![]() I discovered the other day, some mix-tapes I had put into the center console of my car last summer. For those who don't know "mix-tapes", this was how we listened to our favorite songs from albums on cassette, long before iTunes and the ability to buy your favorite song for $1.99 or the entire album on CD. (to this day, I prefer having the album in hand, and don't buy an album, unless I'm certain, I'll like a super-majority of the songs) At any rate, the mix-tape currently playing in my factory BOSE in-dash CD changer/cassette stereo, is White Heart. I've forgotten just how great a song Lovers & Dreamers comes through with power. (interesting enough, from the album titled Powerhouse) So impactful, I thought I had a prayer post a while back using the song title as the blog title, but alas, I haven't found it. (end long intro) The chorus talks about "needing lovers of the Light" and "dreamers with Heavenly sight". Indeed, these are the days, where it is becoming increasingly important to draw all the closer to God... not out of fear for the unknown, but out of love for who He is. For His love. For His forgiveness, grace and mercy. New every morning. Not based on merit or socioeconomic status, nor education, political affiliation or denominational membership. Likewise, the believer is in the world, but not of the world. We are re-born; of the Spirit. Therefore, we should not dream as the world dreams, but of what is possible. With God. Creator of the universe. Creator of the complexity of man. Creator of the more complex woman. (smile... God knew what would happen if He left us guys on our own) It's easy to talk ourselves out of dreams. Why it can't happen. Why it won't work. Why it won't get supported. Why it won't get liked, shared and followed. Most instances in Scripture, man felt inadequate for what God wanted Him to do. He kept calling for people to think beyond themselves. Except for Gideon. There was a method to the madness, if you will, in God scaling back the armed forces to a mere 300. But by and large, what God desires to accomplish is beyond our finite comprehension. Hence, we need dreamers... to dream bigger. With Heavenly sight. As God is not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance through Jesus Christ, the mission field needs it's doers to dream...BIGGER. With the vision of heaven. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that missionaries would dream... BIGGER. May God grant them fresh vision and insight from heaven as to what God would desire to accomplish in and through their operations. May God intervene to provide a new level of favor, with public officials, with individuals, resources and finances. Pray God would give them a greater level of faith, strength and stamina to endure the challenges and difficulties they face... and to so with higher levels of wisdom, discernment and insight as they share the message of Christ and the truth of God's Word to the people groups that they serve. May we draw bigger pictures! May our dreams rise to meet the greatness of our God, who is able to supply all our needs according to His riches and glory... beyond what we can ask or imagine.; before we know what we have need of; believing all things are possible with Him. May many be added daily to the church, those are being saved. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
![]() I came across an interesting political online post recently that prompted some thoughts. The post was on "income equality" and while this prayer isn't political, the arguments outlined in the post were valid, to say the least. My thoughts first. For everything we find unequal, there is much that is equal. The count of our fingers and toes. Two ears to hear, two eyes for sight, one tongue, whereby it is difficult to use for both encouragement and destruction. We all have a heart and a mind. We have the same minutes of the same hours on any given day, as it is known Today. We are capable to dream and desire. We are able to work and to play. We have the ability to decide and act accordingly. Of similar vein, were the points in the political post. We make choices about educations and career tracks in professions we find of great interest and opportunity. Life is not a "one-size fits all" with regards to time and talent and the investment of both. Even in Scripture, we read how some are given to be preacher, teachers, apostles and evangelist. The body of Christ... the church isn't "equal" with regards to the time and talent that is sacrificed and offered to God. Yet equality does exist on two points. Every person is a sinner. Every person is in need of a Savior. Thus, life comes to down to a series of realizations and decisions. As you decide, the more you'll realize. And the more you realize, hopefully the better your decisions become. As in life, so it is with Christianity... nobody will remember what you end with if you never start with you have. (speaking of what one ends with; it doesn't sound like everyone's reward in Heaven will be equal, either) #justathought Pray, this #deaconThursday, for church leaders and workers struggling to fulfill their responsibilities because resources and opportunities are not like those of other ministries. Pray that churches would not get caught up on the "equality" game, but seek to fulfill their calling to the communities they serve... allowing the foundation of sinners in need of a Savior, to motivate them to reach the lost unhindered. Pray for the decisions they face and the realizations that are being sorted through as well as those that have yet to been witnessed... may God help to lead, guide and direct them on the path where their time and talent will accomplish much for the kingdom of God. