![]() Last night, I had the pleasure of joining my Dad to a Sportsman's Dinner, hosted by a local church in the area... one with quite a large footprint in the community doing great ministry. The dinner was phenomenal and they had a great turnout. There was one "process", for lack of a better word, that we were a little disappointed with as far as the raffles were concerned, but that aside, it was a great night. The guest was pretty cool, though. A MLB player from the 60's came and talked his experience. That was slick.... with some back-stories, that you'd never hear second-hand as well as some great insights, as the season is just beginning. So what's this have to do with #effectiveSunday? Nothing. Except towards the end of the night, when the Senior Pastor shared a few thoughts after the guest player was done; and the pastor's opening comment was a response to some of the choice words used by the player during his spotlight-moment. I don't know the man's state of heart in relation to God, perhaps he's saved and it was just "one of those things". Perhaps he's not. It wasn't obscene...but it dawned on me just how quick, that either 1) a Christian could take issue with some of his words spoken at an outreach event held in the church building or 2) those visiting, non-Christians, who aren't sure how to handle it. Perhaps not offended by it directly, but curious why it happened and thus, turned off to the church, as a result. Maybe not entirely, but enough to second guess. To the pastors' credit, his response was light-hearted and jovial. He only shared for a few minutes a portion of his experience between ministry and real life, essentially what we pray for every day. Pastors struggle just like the rest of us and it's just as heavy-duty at times. As he closed, many guys raised their hands, acknowledging their desire to be remembered in prayer as they are facing things in life that require them to look to God and trust in Him... perhaps more than ever before; perhaps for the very first time. Whatever the case may be, it was an interesting follow-up to #communitySaturday, regarding double-standards. That's the thing with Christianity and real life. You never know, in the balancing act of the two, what will trigger someone towards or away from the things of God and being in right relationship with Him. Perhaps, even balancing act is an odd phrase... as if you have one foot in each world. Which doesn't work, by the way. But the Son of God came to earth, and lived life as we do. Real God. Real Life. Quite simply it is possible to point people to God, through our lives. Yet, even Jesus prompted responses which were far different from people returning to God. It bears repeating... We can't walk on eggshells, but we can walk in ways that are more reflective of Christ Himself and less of the person proclaiming to follow Christ. So... pray this #effectiveSunday, that the church would not be hindered in it's ability to impact lives for God, because of deeds and words that trigger someone to turn away from God or at least hesitate to turn to Him in the first place. Pray for a level of grace, that people would understand that while we serve and celebrate a loving and perfect God, we ourselves are not perfect... nor are we automatically loving. Pray that the spirit of offense does not get the best of people... both for the believer and those yet to believe. Pray that, much like one bad review doesn't discount the quality of a product or service, that people would not be so quick to dismiss Christianity, the importance of the church or the necessity for salvation and a relationship with Jesus Christ. In this day and age, the church must rely all the more on God working the miraculous as the church wisely utilizes it's resources to impact the community for the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC
![]() **editor's note: My apologies in advance if I've used this before... some things are worth repeating (plus, after 300 posts, there's bound to be some overlap) For whatever reason yesterday, I was thinking about the movie, Facing The Giants. Actually, I probably do know the reason why, but one line in particular continues to stand out from that movie. The backstory, is of a football coach who 4 years ago, took on a losing-record football team at a small, Christian school. While trying to figure out how to turn the team around, he is also being challenged in his faith. To witness the exchange as he tries to practice in his own life, what he is desires to instill into the team is pretty incredible. In a scene, where one of the students is waiting for his father to be picked up, the coach has this exchange, commenting on their relationship. "You can't judge your father by his actions, then judge yourself by your intentions. It doesn't work that way." - Coach Grant Taylor What an incredibly profound, yet overtly simply piece of wisdom. Funny enough, we all do it. Or have at some point. Nobody likes double-standards. It causes political backlash. It causes marital strife. It causes separations among friends. In light of eternity, it turns people off to church and the concept of Christianity. It prompts those within the church to leave and go somewhere or worse, neither go somewhere or come back to Christ. In our attempts to understand God and who He is, at times, we even accuse God of this game! It's easy to look at other situations, other lives and wonder... what are they thinking? And while, perhaps not a 1:1 relationship, let me use some literary exaggeration and say, that for "every" time you have that moment, someone is looking at your life asking the same question. Why is that? Because we all justify why what we do or say is a worthy and worthwhile moment in time, while the other side "has no excuse". It's frustrating to experience; for both parties. And it really is a game... albeit not a very pleasant as and when it unfolds. And the eternal consequence is the real kicker. Granted we can't expect an unsaved world to know and understand all spiritual principles, but then again, Christianity is pretty basic. And when the body of Christ fumbles, sadly, the world uses it as an argument against God. We can't walk on eggshells, but we can walk in ways that are more reflective of Christ Himself and less of the person proclaiming to follow Christ. