I had the opportunity yesterday afternoon to catch the radio broadcast of the Detroit Lions press conference as they announced the installment of the teams' new head coach, Matt Patricia.
In a word, it was truly impressive. I'm not a huge sports fan. I like sports. I'll watch if someone has the game on. Occasionally, I'll watch a portion of a game for a particular team or something. I don't follow the whole league of any sport, nor do I schedule my time around the games. But as I listened to the conversation of that announcement and how this man shared his experience and approach to leadership and coaching as the press asked their questions, I sat somewhat amazed. His story is pretty incredible, starting with the fact that he holds a degree in aeronautical engineering. But football is his passion, so upon graduation, he turned down a six-figure salary to be an assistance coach at a Division III college, that happen to ranked as the best Division III school for men's football last year. As he has worked with a man that many would argue is perhaps the best coach in modern football, the conversation made it pretty clear. He has learned from the best, yet remained personally driven to be the best. You could hear it in the answers as media people began asking and were already making comparisons regarding his approach to coaching versus those with whom he has worked. Leadership is full of level of decisions and decision-makers. And it would be easy to leave it to the most prominent position or dominant personality and not take personal responsibility for your level of decision. And for easy as it as it to get overlooked and lost in the process, it's also, relatively easy (although it never feels like it) to get noticed and sought after through the same process. Patricia, through his passion, discipline and education exemplifies this. Has he made wrong decisions? I think he'd be the first you tell you, absolutely. But he has clearly remained true to himself and personally resolved to give and do his best wherever he was at. Division III college. Superbowl Championship NFL team 5 times over. You position is valuable; especially when you've resolved to bring value to your position. On this #deaconThursday, pray that church leadership would resolve to give and perform their best. Regardless of the prominence or fame of a church or personality, may they be determined to make good and wise decisions and lead with integrity. Pray they would fulfill their duties and responsibilities with excellence; not for the prospect of potential opportunities but for the purpose of the present circumstance. A higher calling A greater purpose Granted as a result of faithful and excellent service. May we do whatever we do, as unto the Lord. For the glory of God. - PNC
Dave Ramsey had a caller yesterday who wanted to help his sister's family through a difficult time, a large part of which was the result of bad decisions; many times over at that.
If you've listened to Dave's show for any length of time, you know what was coming next. You can't reward someone for going in the wrong direction. Thanks, Dave. It really is that simple! In fact, when you think about it, the reward for going in the wrong direction is usually given to someone you would rather not get the reward or benefit. Like scoring in the other team's net. The wrong direction didn't reward you, so much as it helped someone else for which they did nothing to deserve and earn it and in fact, it hurts you. It is a great detriment to your plan and your cause and the effects are far-reaching. It's two-steps forward that you can't to give up and three steps back that you may never regain. There's more than a life principle at work and certainly more than a financial one, as much as I appreciate Dave's wisdom and enjoy his show. It's just as much a faith and ministry principle. As much as we can't reward those in are lives and families who are moving in the wrong directing, neither can God reward the believer in the pew, nor the leader within the church when they do the same. And yet, all too often we expect and hope that He will. I have you. You have. And many others have done so as well. Yet, God doesn't work that way. And we often miss because we are not in alignment with Him, His Word and His Will that causes us to miss the mark. It may not be obvious that we are in the wrong, but slowly and surely, the divergence between His way and our way will make itself known. And then what? No reward. Let's pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for an ever-increasing awareness and closeness to the presence of God. Pray, especially for pastors, that they would not find themselves veering off the course that God has ordained and destined from their lives, let alone going entirely in the wrong direction. Pray for understanding and a depth of knowledge and spiritual maturity to know God's promises and rewards. May wrong assumptions and presumptions regarding spiritual matters and Biblical truth be far from us. That we would grow in the presence of God And in the knowledge of His Word By the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So... how about that Super Bowl game?!