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() For many years, decades perhaps, both at home and in "the real world", people talk about what it takes to be a well-grounded, well-rounded person. Whether you are raising kids or you are in a position of leadership and feel as though you are "re-raising" an adult... the successful, the mature, the sensible and rational among us, understand people do much better in life when they have a firm foundation of morals, principles and integrity; not to mention, a level of discernment necessary to make sound decisions. Add to that prescription... an ongoing education of skills and abilities that will allow and enable people as they develop in maturity and understanding, to sort through and figure out solutions to situations; that, even if this is the first of its kind, they will be able to navigate their way with some level of accomplishment or success. It might not be the best solution, but had they not had a solid foundation and well-thought out approach, the result would have been disastrous. A person, not well-grounded, will have difficulty from the onset, simply from not having a guiding set of principles whereby everything they say and do builds on that foundation. A person, not well-rounded, will have difficulty half-way through... like the parable of the one who started building without calculating the cost, realized he didn't have what he needed to see it through. A troubling result, often public, leads to some form of ruin. The need for this perspective is significant and we all know it, yet in this day of society doing "everything" possible to remove God from public life, elevating every detail of private life into the limelight and adding in the daily dose of moral relativism without long-term consequences, let alone eternal detriment to one's soul... well; the battle continues. We see it in our kids. And in our adults. A level of unpreparedness for the real world. It's also hitting the pulpit. In an article I read yesterday on ChurchLeaders.com, was the following statement: "Most seminary programs don’t equip pastors for the “people side” of ministry. Graduating pastors are more prepared to preach than they are to lead and serve people." - Esther Laurie The article talked about a survey of 734 former pastors, who had left the ministry BEFORE reaching retirement age. A whopping 48% said their training did NOT prepare them to handle the "people" side of the ministry. How can we expect the church and its Christians to effective communicate the love of Jesus Christ if we do not have an above-average ability to engage people, discuss difference amicably, resolve problems fairly and continue life as better friends (or at least peaceful acquaintances) rather than bitter enemies, if Pastors themselves don't feel prepared? Ministry is entirely about people... for without them, to whom would you share the message of Christ and to whom would you teach a greater relationship with Christ? On this, #youthPastorWednesday, as it starts with the youngest among us... pray once again, for firm foundations of faith in lives of young people. May it be instilled within them, "a desire to know, love, seek & follow God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, all the days of their life" (a prayer I pray over my kids every night I tuck them in) Pray they would be well-grounded in principle and well-rounded as they interact with people. In like spirit, pray for pastors, struggling in the areas of ministry they feel unprepared... whether in dealings with people, having and meeting the expectations of the church, fulfilling the responsibilities of the pastorate, satisfying the needs of their family. May God intervene, for people and solutions to be brought to light. Pray for a rising up... for Pastors to continue to step up to the pulpit, ready to fulfill their calling, rather than retreat from it in frustration. Anointing, passion and purpose for Pastors today. Anew & Afresh. Prepared & Undefeated. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() A pastor friend of mine, posted on social media yesterday that he was working on a sermon regarding the idea of Simplicity. He shared a quote that shared that these are exciting times in which we live, yet have consequences. Technology is amazing, yet how does one keep up. The quote closes with the thought that we fear that we will "attempt too much and accomplish too little" The comments that people posted in response where insightful, as this is surely a problem. It's easy to get sucked in and discover significant chunks of time are missing... time that had originally been marked for other tasks and activities. In response to one comment in particular, my friend asks "how do we figure out what stays in the circle and what doesn't" as to how we spend time and not feel overwhelmed by the