I wasn't sure what might bre in store for this post, until pastor stated a powerful reminder from Scripture. He had a taken a few moments before preaching to call forward for a prayer, a group of couples who were taking an impromptu missions trip And by impromptu, I mean, this wasn't something the church had planned and laid out and asked people to sign up if they were interested in going. No, this was simply a handful of couples, agreeing literally, to a mission. They leave next weekend and I'm hoping, I'll remember come #missionsFriday, to pray for them as they go.
But as pastors prayed, he mentioned what we somehow often push to the background in the ministry efforts of the church. Unless the Lord builds it, the people labor in vain. Whatever you do, wherever you go, whatever you plan to attempt for God, is essentially foolishness, if God has not, is not, does not go before you and prepare the way. It's true for all of us. As believers. As ministry leaders. As pastors. It really is that simple. All the best laid plans, all our best efforts and endeavors, whether we intend to do so or not, is potentially futile, if we do not continually call on God and seek His face, from on the outset and throughout the process as we step out in obedience to do and be what we feel He has called us to accomplish. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, that indeed, God would go before us and prepare the way and establish the plans He has for us. Pray that we walk in obedience to what He has called us to do and laid on our heart to achieve. May we place our trust in Him, especially when it scares us a bit to do so. Build it, God. For your glory, And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
So, I came across one of the associate pastors' posts on social media earlier today. He was at church with some of other leadership, holding a meeting for those interested in becoming members of our church. Over sixty people in attendance! How awesome is that?
Membership is such a cool concept. The skewed view, is that it is a form of exclusivity and "better-than" egos and attitudes. And sadly, that's an incorrect, and detrimental perspective... at least when it comes to religion. What it is, is an alignment. It's a partnering together, in which both parties are benefiting from the relationship. In order for that to be true, both parties need to be contributors in that relationship. It's a coming together for unity of purpose and commitment to the process. There is commonality of goals and a joining of skills and connections to pursue and accomplish them together. Can such things happen in an organization where membership is not a clearly defined distinction of the people involved? Sure. But it also gives opportunity for people to more easily disconnect from an organization. In a formal agreement, if any point something occurs that prompts my disagreement, there's an obligation to resolve whatever is happening. Otherwise, without an established agreement, one can simply say they disagree and leave. People may not know there's a problem. They don't have an opportunity to understand the problem. Address the problem. Correct the problem. The bypassing of that simply 4-step process, not only kills relationships, but ultimately, it will destroy a community. Continued disconnects that go unresolved for indefinite periods of time dissolve whatever the people or organization was coming together to accomplish in the first place. So, pray this #communitySaturday, that the church would be a place where people are unified in purpose, vision and mission. For an ever increasing commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ and the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. Pray that the church community would be a force for good, bringing benefit to the communities they serve as the express the love of God through the establishment of relationships. Pray the church would be strengthened, not allowing problems to go unnoticed and uncorrected. May the enemy not gain a foothold, where personal preference, attitude and ego dominate the church culture; but that Christ alone would be glorified. For the advancement of the Gospel And on the Earth As is the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC While America is going through some serious moral conflict of ideology within the nation (and has for decades now), it's imperative, that we (read: the church) don't forget, diminish or neglect the serious battles that the global church and missionaries are facing elsewhere.
It's easy to get caught up in our own lives, our own problems, whether they be legitimate or #firstworldproblems only, and the struggles and battles we face. We do it as individuals. We do it as families. As companies and at an organizational level. Even the church can isolate itself at times, from both the secular world and the rest of the Christian community. Perhaps it's necessary for a time and season. But certainly, not as a continual state of existence. While we face ideological battles when serious consequences, Christians and churches around the world are in battles over their very existence. Both at an organizational level and literally, for their life. It is indeed a crazy day and time in which we live and are witnessing. They need our support; but they need our prayer. It's easy to leave them out, and it shouldn't be that way. I know. I've done it. So, let's pray, this #missionsFriday. Pray for those whose lives are both on the line and in jeopardy. Pray that God would strengthen them and bless them for what they have sacrificed to date, for the advancement of the Gospel. Pray that God would soften the hearts of hearers, from the paupers to the palaces. Pray that God would give them favor and influence in the place of attack and oppression. May God bring healing to the lands in which they are, just as we pray would pray for the healing of our own nation. For as there is one Christ, So it, is there one body of Christ. Those who are His Faithfully serving the Gospel For the glory of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019