Incredible plays. Unbelievable stats. An utter defiance of the odds, on a number of levels. And for Philadelphia, a back-up quarterback performs at a championship game-day level... on the day of a championship game, no less. The local news/talk radio station that's powerful enough to reach hundreds of miles on a clear night; the morning host made a profound statement yesterday morning. As they discussed the career of Nick Foles, they noted how early in his career, a played an incredible game and that while had played when in the following seasons, he really had played at the powerhouse level that he did in the Super Bowl. And yet, he stuck with it. He remained patience. He worked hard. And the host recognized a great truth and powerful reminder for the rest of us who aren't leading the charge: Be ready. For one day, you might be called up to do just that... lead the charge. For the #9 jersey of the Philadelphia Eagles, he indeed showed up to the Super Bowl, ready. And as the host framed the "ready" sentiment, I once again, thought...what a reminder for all of us. Especially pastors and those in ministry. Life changes at a moments notice... nay, a blink of the eye. Will you be ready to lead when called? Will I? Will your pastor? Will you, Pastor? Let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that those in such positions would continue to serve and minister faithful. Pray for a continued state of readiness should life and circumstance change, leaving them in higher places of leadership than their current state of existence. May they wait with patience and gratitude; for the experience and opportunity that they have experienced to date. Pray for the perspective of game-day attitude and performance, for in the sovereign plan and handiwork of God, who has great things in store for us, may we, indeed, find ourselves ready for great exploits. Victorious. Because we were ready when called. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC This has been driving me nuts, as I forgot the song that we sung during worship yesterday that prompted this thought, but isn't is amazing how our thoughts about God progress. We often, in our discussion on faith and ministry, talk about our pursuit of God. We seek after Him, we rely on Him, we call upon His name. And on and on, the steps of faith continue as we draw closer to Him.
Meanwhile, we consider and are grateful for His grace and mercy and His unfathomable long-suffering. But what do we do with the fact that He is unwilling that any should perish? When do want to miss one single thing, one single moment, one single person... the marketplace has a word for that. HUSTLE. It's all too easy to think that God is waiting for us to come around to where He is, in the grand scheme of things, but behind the scenes; He is actively engaged and at work... in pursuit of those in whom He can fulfill His sovereign plan and purposes. It's kinda of comforting, when you think about it. The God who never forsakes you and never lets you go, will also never write you off as a lost-cost. He is eternally, in pursuit of those who bear His image. Which is to say, all of humanity. Both those in the faith and those who've yet to come to faith. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those who are perhaps, in a stage of ministry or phase of life where they are existing, but not thriving. They are present, but not engaged. In the questions and circumstance that loom and take their exhaustive toll, may pastors know that God is still in pursuit of them; of who they are and who they could be. May they know, that no matter where they are in their faith and ministry that God is still at work in their lives and has even greater things in store for them, than what has already come to fruition. Pray a restoration and revitalization for those who have suffered loss, energy and focus. May hearts, minds and souls be rekindled. The flame fanned afresh. That as God pursues, may they pursue in return and more. For the kingdom of God And all eternity. - PNC Computers continue to teach us a powerful lesson, often on more than one occasion. It's a principle that applies to finances and memorials, and matters of great significance and importance.
It's the power of saving. Yesterday morning, I nearly had the #communitySaturday post finished. Maybe a couple sentences away from the finishing thoughts on the prayer. And my funky, ill-timed computer and its' evil tricks, shut off. And the publishing platform doesn't always auto-save as fast as my thoughts allow me to type. So I was on a roll, then it was lost. And this isn't the first time this has happened. Over the past 980 consecutive days of writing these #pray4pastors posts, there have been a number of them that have been rewritten to varying degrees, because I didn't save the work between thoughts, or the computer moved or something else, that things just went dark. Such moments are neither effective, nor efficient. Time lost to restarting the machine and logging in. Time lost to retrace my steps and mentally remember what phrases and thoughts were written down. You didn't notice it, but between "down." and "You" I just lost 20 seconds... to hit the save button and then reopen the draft and continue. #lessonlearned. This time, at least. It's amazing, though, how one's past intersects with one's current reality. They've either messed up and learned, having vowed and proven to either never be in such circumstances again or to handle the matter differently should such time repeat itself. Conversely, the mistakes of the past can and are easily repeated at which time, you realize they are not the person you want leading the way. The significance of one's accomplishments particularly from the perspective of being effective and efficient lie greatly in what has been saved along the journey and the lessons that have been learned as they have kept and dismissed various situations, difficulties and decisions. Wisdom comes from learning. The lessons with the greatest, lasting impact are the ones often learned the hard way and at times, repeatedly. On this #effectiveSunday, pray that the lessons we learn, would indeed leave a lasting impact. May we gain wisdom and discern wisely, what we should save and what we should dismiss as we travel this life. May our impact neither be diminished nor hindered because of lost time and energy in having repeated matters that could have been avoided. Pray God would help us not to carry guilt or frustration into areas and matters of life where it has no place or justification. May we trust and cast our lives and concerns at the Cross, that we may be used for God's plans and purposes. Effective... because of His Work in us. Even when we seemingly work against Him. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC .One doesn't have to look very far to notice...