abundance of sensory overload. I replied with end result of an analogy shared by my pastor. "It starts by keeping Christ at the center of the circle. Anything that doesn't fit with that or competes with that, will give you a good indication of where it should go in the circle, if it belongs there at all." Then I got to thinking about what Christ has in store for us and the things we settle for... even things that take us further away from Him. People who know God, were at one time Christians; maybe still believe they are... yet there remains areas of active living that are contrary to God's word. I thought about the woman with her accusers and Jesus' statement about throwing the first stone. Just because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, doesn't meant that He will not take the opportunity to loving remind us that we are to go and sin no more. Sin is reception interference from communication with God. The closer we draw to Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives to become more like Him, the clearer the channel we experience with God.. Sin, essentially disobedience (from the first command of 'don't eat from that tree, Adam & Eve' being separation from God results in channel to God difficult to understand at best and nothing but static at worst. Perhaps this is why it feels God's attempts to get people's attention back to Him is so dramatic. A weak signal won't hear His whisper. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, as pastors meet with people of the congregation and community, that they would have the courage and the wisdom to effectively communicate the truth of God's Word that would draw people closer to God. Pray for sins to be removed; condemnation will depart and a clearer channel of communion with God will be experienced. Pray that Christ will be found at the center of the lives of the believer, in order that everything else may take its proper place, in alignment with Jesus on the throne of our hearts. Pray for those lives, even among Christians, whose lives and lifestyles are out of balance. May they hear the voice of God... even if it is no longer a whisper, for what He desires to accomplish in and through their lives. Clear lines of communication, between God and man... just like when God walked with man in the Garden of Eden. May we accomplish much, for the cause of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God, the Father. By the power of the Holy Spirit. - PNC ![]() I continue to be amazed at God's timing... particularly, circumstances and moments in time that have transpired as it relates in light of what is being posted on this site. Yesterday, we prayed about reactions, in regards to the temptation of comparison and the effect it can have on us. Then yesterday, during the offertory of the morning service, they played a video of people sharing via, cards, the struggle they had come out of... with the song Redeemed, as performed by Big Daddy Weave. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzGAYNKDyIU) One of the interestingly timed moments... the line "God's not done with me yet" It simply amazes me how and what God uses to communicate His love and plan for our lives. The people whose paths cross and the words that are exchanged will indeed be considered moments of impact. Some moments will obviously make a greater impact and a large part of that comes from the words we use. Consider how many statements were made by Christ that have significantly greater meaning in the original Greek than what is translated into English. We just can't accurately convey at times, the depth of the moment as succinctly. It really is a shame, at times. However, that shouldn't hinder us from careful considering the words we do choose, regardless of whether we are the initiator of a conversation or the responder. I had to add quotation marks to the title, because even after salvation, it's entirely possible, in our humanness, to use some choice words in expressing our feelings regarding circumstances. Yet, as I stated yesterday and God confirmed through a moment in service, God continues to work in our hearts and lives, each day, making us more like Him... as we daily acknowledge this life is not our own nor can we rely on our own strength and ability to live each day hoping to bring glory to Him. What words is God using to speak into your life? What words are you using to speak into others' lives? You can give people a piece of your mind or you can give them a piece of a heart; your heart, that has been transformed by the power and the love of Jesus Christ.... whose words on the cross was an active, repetitious, "Father, forgive them for they know now what they do." It wasn't just for the people standing there 2000 years ago... but an application for all man's wrong-doings that would follow. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for the words they deliver. In their sermons. In their meetings. In their conversations. Whether with the leaders of the community or the unknown of the community, may they daily express the love and the power of God; His forgiveness; His plans and purposes for each and every life. Pray that both the ministry and the home would bring glory and honor to God... through their conduct and their conversation. May their be a steadfast consistency about their lives, not that people would look at as "good for them", but that would point people to the cross of Christ... whose words of redemption are just as impactful and meaningful for today as they were for those who held the spikes and hammers that day. God... gives us the words, just as you gave us your Word. For your glory. For your honor. - PNC ![]() It has been an interesting couple of hours leading up to my "writing" this post. Nothing serious... just reflective. As I understand it, your reaction to whatever you encounter in life is a binary one. Positive. Negative. And while the variance in descriptors used to express those two states of reaction requires a thesaurus, I can boil it down two mental responses: 1) You will be inspired. Perhaps enough to step out and do something great of your own. 2) You will be bummed. Perhaps not to some level of depression, but likely some apparent decline in self-esteem. If only for a moment or two. You might not stay bummed, but you may never feel you can see through to the end of whatever awaits, should you actually act after being inspired. Someone posted a cartoon on a friend's social media page last night. Upon attaching the cartoon, they stated: "No pressure, tomorrow." The cartoon.... the first few rows of a congregation. They were each holding a sign.
Churches and church life is changing. Some changes are great. Some churches are experiencing phenomenal growth and making a great impact for kingdom of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. Other churches are trying to maintain. Changes, whether from trying to "keep up" or just stay afloat, are not well-received. It doesn't help, as society changes, so do expectations of what church should be, do, offer and fulfill for any one who walks through the doors. As we pray for church effectiveness and efficiency, both the church and the attendee can react with both states of mind. Churches can be inspired by others, and make something great for their own with God's help. Or... they can be bummed by what they're not able to do and continue to struggle. Likewise, the attendee... can step into a service or church event and be inspired; by the truth of God's word and the community of the body of Christ and figure out what God has in store for their life. Or... they can be bummed... not worthy of God's love; that they don't have the joy they see in the life of the believer, that their life, even with Christ, would never change the state of frustration they have in their life now. Whatever the reaction... we are all not worthy. And we can all do more than what we currently do. Even if that's already more than most others. We are all a work in progress. God's work. And as long as He's not done with us, then we are; quite simply, not done either. Pray, this #effectiveSunday... may the truth of God's word illuminate hearts and minds of individuals and churches, alike, to the plans and purposes He has for His people, on both sides of a decision to accept Christ. May we seek God's will, not out of comparison to others, but clarification to self; that it is God who grants giftings, talents and abilities; that the place in life and the people we find ourselves in community with are what God uses. To reveal Himself. To draw people closer to Himself. To prompt people to realize in greater dimension, their need for Him in their lives. May the church be inspired to draw closer to God. May the unsaved be inspired to accept Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior. For it matters not when we decide to accept Him...ultimately, though, it must before one's last breath. A guaranteed, unforeseen moment in time awaits. May today be one's day of salvation. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() There's major life disruptions. The things designed to derail and detour us from the path we find ourselves. Then there are irritant disruptions. The everyday, reasonable activities from simply being alive.And being true to one's self. Such was the life of Christ. He did not maliciously,viciously set out to set people off. I was tempted to add that He didn't intentionally set people off, except He was intent in wanting to reveal peoples' need of God to the forefront of whatever situations they found themselves. In this day and age, its "interesting" to hear the circumstances surrounding what prompts people to speak up about the things that disrupt their day and irritate their lives. And should you ever hear the other side of the argument, people generally aren't trying to mess up someone's life. For the most part, at least. Be that as it may... Christ's disruptions caused people to make serious, life-altering decisions. Eternity hung in the balance. His love and compassion to meet them in their point of need was overwhelming; He was being true to Himself. True to His character. And to this end, He desired to show people the Father. As we engage the community, so should this be the desire of all Christians. May we not set out to maliciously disrupt people lives. But as we live according to our faith in Christ, may the truth of who God is work the miraculous... disruptions that change destinies. Pray this #communitySaturday, that the body of Christ would display His character of love and