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the church would indeed, be more reflective of the person of Christ, to a lost and dying world. Pray that double-standards in our lives would be eliminated, that we seek to live and exemplify Godly, Biblical principles in every day life. May we be careful not judge others and ourselves differently, for we ALL will one day stand before God and be judged equally by Him. May we seek to understand God, and know Him more... not in an effort to attain His position, but that He may be glorified, lifted up, in order that none should perish; but come into right relationship with Him. We mustn't live in ways that cause further separation from God, but live such, that we draw closer and deeper in the riches of His love and the experience of His grace, now and forevermore. And yes, it will be for His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Once again, I'm reminded just how careful one must be when they are open to hearing what God might have to speak into or through their lives. A late-evening realization, I still really didn't have anything for #missionsFriday prayer. Seconds later, I hear the television from the kids room. Whichever character it is from the cartoon, Agent Oso, who congratulates his work, having done it in just 3 simple steps. Wouldn't it be great if life worked like that? Just three simple steps. And it does. Are you ready? Step #1. Rise Up. Step #2. Work Step #3. Rest. Too much work, and you'll never get consistently good rest. Too much rest and you might never want to get up again, let alone work. Failure to rise and then what... A loss of motivation, a loss of stamina, a loss of focus... any work attempted won't amount to much, in terms of quality and any attempt at rest won't be fully enjoyed, knowing you've left your best efforts somewhere. They are not on the field, as if you were walking away know you've given it all; you haven't. You may think you have, but what you have dropped along the way is getting noticed. It's difficult to balance, I get it. Work is demanding. Good rest lies just beyond the interruptions that are becoming too numerous to count. The energy, motivation and focus to rise again... they too are found in short supply. There's a word for the conspiracy of causing the 3 simple steps to fail. BURNOUT! And it experienced by everyone. The entry-level. The executive. The just getting started. The almost retired. The parishioner. The pastor. The missionary. And the sooner the Christian can be snuffed out and burnt out, the better. The enemy of the souls of man would love nothing more. Yet for those who stand firm, in faith and in prayer... may they continue to rise up, do good work and be granted rest for their souls. Pray with me, this #missionsFriday... for the hundreds of missionaries that experience burnout annually. They are tired from their good work. Exhausted from the stress. Frustrated by slow results. Desperate for resources. Pray for renewed focus. Pray for revitalized stamina. Pray for refreshed motivation. Pray that nothing be left on the field. May balance in their lives be restored. Pray for the miraculous to be witnessed, as God works in their lives to bring them back from brink of trouble. Pray their faith would be fortified; resisting the temptation to falter. For the glory of God. For souls won for Christ, because the fan was flamed on the fire of one's faith, rather than doused into dust. - PNC ![]() Long-sweeping curves in the road... go for it! Twisty two-lane back roads with no traffic, sign me up! All provided you have the right vehicle. Then there are low-speed turns. Situations on the road, where, regardless of environmental conditions, what vehicle you control at your fingertips or the load you carry, now is not a time to play Speed Racer. Such is life. You know the conditions. You are aware of your surroundings. You know the terrain. Everything is secure and going well. Or so you think. Then... life. As though a conspiracy against you has taken place. And it's amazing how just one thing can throw you off your game. The schedule. The to-do list. The game plan. The answer to "what's next" changes to, "now, we have to go do this thing, first". The dominoes begin to fall... hard and fast Then the funny part... you were going slow! Using caution. Seeking direction. Praying in faith. And it still feels as though you dropped the ball. Or someone dropped one on you. Either way... if one is not careful, mistakes, even on low-speed turns can make a serious mess. And I'm sure you've discovered as I have, there are degrees of seriousness, used to describe the messes of life. But they shouldn't ruin the day. Or your week. Next month there will be another one. And by next year, at least a 100 more will be more memorable than this. Time may or may not heal all wounds, but it certainly has a way off lessening the pain of the sting. The church has made many messes. Some huge. Some blown out of proportion. Some insignificant and long-forgotten. And while God's grace is sufficient, what we often receive from man doesn't come close. No... now where near close. But for all of that... God still uses the church. Still chooses to use the church. That alone, is worth pressing on. Moving forward. Taking on the "what's next" of