We are not all getting along as much as we like to joke about being able to do so. The battles exist. On every stage. In every room. In every arena of life. With others, and ourselves. Victims suffering great loss. In our world, globally. In our world, locally. In politics... we won't go there. In faith... probably should do that either. In our relationships... which has as much destruction and suffering as war itself. In our schools... as if learning was a feat of its' own. In our workplaces... which made the news yesterday. In our homes... the one place that should actually be a "safe space". In our minds... which lasts longer than war itself. The power of getting through this life and the battles therein, lies the grace that is experienced through laughter. Indeed, it does good like medicine. Conversely, this is the strategy of every opponent. If he can keep you in a place of being worn out and exhausted, then you are prone to live an existence of hopeless despair and utter defeat. He who does not and can no longer laugh is lost. In every arena and avenue of life, help always comes from one who is stronger, not weaker. Whatever the struggle, nobody goes to the one who is in worse circumstance, poorer condition or suffering greater loss and defeat to better themselves. However, if we are constantly embattled and consumed with whatever battle is at our door, we will never be able to step out and go across to help the battle of another. There will always be battles, as there will always be wars, for evil resides among us in the hearts of humanity. Despair looms and defeat awaits; around every corner and intersection. Many we see coming, many more that we do not see. But when laughter is lost in the process, the prospect does not look good; indeed, the outcome looks hopeless. But to those... ... who rely up on Him are renewed. ... who look to Him are strengthened. ... who call to Him are saved. ... who trust in God, they laugh at the days to come. On this #communitySaturday, pray that the church would be people who would live and operate from a place of strength. May we engage in such a way as to be an encourage and inspiration to those around us without hope. Pray we would not be so overcome and overwhelmed with our own battles that we miss the opportunities to fight on behalf of those around us and help them win. May despair and defeat be far from our hearts and minds; that we would speak truth and love, encouragement and laughter. Let the hopeless be filled with hope Let the defeated overcome. Let the sad be filled with joy. And the down-trodden in despair, Uplifted in laughter. For His joy is our strength. Winners. For the glory of God. - PNC I don't listen to Joyce Meyer all that often, but she talked the other day about how we struggle with certain times of our lives, in light of our faith. We hang on to things longer than we should and battle internally with our faults and failures, problems and proclivities and God simply asks the same thing He asks all of us... both before and after having come to Him through Christ.
How long are you going to hang on to that? It's a rhetorical question of course, but as Joyce shared, the one time that she gave an answer to God, of three days, it was as if God responded with, "and while my grace still be sufficient then?" So the question is, while we battle in frustration of both heart and mind, God waits and wonders, why we wait so long for our release to Him if He response doesn't change? People put off accepting Jesus Christ as Savior for the same reasons the everyday Christian and ministry leader seem to stall in the walk of faith. There is nothing in our lives that gives God pause to offer and extend His redemptive grace and accepting love to us. So, on this #missionsFriday, pray for a clarity of understanding of God's gift. For wherever Christians and non-Christians alike find themselves, may guilt and shame not hinder and hold them back from God's ever-lasting grace and unending love. May today be a spiritual day of freedom and newness of life as people realize that they can accept themselves now, because they were accepted by God, first. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC A Sunday morning message that highlighted the story of woman with the alabaster jar at Simon's house, followed by a Wednesday devotional, of which that same story was the focus of the message. Both in the same week.
And as the service came to a close last night, I thought about how dangerous.. and easy it is for church leadership to find itself in similar standing to the Pharisee. Position, status and influence, perhaps unknowingly, come to the forefront of our perspective to the point we look at others and before we see them through the eyes of eternity, we view them with the lens that finds fault. In the seconds that it took to have that revelation, Pastor begins to share from personal experience, the times where he caught himself having the realization; of just how easy it would be to look at the lives of others and think himself better. And just that quick, the importance of an awareness that understands the grace of God is revealed. For were in not for His grace, through the power of forgiveness, we all would still stand condemned in our sins, much like the woman found herself in the house of the Pharisee. Yet, church leadership find themselves in numerous levels of influence, multiple depths of knowledge and understanding of circumstances, the stories of secrets people would rather not be shared. And life continues daily. There's a respect of such confidence that needs to not only be understood, but also maintained with spirit of humility. For as soon as pride enters in as a result of knowing, the ability to be a trusted source of influence is lost. Granted, its a process that erodes over time, but it begs the question. Why confide in someone who views you with contempt? This is when leadership no longer lives up to its' name. On this #deaconThursday, pray that church leadership would indeed, live up to the expectation and ability of true leadership. May they ever have the heart of a servant. Pray they would keep and maintain, at the forefront of their influence, a spirit of humility. Pray a Pharisaical spirit would ever keep it's distance; never having the remotest possibility of rearing its' ugly head, let alone gaining a foothold within the ministry and the church-at-large. May the grace that God has extended to us, flow through us, that we may extend it to others. For we too, were once the "others" That God desires to reach through the lives Of those whom He had redeemed by grace. For the glory of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019