forgiveness. Pray for an awareness to hear peoples needs and a willingness to share the greatness of God. May the truth of eternity outweigh the harshness of peoples' reality. That nothing is too big for God. That He is in control. His love is everlasting. That He is not willing that any should perish. He does desire all people to experience His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness made available to all through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() An interesting thing happened last night... I found myself empty. Kids in bed and I was open-minded all day, thinking at some point, God would bring something to mind for this #missionsFriday post. And I had absolutely... NOTHING. Then God shows up. You don't think Pastors wake up, thinking "how do I do this? How about missionaries? Sure, there's also something to do in ministry... but this is burnout. The activity becomes routine. Not even intentionally. But the repetition gets old. The repetition gets old faster, when we don't see "results" as we dream, hope and pray that we would like or believed we would experienced. At least on our timeline. The task at hand becomes overwhelming... like you can't keep up. The people prove difficult... like you are making an appeal to those with deaf ears. The support system is weak... finances are depleted & friends are few. The tools are sparse... you could do so much more if you were better equipped. I love the saying, and I saw it again the other day... God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. Every morning, I'm reminded I can't do anything in this life on my own. I fumble it up. I screw up. I get frustrated, then make the point of verbalizing it. Ministry is no different. How much more, for what matters for eternity, must we rely on God for His strength and understanding. For when we do it on our own, upon finding ourselves empty, we arrive at the question: "Now What". On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries, in particular, those feeling empty...of resources, finances, support and energy. Pray God would be their portion and their strength, providing the miraculous as only He can do. Pray the weight and pressure of life and of ministry would be handed over to God. May they approach life with an ease and confidence, knowing God is at work; not having left us to do this on our own, but by the power made available through the Holy Spirit. Pray for a quickening... not in a hurried, figure things out, but an energizing rejuvenation, that God will work all things together for His good. Pray for a renewed perspective to trust Him and continue to be faithful to the good work which they have been called. Qualified... not because of the individual, but because of the One who makes the calls. May He direct paths and light ways. For His glory. - PNC ![]() "May 2016 be a year of growth and maturity for the body of Christ" Words I prayed Wednesday afternoon, shortly after acknowledging, yet again, that I had no idea what God would have for #deaconThursday. With so much going on, in the world, in ministry, in relationship of family and friends and co-workers, the body of Christ should reflect more and more, Christ himself and less reflect the character of those who call themselves Christians. Time is flying. Kids are growing up; miles are rolling on the odometer, the gray-hair count in my goatee is ascending, etc. And if I didn't need further proof that time is getting away from us, my youngest child is developing an attitude that would make you think she is closer to being a teenager than her older sibling. We don't have time for superficial Christians giving lip-service to religious activities. We don't have time to be concerned whether the world likes us or agrees with us. God turns the hearts of kings as a water-course. God works in the hearts of His creation. The body of Christ must share the truth of who God is and what He has done. That requires a genuine faith, as a foundation. It requires a growing, maturing faith as we encounter hearts more resistant to Christ. Interestingly enough, Pastor closed our Wednesday prayer service by giving opportunity for people to offer encouragement to the congregation. A relatively new attendee stood and thanked our congregation... ...for the genuine faith they have witnessed by our people. For the mature faith that has shown itself, in service, in conversations, in moments of prayer. I smiled as he spoke... knowing God had already answered my prayer. But achieving this feat takes intentional prayer, planning and vision-casting. Pray, this #deaconThursday, for intentionality, as church elders, leaders and staff plan, propose and carry-out opportunities for the body of Christ to grow... in the depths of their faith, in the quality of their relationships, in the closeness of their walk with God. Pray for vision, as Pastors seek and pray what God has in store for their church in 2016. Pray for clarity; that there would be no doubt as churches move forward with what God has in store for them. May we boldly speak the truth in love, for those desperately needing to know there is forgiveness and love for their troubled lives trying to make eternal sense out of a temporary life. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() It's good to have goals and aspirations. For all of us. In fact, as I woke up this morning, I thought to myself, that I should probably re-evaluate and update some of mine in the very near future. Ministry seems to have an interesting trajectory path compared to the corporate world. Perhaps it's the perspective of it all. Starting with concepts such as he who wants to lead, must be a servant. Then there's a number of Scripture that come to mind as we partner with God in our lives. I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Commit your ways to the Lord. Seek first the kingdom of God and all things will be added to you. Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge Him. God knows what we have need, before we ask or think of them You shall find me when you seek me with all your heart. Career paths are normally planned on our time, schedule, interest and desires. God says, I know what I have for you, I know what you want for you... if you seek me and trust me and work with me, not to mention give to me your hopes and dreams as you focus on me and this will work out well with you, better and greater than you could accomplish on your own strength, intuition and wisdom. Whether starting a church, growing a church, launching a ministry, revamping a program or in any various stage of "what's next" when it comes to what God has in store for Pastors, it all begins and ends with God. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, that whatever the hopes, dreams and goals of all pastors, that God and His will remain on the forefront of all prayers, discussions, plans and considerations of potential opportunities. May the Holy Spirit lead, guide and direct their paths, as they seek first the things of God, having committed their ways to Him, leaning not on their own understanding. Pray God would honor their faith and that He would make clear their calling as they pray and seek wise counsel. Finally, pray they resist the temptation to take any step in any direction on their own strength and in their own wisdom. Trust in God. Seek His face. Commit your ways. And watch Him perform the miraculous. For His glory. - PNC ![]() I've always known and understood that ministry is a team effort, when it comes to a pastor and their spouse, regardless of whether it's the man or the woman that is the pastor I was reminded just how much truth lives in that reality at our business meeting Sunday night. Some marriages share pastoral/ministry responsibilities. Others, one fills the position of pastor, while the spouse provides an incredible level of support and work behind the scenes to aid in making sure ministry of whoever is pastor goes forth without hindrance There is so much work that goes into doing the work of the Lord; the variety of tasks and responsibilities; the opportunities that call for your attention;the management of staff and resources; the discipline of study and preparation of sermon and the building up of the believers... just thinking about it makes me think stuff would easily get missed and overlooked. This is why it's importance to have a strong team of pastors, advisors, and staff. It's also why each of those positions need to have stable, disciplined personal lives, particular where marriages are a part of the equation. Unstable marriages in ministry can be an incredible invitation for disaster. Unresolved tension and frustration can lead to conversations and situations that will, quite simply, distract and pull a pastor away from effective handling their pastoral responsibilities, let alone have a clear and focused mindset when it comes to seeking God regarding the direction of their ministry and what God has in store. I shared such a sentiment with a pastor to just that effect recently. For some reason, I can't remember my exact words, but it was along the lines of... "I'm sure you guys face incredible challenges in your marriage that I can't fathom, because of your ministry, but I know that because you have a strong marriage, the difficulties you DON'T encounter as a result is also, probably impressive as well." Thus, pray this #associatePastorTuesday, first, for marriages in ministry that are not stable. May the power of God bring grace, forgiveness and healing to those circumstances and whatever the events are leading up to and surrounding such challenging times. May God help them sort through the emotions and the perspective, as they look to God and trust He will provide an resolutions and restorations. Pray that spouse would be encouraged, that whether they share ministry responsibilities in official capacity or behind the scenes; that their work counts for the kingdom and glory of God. May God work the miraculous in the homes and families of pastors, anew and afresh... may there be an anointing and a favor upon their lives straight from the hand of God and may the legacy being laid for the children be a path those young people walk to make an impact for the cause of Jesus Christ for generations to come. The body of Christ... strong to do the work of the Lord, because the first spiritual unit, the family is strong in the faith itself. For the glory of God. By His grace. Healthy and whole to do and speak all that He has for us to accomplish. - PNC. |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019