life, even when it's interrupted, by "but, first this problem over here." Pray, this #deaconThursday, for church leadership and staff... to continue to seek the face of God, as they move forward in the purpose and the vision of their ministry in light of eternity. May they overcome the discouragement and perhaps even the disgrace, of situations and moments where the ball got dropped; for whatever the reason. Pray God's grace, anew and afresh, for God is not done with any of us, yet. May the church leadership rise up in the strength of the Lord, not defeated, despite their states of weariness and frustration; may God supernatural move in their hearts and minds, to draw all the more closer to Him, seek Him in greater dimension and trust Him, with a more child-like faith. Pray for the release of life's messes over to God, who makes all things beautiful... in His time. In His purpose. In His Sovereignty. For His glory. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Does anyone else miss grade school? The particularly fun part of the day, was always the time when you picked on the one kid who was just too easy of a target to pass up. Unless you happened to be that kid. No matter what you had to say in response, your words did little good. The taunter always (seemingly) had snappier comebacks. Especially when told "knock it off". Oh yeah? Who's gonna stop me? Fortunately, God takes up the cause of those who place their trust in Him. The taunter of our souls may think he has the upper-hand, smarter, wiser, cooler and with his buddies, has you outnumbered on the school-yard of life. But such is not the case. Satan really is, just a bully. A frustrated, angry, egotistical angel whose pride caused his fall. As I heard it confessed once, from a former bully, like him, Satan isn't at a good place in his life. He knows his future is not bright and he is determined not to suffer in eternal misery alone. If can't have what he used to have, neither can anyone else. Sadly, we continue to give him more credit than he deserves for what is going on in our lives, and the world, rather than focusing on Him who truly cares for our well-being, has dreams and destinies for our lives, that He believed in so much, He sent His Son to ensure the opportunity for all of humanity to hear that message. Of course, with every passing moment, that message is getting more and more drowned out. Busyness. Social Media. Sports. Academics. Politics. It's getting drowned out to adults and kids alike. Not just about life with Christ today, but for the life to come. God is on your side... the only question is, who has yet to make a decision to side with God? So, on this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for the youth of today, where the distractions that drown the message of Christ are many and persistent. Pray for the Spirit of God to break through the noise, capturing hearts and minds; drawing all people unto Himself. Pray that people would not be drawn to false doctrines and teachings; nor bullied by the enemies of their soul. May the plans and purposes of God come to light, as people come to know and experience the love and knowlegde of Jesus Christ. Satan's army may be great, but the Army of God is greater. May the youth, in particular, of today, experience first hand, that God loves them and will never leave them or forsake them. Pray pastors be strengthened anew, as they work tirelessly to this end. A generation fired up, for the cause of Jesus Christ. To the glory of God. - PNC ![]() So, this is kind of interesting. There's a decision under consideration by my wife and I that happens to be the same decision being worked out by some friends of mine, technically, in 4 other households to specific. As I prayed yesterday regarding this circumstance, as each of us are needing direction, I found myself praying that God would show us the path He has for us, and "gently put us back on it, when we happen to miss a step." For whatever reason, I immediately recalled, what has transpired in many an action movie, but particularly, Indiana Jones... where he's walking the path, and a misstep results in a sword shooting out, or a boulder rolling in front of him, or any other obstacle meant to immediately destroy the one trying to traverse the path. And so it feels, in real life. One wrong decision. One bad turn. One second guess. It doesn't take much, and we can find ourselves in serious trouble, simply from trying to navigate this life while facing challenging situations and difficult circumstances. Pastors, receive no special exemptions. In the church. In the home. Whether it affects the congregation or the family, any one of us have specific points in time where we look book and recognize, that certainly we should have, could have and probably needed to make a different decision compared to the one that we actually made. And while the decisions may not be matters of life and death or serious bodily harm as Harrison Ford overcomes on the big screen, that doesn't make them any less important. Worthy of covering in prayer. Substantial enough that we shouldn't' try to sort it out without seeking the face of God and trusting Him to illuminate the way. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for the challenges and decisions facing pastors. Whether figuring out what's best for the family at home, or the family of God, may they seek the face of God. May they do it first. Pray, the strength to resist the temptation to lean on human understanding and reasoning. May their faith be fortified as plans are discussed, even when their is a leading and a prompting to move in ways that don't make sense. May they trust in God's plan and purpose, as they pray for God to light the way and make the path clear.... that obstacles designed to take them out would pass; that they would safely cross over, to the where and what God has in store for them. For the glory of God, we pray to these things. In the name of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Pastor has posted the question before and it came up once again, during this mornings' service. How do you know when you are servant? When you get treated like one! Christ offered a seemingly backward model for us, in Scripture. He who wants to be greatest among you, must be servant. Similarly, he who wants to be first, must be last and servant of all. For those who like decision making, this can be challenging. For the one who constantly thinks they have a better way to go about a task, the relinquish can be difficult. There's a lot to be said on the valley of decision, when the responsibility and the expectation to act lie with you. (and much has been said). But leadership that takes in a 360-degree perspective; goes beyond themselves, consider the impact on others; the costs; the demands... ... for the one who steps out into what God has called them to, even when it goes against conventional wisdom; when they recognize, that while they lead, God is able to accomplish so much more when they step aside to His will; then God is able to work the miraculous, above and beyond what we can ask or imagine. It goes contrary to what is taught on leadership these days, when it comes organization development as busin But then again, what within the kingdom and economy of God is consistent with the world system, in the first place? Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors to have the mindset of servanthood and the attitude of humility as they lead staff and congregations into great relationship with God. May the decisions they make be led of the Spirit, aligned with the will of God and biblically-sound, where warranted. May they not rely on previous experiences or direction (such as Moses did), but trust daily, for God's direction, as the display Godly leadership through Christ' example of a humble servant; willing to set aside their will in order to know and hear the will of Gd For the glory of God. His will accomplished as His servants care after the affairs of men. - PNC ![]() I saw a great marquee the other day, in front of a church.. although, now I can't remember if I saw it, driving or scrolling through social media. (maybe both?!) Come back and visit this Sunday. Easter is over, but He is still risen! We prayed on Friday, about compelling the community to come... that the message of Christ is the only one that stands differently from all other religions. Yesterday, we talked about portraying Christ to the community, rather than self; especially as culture continues to move further away from truth and absolute principles, while constantly promoting self. How tragic, for all the prayer for the unsaved, the witness of our personal experience with Christ in our lives and the compassion of one's soul to continually invite them into relationship with Christ and on that journey of decision, they step into a congregation that contradicts the testimony and the invitation that was extended. Church is a dynamic environment. I understand church cultures operate differently, but relationship with Christ is a state of growth and maturity. There's a difference between biblical disciplines and "going through the motions" routine. The latter can and often does, quickly become mundane... less than exciting. Much like a life without a plan and a purpose. Just cruising. As if on auto-pilot. And this is one relationship that doesn't last long in automatic mode. If life a highway, there's twist and turns, fast curves, elevation changes, weather conditions, various hazards and obstacles... all of which is much more enjoyable with a manual transmission and a clutch! WHY?? Because you have a greater sense of the experience because it's an extra level of engagement. A greater sense of control. An increased level of focus. All of which prompts the driver to take the moment much more serious. As the intensity increases so does the fun, typically as well. Certainly, you are unsure at the start, but soon you're screaming in excitement...LET'S DO THAT AGAIN!!! Nothing is worse, than an experience being praised by one; then when you finally decide to check it out, the experience is nothing like what you were told you should expect. No points are awarded to those who are inconsistent. Credibility is lost. And the church, has lost enough of that over the years. Sadly. If you haven't experienced that reality for yourself, surely, someone only a couple degrees of separation from you has quite a tale to tell that will prove my point. So much for effective and efficient. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, that while we don't get any points, guests and those curious to know more about God and who Jesus was then, is today and what He can accomplish in and through their life, will find the church consistent. In the message of Christ. In the life of the believer. May they see an active faith; not fake or superficial, but one that takes the issues of life, the struggles of regret, the disappointments of bad decisions and effects of situations that may or may not have been their own doing.... a faith that takes all their stuff and turns it to God. Pray that God miraculously makes something beautiful out of those who willingly humble themselves to a place where they can trust God with their mess. Pray that many would come to understand, their life is not the worst that God has seen. He is not the plumber, mechanic, dentist, bankruptcy lawyer, teacher having never seen this before in a customer, patient, client or student and is hesitant to do the work because it's unfamiliar. God looks at every life, no matter the mess one has made of it and says, "Not only can I handle it; but you won't even recognize it when I am done. Only God trades our ashes for His beauty. Not just consistently, but for each and every life that comes to Him, through Jesus Christ. For these things, we pray. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() .We live from our experiences. The decisions we make, in light of the challenges faced, based upon previous encounters, information and outcomes all work, conspiratorially, i might add, to move us in one direction or another. And should we find ourselves, not liking where that takes us; then we have to figure out what to do differently. Try a new experience. Take a new level of risk. Get new information. Change our environment. Talk with new people. At some point, you have to break the cycle that causes the frustration. While, not a hard and fast rule, generally speaking these dynamics are true: Hurt people, hurt people Damaged people, damage people Broke people, will break people Conversely... Healed people, heal people. Forgiven people, forgive people Restored people, will restore people. A change in their life, a transformation in their experience, a revelation that life can be different; that we are not dictated by our past, but can be made new... not out of shear will (though that can get you pretty, far, I'll admit); however... made new through the power and the person of Jesus Christ. Come eternity, you will not be remembered by your job title, your address, the emblem in your garage, the brand label on your jeans. You will not be remembered by your church affiliation, your political point of view or your gender state and interest. On this #communitySaturday, who will you portray to the world, who you are. Your rights, opinions and assertions? Will you give people a piece of your mind, or a piece of your heart. This is the ability to see and interact with culture through the eyes of Christ. While challenging at times, as we battle our own humanity, the church must remember, that what they have experienced in Christ, is meant for the world to experience. So, pray, this #communitySaturday, as the church engages culture, that we would point others to Christ. May our interactions be graced with the love and compassion of Christ. May we allow the Holy Spirit to do His work as the condition of man is revealed in the light of Jesus Christ and the truth becomes clear... we are all broken before the cross. We can all be restored because of Him who hung on the cross. Pray for lives transformed; new creations in Christ... not that we may have a better life here on earth, but eternal life for a better time after our death. Counter-Culture. For the person and purpose of Jesus Christ. To the glory of God. - PNC ![]() The marketing department at Porsche, says that "There is no substitute." While automotive enthusiasts may debate that point to the bitter end, there is no such debate when it comes to Christianity and other world religions. ... ... ... Ha! Who am I kidding? There is but One God. One Truth. One Messiah. One Death. One Resurrection. One Judgement. One way by which men can be saved. I saw a great cartoon the other day, that showed in my social media newsfeed: Christianity compared to the rest. Christ' ministry: public Christ' death: public Christ' appearance post-resurrection: public What is told: eye-witness accounts of His story to the public Many turn to Christ Compared to the alternate... Man receives dream/personal word/bright light moment/revelation, etc... in private Man writes down thoughts... in private. Man tells the story of his private experience to others. Many follow the man. For this reason, the co-exist bumper really isn't possible. Certainly not to the extent people would like to think possible. It amazes me, what people will accept as truth, but deny the author of all truth, the it's possible that He is who and what He says He is! There are no absolutes, except what serves their belief or their agenda. God is man's concoction, but for the thousands of millions of years that we have evolved and the battle between Christianity and other religions can't be resolved? Christianity is just one of many? It's mind blowing, how consistent Scripture is, when properly understood in all of the context within it's historical, eternal, redemptive message versus one's private illumination message. There's a big difference in the power of the testimony of one who has encountered Christ and the transformational power of His love and forgiveness of sins versus the story of one's spiritual exercise. What is the difference? The transformation itself. Behold, I make all things new. The blood of Jesus washes whiter than snow. We are new creations, in Christ. Sure, the spiritual exercises of others may help and improve life, but it pails in comparison to the description of sinner saved by grace, because of Christ' unconditional love for me. Therein, is the truth. Relationship with Christ starts with His unconditional love. Religion starts with my conditional actions. So, pray this #missionsFriday, that the eyes of many would be opened... not to spiritual enlightenment, but to a heart made new through the forgiveness of sins. Pray for the understanding, that there is but one way to God; that it's not based on what man has control over, but on what Christ accomplished through His obedience. Pray the truth of Scripture would be revealed as people seek to the missing element of purpose and faith in life. May the doubts, preconceived notions and expectations step-aside, when faced with the unconditional love of Christ. Sinners. Saved By Grace. Through the love of Christ. To the point of death. That we may live with God forevermore. Eyes open to see. Ears open to listen. Hearts open to receive. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019