflect in college, of how I wanted to be a student of life, for life. What was I thinking? The lessons get harder. The refining fire of the work of the Holy Spirit gets hotter. And the iron sharpening iron... well, it doesn't create a pleasant sound during the process, but it's necessary for both to become better for the task which they were created. On this very personal #effectiveSunday, pray that God would help us to do the things that need to be done, at the time and place they are necessary. Pray that God would increase the awareness and understanding of both the realities and the truth as to how God would have us handle it. May we be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit, even when the refining fire is hot and uncomfortable. Pray for strength to persevere; to continue to do what is right, even when it is incredibly hard. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Yes, I know this is a very late #communitySaturday post.
I suppose there are any number of reasons, most of which probably don't matter; although it didn't help that I didn't really have a sense of direction early in the day before we were gone and all that followed. By I think God is working this out, even as I type this, as it prompted me to remember that our engagement with the concept of community begins at home. For if you can't function in a "community" of people with whom you share a "few" hundred square feet of real estate, including the most personal of common areas such as eating and personal hygiene, then it's not hard to imagine you'll have trouble in other areas as well, whether it be on campus or in the corporation. I just remembered this afternoon's conversation that could just have easily prompted this post, but it didn't. But now that I think about it, maybe I'll tie it back in. So, the kids are supposed to be getting ready for bed. It's bedtime when they start. The oldest can't find the top that goes to the favorite pair of pajamas. Emotions start ramping up. Which shuts off the ability to hear what I'm saying. So, my frustration rises. Now, I'm up, trying to help locate this. And, no luck. Now we're having a conversation about not listening and not doing as told, and if this was taken care of, maybe it would not be an issue. Minutes pass and no avail. 10 and 20 later. More frustration. This is not looking good. Parents, you know how this goes. Everyone is in a bad mood. Finding it later isn't an option and I'm more ready for bed now, than they are. So, now I'm spent. Time to talk with the oldest. Calmer heads need to prevail. It takes some more work, but one way or another, my message needs to be made clear. This ordeal and everything that got in the way, has to be rectified. The youngest enters the room, maybe 10 minutes later. This is now a teaching moment. after almost an hour has been spent from what was bedtime. And I use that word deliberately. This hour was not useful nor beneficial. Yes, I heard sorry, but that's like for getting caught, rather than true remorse. No... the teaching moment is now an investment. I'm offering my apologies to my kids in true remorse. Perhaps we should pray, God helps us find this. Do you want to pray or you want me to? Oldest points. Right. I pray. Prayer couldn't have lasted 90 seconds. Help us find this top; what matters to us, matters to you...and the bigger picture.... our attitudes, our words, our responsibilities... in Jesus name. No kidding... less than two minutes later. Youngest kid walks up to me with pajama top in hand. "Where was this?" In the oldest's bed. The kid who told me a few minutes ago they saw it 3 weeks ago folded in the family room, apparently forgot they wore it to bed and took it off in bed, who knows how many days ago. So, where's the prayer for this post and what's the tie-in you mentioned earlier? Conversation between my dad and I during our visit for a few minutes this afternoon. He was having a rough day and my not buying the parts to fix my mower yet didn't help the conversation... which involved possibly fixing something else that we were looking at. I left in bad mood, he went back to whatever he was working on, no doubt more frustrated than before we had stopped by. Towards the end of the conversation with the kids about the lost pajama's, Dad texted me. Offering his apologies and that he was ordering the parts for me. Yeah... upon God answering our prayer, I extended grace to the kids, because God gave us grace for the lost item that matters to the kid. And in the middle of me parenting my kids, I receive the same grace from my Dad. And the reminder that, apparently, no matter how old you are, you're never done being a parent. Nor, loving on your kids while teaching them important life lessons. :-) While it is still #communitySaturday, pray that God would help us in the most basic realm of community: family. Pray that God would help us as parents, to reflect the love, grace and character of God to our children, especially in moments of instruction, correction and discipline. Pray for our kids, that they would understand the values of respect and responsibility, of care and compassion for both people and possessions. May God help us to be wise stewards of our time, our treasure and our talents. Pray that Godly values would be instilled for generations and that generational curses would be broken. Pray for the miraculous in homes of brokenness, despair and dysfunction and healing in the marriages that are of the same. For how can God heal our land If He doesn't not heal homes built upon it. For we cannot treat community like family If we don't learn how to be family with those who are just a few feet away. - PNC The test will produce a testimony.
A message will come from from the mess. And yes, sadly, there will be moments of misery in the ministry. Christianity is a self-sacrificing faith. It's not about us, but man, if the enemy doesn't do everything possible to keep us frustrated and focused on the problems and difficulties of that don't extend beyond the driveway. So while it may not even take much of matter to distract us, it can be enough that we refocus our sight on the test, mess and misery rather than what God is working within us to create a "final product" God is never done with us; we have never fully arrived. And that should comfort us greatly. But even that truth causes some sadness, as if we won't get a reprieve from the struggles of life. But to those who continue to place their trust in Him, He is faithful. In our weakness, He is strong. And those who call upon the name of the Lord, are saved. It's not easy to continually remind ourselves, that this life is not ours and this ground is not our home; especially as society and culture places an ever-increasing emphasis on self-identity and self-assurance. But it's necessary. For as God gave, so do those who follow Him. On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would strengthen and encourage those bogged down by the test and the mess. Pray the Holy Spirit would quicken them and remind them that the battle is not forever. May there be a grace; an unexplainable grace in the lives of missionaries. Not that life is perfect, but that God is good and faithful. May their message and ministry not be hindered or derail because of today's momentary afflictions. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel. - PNC So, today is the National Day of Prayer.
And let me offer, once again, my thanks and gratitude to those who read this daily (or as frequently as you can) and join us in prayer for our church leadership, ministry outreach and overall impact in the world, to be a light in the darkness... or rather, to reflect the Light in the darkness. There's so much to pray for in the troubled days and times. We all have personal battles and ministry struggles. The world is a mess and society seems to have lost its' mind. Everyone is calling for the truth, except one can agree what it is or what to base it on. We desire leadership to use wisdom, yet respond with hyper-criticism to most minutia of details. There's a demand for perfection from others, yet leniency for ourselves. Give me all the grace; but be prepared to receive none when you need it. Every time there is a glimmer of hope that exists within humanity, it is met with a stronger argument that reminds us the glimmer was not bright enough. What good is it to be true to yourself, if you aren't living in tune with the one, true God? Everyone wants to be accept for who they are, yet they don't accept themselves for who they are in Christ? Does prayer fix everything? Not by itself. But the fix does begin through the act and discipline of prayer. Pray, this #nationalDayofPrayer #deaconThursday, that no matter what the struggles and battles we face, that prayer would be a greater priority in our lives and those of our leaders at every level. Pray for wisdom and discernment to work through the problems that plagues our society and culture. Pray for the leadership of our nation, communities and churches. May they lead with integrity and honor, people of courage and conviction who are not afraid to search for and speak the truth. Pray God would help us to reflect the light of Christ to a world overrun with darkness. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Is that not titled a great concept?
I heard it very recently, stated in just those words and what a powerful thought. So often, the burden is overwhelming, frustrating and worrisome. Anxiety fills our hearts and stress fills the mind and we can't see past the burden not existing. Even the burdens that we understand that are ours to carry; that God has given us with a plan and purpose, whether they be ministry related or not... they can be hard to see past. Not only seeing past them for the sake of moving on to "what's next" in life, but seeing the blessing that exists. The blessings that follow the burden and the opportunities that open up once the burden is lifted... we struggle to see both states of existence because the burden dominates so much of our energy, capacity and resources. But the awesome state of being and state of mind that is possible after the burden is gone... well, we can imagine. In the meantime, hope must be maintained and the effort retained with the same resolve and intensity as though the process had just started. Though the burden is disheartening, don't let it derail. While it may do some damage; it must not destroy. Past the burden, past the burnout.... there is blessing. In fact, if you watch for it, there is incredible opportunity to bless while in the midst of the burden. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for the burdens of pastors, especially for those whose burdens concern the next generation. Pray that God would strengthen their resolve and bless their efforts. Pray for opportunities to be a blessing, even in the midst of burdens that exist outside of their ministry. May the burden not derail them, nor discourage or destroy them. Pray they would rise above; renewed, encouraged and quickened to continue in the good work that God has prepared for them as they serve as faithfully stewards to the calling that God has placed upon their hearts and lives. Blessed to be a blessing, Regardless of the burden. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I don't know where you are yet, but it turns out, today is on track to be the warmest day we've had in the past 200 days! And while not a record-breaker, it could get pretty close.
Looks like spring is finally here.. although at these projected temps, feels more like summer. That said, though, it is May 1. Which has me thinking about freshness. So often it's hard to gain traction on a project or a problem simply because we can't seem to find a solution. Talking about it doesn't seem to get us very far; praying about it has yet to result in direction. Over-analysis has fried the brain and frustration has fried the spirit. You don't quite feel inconsolable, but you do feel as though one more conversation, even with a new person will simply add to the level of hopelessness and angst that already exists. This is hard state of existence. Like banging your head against the wall. Or life doing it for you. In either case, perhaps what is needed is a fresh take. It may come through prayer. It may come through conversation. It may come by refusing to think about the matter at all for a certain period of time. Commit to putting some distance between your perspective and your perception on the problem. See what God sorts out in the meantime, both in your life and in the circumstance. And to that end, let's agree in prayer, this #associatePastorTuesday. Pray for a refreshing move of the Holy Spirit for those struggling with a particular circumstance; particularly, if it has overextended it's welcome. Pray that God would bring clarity to the matter, as they commit it to prayer and wise counsel. Pray for those who, for whatever reason, would do well to take a step back. May God help them not to worry or stress over the matter. Pray they would not over-analyze the problem, nor over-complicate things by focusing on the wrong aspects or minutia details or whatever else might stand in the way. May they find rest and peace as they trust God to have His way, as He moves with His sovereign hand. For God is work Making a way With thoughts that are higher than ours And plans that are better and greater too. So our confidence is in Him alone For His glory. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019